American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 314 The experiment was successful, Captain Marvel made a brilliant appearance!

There is no doubt.

Choosing to fight the fleet led by Yon-Rogg at high altitude near the ground was Rorschach's intention.

He could actually destroy all of Yon-Rogg's fleet quietly at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

But what good would that do for Rorschach?

Silently guarding the earth, and then no one knew, Rorschach would not be so noble.

Fighting at high altitude near the ground can not only let the whole world know that the motherland has maintained the earth and protected the world, but also severely stimulate Carol Danvers, becoming the last straw that overwhelms Carol Danvers' doubts.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The fact is just as Rorschach expected. After witnessing the invasion of the Kree fleet with her own eyes, Carol Danvers no longer hesitated and made a decision immediately.

"Carol, you will not regret your decision now, believe me!"

Rorschach said to Carol Danvers in a very affirmative tone.

There was nothing much to say next. Rorschach immediately called back Hank, who was studying the Kree warship, and began to formally experiment on Carol Danvers.

The so-called experiment was actually very simple. It was to simulate the experience of Carol Danvers in "Captain Marvel". That was all.

Let Hank actively guide the energy of the Cosmic Cube to radiate Carol Danvers.

And Hank has been studying the Cosmic Cube for many years. This operation is not a problem for him at all, and it can even be said to be a trivial matter.

The real problem is that Hank still has a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Rorschach, are you sure what to do?"

Hank quietly called Rorschach aside and whispered his doubts, "I asked Ike, Carol is just an ordinary person, there is nothing special about her body! Can she really withstand the energy of the Cosmic Cube?"

Hank is really worried!

No one's flesh and blood can withstand such a huge force!

Looking at the entire earth, Hank probably only has Rorschach. He really can't imagine that this person who is just an ordinary person and not even a mutant can withstand such energy.

"Hank, I just ask you, do you believe me?" Rorschach looked at Hank and asked with a smile.

"I believe you! Of course I believe you!" Hank said without hesitation.

Mutants have also gone through ups and downs. Over the years, Rorschach has been like a stabilizing force for mutants.

Especially Hank, who has followed Rorschach from the beginning to now, and is Rorschach's most loyal confidant.

How could he not believe Rorschach?

"Then do as I say." Rorschach patted Hank on the shoulder.


Hank didn't say much, and walked into the laboratory with Carol Danvers.

After about two hours, Hank had completed some of the preliminary preparations, and he nodded to Rorschach.

"Carol, are you ready?" Rorschach asked with a smile while looking at Carol Danvers.

Carol took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Then she walked into a "single room" specially prepared by Hank for her.

After some operations, Carol Danvers' body was fixed, and some "transmission lines" for transmitting the cosmic cube were connected to her body. There were also some other corresponding preparations. Soon, everything was ready.

"Then Carol, I will use the device to guide the energy of the cube to you. Are you ready?"

"Come on!"

"Then I will start after counting down five numbers, five, four, three, two, one!"


Hank immediately pressed the switch, and the energy of the cosmic cube was immediately transmitted to Carol Danvers through the device.

Carol Danvers couldn't help twitching immediately, and looked very painful.

But Carol Danvers clenched her teeth and held on tightly, and didn't say anything more.

Hank also hurriedly checked the physical parameters of Carol Danvers on the instrument.

He found that they were all within the normal range, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he couldn't help but marvel at the surprise.

Carol Danvers is just an ordinary person, but she can actually withstand the energy of the Rubik's Cube!

It's really strange.

But because of this, Hank is full of confidence in the next experiment.

"OK! The first step is successful, Carol, next, I will increase the energy delivery!"

After Hank greeted Carol Danvers, he began to slowly increase the energy intensity of the cosmic Rubik's Cube delivered to Carol.

Carol Danvers' body began to twitch and shake more and more.

But she never called for a stop, so Hank could only continue to increase the energy delivery.

This process lasted for about five minutes, and Carol Danvers, who was still within the controllable range, suddenly began to lose control.

The twitching of her body reached a peak, as if she would rather die than live.

At the same time, the various physical indicators displayed on her instrument began to become crazy and disordered.

"Rorschach, we have to stop, she will collapse!"

Hank immediately shouted to Rorschach anxiously.

"Hank, hold on a little longer, if it doesn't work, stop the experiment."

Rorschach hesitated for a moment and said this to Hank.

Although he knew that the mutant experiment in another parallel universe was successful and Carol Danvers successfully became Captain Marvel, Rorschach did not know very detailed information about some of the details of the experiment.

Therefore, even if one experiment is unsuccessful, it is still within Rorschach's acceptance range to conduct experiments in multiple times.


"listen to me!"

Hank pushed up his glasses, gritted his teeth, and obeyed Rorschach's instructions.

But just ten seconds later, Hank could no longer remain calm: "Rorschach, we have to stop..."


A ball of terrifying energy suddenly exploded from Carol Danvers.

With a bang, the glass in the cubicle shattered, and the entire laboratory seemed to tremble.

Hank couldn't help but turn around with his eyes widened, and saw that Carol Danvers, who was originally an ordinary person, had actually transformed into the sun!

That's right.

However, he saw that the other party was bathed in the dazzling golden light like the sun at this moment, just suspended in mid-air, giving Hank an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

For a moment, Hank even felt that the pressure on Carol Danvers was no weaker than Rorschach!

The corner of Luo Xia's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

The experiment was successful, and Captain Marvel was born.

"People of the motherland, you never told me that the experimental process would be so long!"

Captain Marvel glanced at Rorschach and smiled softly.

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