On March 15, 1983, Homelander's "Super Soldier Project" was successful, and Captain Marvel was born.

This day is a day of great significance for all mutants.

Although Carol Danvers is not a mutant, her life was saved by Rorschach, and her abilities were also given by Rorschach. From the moment she was born, she was deeply bound to mutants.

Like the other parallel universe, Rorschach has since had a powerful and loyal little fan girl around him.

Since then.

The mutant group has ushered in a truly glorious period.

Yes, it is glorious.

On April 1, 1983, Kree Ronan led a huge Kree fleet to invade the earth, bringing fear to the entire earth far beyond UB6.

But soon, this alien fleet was completely annihilated by Captain Marvel alone!

Only Commander Ronan fled back in disgrace.

Not only that, the Kree Empire was also shocked by the powerful strength of Rorschach and Captain Marvel. After losing a huge fleet, they did not dare to invade the earth again.

On December 2, 1983, the world's first mutant Apocalypse woke up in Cairo, trying to make the "Apocalypse" in the Bible reappear on earth, but was killed by Rorschach in Cairo.

In just one year, mutants saved the world and the earth twice.

The prestige of mutants has reached an unprecedented level, and it is not an exaggeration to summarize it with the word "brilliant".

Under such circumstances, the mutants' founding cause has also been extremely smooth.

In addition, after more than 20 years of brewing and accumulation, the conditions in all aspects have been accumulated. All mutants unanimously decided to formally establish a country at the moment when mutants are at their peak.


In June 1984, the mutant country Krako was established.

From then on, mutants began to enter a new era.

The original tragic fate of mutants struggling, fighting and struggling to survive in the cracks of ordinary people has completely become history;

Charles and Eric each led a mutant force to fight and consume each other for many years. It was not until they were about to die of old age that they realized that they had fought for nothing in their lives.

It can be said that they were directly killed by Rorschach at the beginning.

Now the mutants are in a prosperous new era led by Rorschach!

Since its founding in 1984, Krako has been developing at a speed that makes everyone dumbfounded.

In just over 20 years, it has become the most developed and advanced country in the world.

No one else!

In this case, time quickly came to 2012.

In a church in New York.

Looking around, the church was full of people.

All the people were dressed in black, without exception, and sat in their seats with solemn and heavy faces.

The atmosphere in the church was also solemn and heavy.

Many people also had unconcealed sadness on their faces.

That's right.

This is a funeral.

Howard Stark's funeral.

Unlike the fate of being killed by the Winter Soldier early in the original movie universe, Howard Stark avoided this tragic fate this time with the influence of Rorschach, a butterfly flapping its wings.

Because Hydra and the like had long been uprooted by Rorschach!

Originally, with Rorschach's level, he was naturally too lazy to pay attention to such a secular organization, but this organization didn't know what was good for him and actually started to think about mutants, and continued to capture and study mutants in secret.

How could Rorschach tolerate such a suicidal behavior?

With his temper, he immediately ordered Charles to find all the Hydra people, and within a day, all the Hydra were killed!

It was an unintentional benefit for Howard Stark.

"Death is not a sad thing. Our bodies die, but our souls will be with the Father in heaven. This is wonderful. We should feel happy and joyful!"

The pastor was reading the eulogy on the podium, and Rorschach sat quietly in an inconspicuous corner, with no sadness or joy on his face.

For him, Howard Stark was a friend.

Not only did they have a friendship when Rorschach was "insignificant", but he also gave strong support in the establishment of the mutant nation.

So Rorschach recognized this friend.

Although Rorschach's rank became higher and higher, he gradually became estranged from Howard Stark.

But in any case, yes, this is indeed a friend.

So when Rorschach received the notice to attend Howard Stark's funeral, he came to the scene without much hesitation.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

However, when the funeral ceremony was halfway through, Rorschach's mobile phone vibrated.

He took it out and saw that it was a message from Hank: There is something wrong with the Cosmic Cube. If it is convenient, please come back quickly.

Is there something wrong with the Cosmic Cube?

Rorschach frowned slightly.

It has been nearly 30 years since the last the Cosmic Cube was stolen.

In such a long time, Krako's technology has become more and more advanced, and it is no exaggeration to say that the security system in the laboratory is the strongest in the world.

It is impossible for someone to steal it secretly or even tamper with it like last time.

There is no possibility.

Rorschach still has this confidence.

"Could it be..."

Considering the timeline in front of him, Rorschach's heart was moved. Could it be that guy Loki?

After all, just two years ago, Thor, the poor boy, was exiled to New Mexico by Odin, and then fought a love-hate war with Loki and his brother, almost destroying a small town.

What happened after Loki and Thor left the earth, others don't know, but Rorschach is still very clear.

The battle between the two brothers continued in Asgard. Loki "died" in the battle, and then met Thanos, who fooled him and made a New York battle.

Calculating the time, it is completely consistent!

"Loki, finally here!"

Thinking of this, Rorschach couldn't help showing a look of excitement on his face.

This is a boy who delivers treasures!

There is a mind gem in Loki's scepter!

For Rorschach who plans to collect infinite gems, isn't this delivered to the door?

However, with Loki's strength, it is impossible to easily take away the Cosmic Cube like he made a scene at SHIELD.

It's not that Rorschach underestimated Loki. With the strength he showed in the movie, he is just a little brother in front of the X-Men.

So Rorschach was not panicked at all.

As steady as an old dog.

He didn't even plan to go back immediately.

"Got it."

Rorschach just replied to Hank calmly, and then continued to attend the funeral as if nothing had happened.

After all, leaving in the middle of the funeral was really not very polite.

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