American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 316 The surprise of the mutants: Asgard is actually real?

The ceremony continued for almost half an hour, and after all the necessary procedures were completed, it was finally over.

Those "guests" from all over the United States, after having some necessary greetings, went back to their homes to find their mothers.


"Thank you for coming!"

"This means a lot to my dad!"

Tony Stark, Howard Stark's only son, although he is usually looked down upon by everyone for being wild and cool, but at this moment, facing his father's old friends, it is rare for him to restrain his temper.

He put down his posture and went to greet those who came to attend the funeral.

In this case, Rorschach also stood up and walked towards Tony Stark.

He planned to say hello to Tony Stark and then leave.


As Rorschach stood up, one after another in the hall looked at Rorschach involuntarily.

Even when they saw Rorschach walking towards Tony Stark, those around Tony Stark took the initiative to step back to both sides, making way for Rorschach.

no way.

This is the king of a country!

And he is also the king of the most developed country in the world!

In addition, the people of the motherland are recognized as the most powerful people in the world. They have saved the earth and mankind many times. Their status in the world is super heavyweight.

Not to mention ordinary rich people like them, even the governors of various states and even the president do not dare to show off in front of the people of the motherland.

It can be said that the fact that people from the motherland were able to attend Howard Stark's funeral was a great honor to the Stark family.

Enough for the Starks to brag about.

"People of the motherland!"

Seeing Rorschach approaching, Tony Stark did not dare to neglect and immediately greeted Rorschach.

Frankly speaking, Tony Stark was not very impressed with his father's good friend.

And those few impressions still come from my childhood.

Tony Stark understood that the man from the motherland was his father's friend, but since he could remember, Tony Stark had not seen much interaction between this man and his father.

So even though Howard Stark said to himself that the people of the motherland have even hugged him, Tony Stark is not very familiar with the people of the motherland.

Just know that this is a super big shot, that's all.

With Tony Stark's extremely arrogant temperament, it is naturally difficult for him to have the awe and respect for Rorschach that others have.

In other words, the only respect comes from the relationship between this person and his father, nothing more.

"Thank you for coming to see my father off for the last time. I think he will be very happy for your arrival."

Tony Stark shook hands with Rorschach and spoke to Rorschach from the bottom of his heart.

"Howard is one of the few friends I have, so naturally I will come."

Rorschach nodded lightly to Tony Stark.

Then the two parties exchanged some simple greetings, and Rorschach said hello to Tony Stark and left the church.



As soon as he reached the door, the spotlights came one after another, hitting Luo Xia's face.

"People of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

The reporters guarding outside began to rush toward Rorschach crazily.

People of the motherland, this is the most important superstar in the world in the last century and even this century.

Of course it's a luxury that the other party can say something, but even taking one or two shots is enough for them to go back and publish the headlines.


Rorschach didn't pay attention to anyone. The person suddenly stood up from the ground, flew into the air and disappeared.

Only a look of regret was left.


next moment.

Rorschach's body appeared in Kraco and at the door of the laboratory.


As soon as Rorschach's body appeared, Raven and Hank couldn't wait to greet him.

——Although Rorschach is now the king of Krako, in private, the mutant elders still call him casually.

"What's going on? Tell me!"

Rorschach asked as he glanced at Hank calmly while following Hank and the two of them towards the laboratory.

“I don’t know why the Cosmic Cube is always in an excited state, but none of us do it!”

Hank introduced the situation to Rorschach with some confusion, "It's as if...the Rubik's Cube has become self-aware and self-motivated."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Almost four hours."

"Besides being in an excited state, is there anything else abnormal about the Cosmic Cube?"


Rorschach knew it well, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a rather expectant smile: "Hank, I probably already know what's going on. I still remember that I told you before that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is actually quite large. At a door?”

Hank was stunned for a moment, and then he realized what Rorschach meant, "Since it is a door, there should be a world on the other side of the door. Do you mean that someone else inspired the Cosmic Cube?"

"Yes! I'm afraid it won't be long before we have guests coming!" Luo Xia nodded.

Raven and Hank's expressions changed.

The alien visitor used the magic cube to travel through time. This kind of thing is known to be a very serious matter. God knows what the guy who traveled through time is.

What if it is a cosmic overlord, it will be troublesome.

"Don't be nervous. If my guess is correct, there is only one guy who can use the cosmic magic cube to travel through time."

Rorschach said calmly to Raven and Hank.


Raven and Hank immediately stared at Rorschach and asked.



Raven and Hank couldn't help but frown slightly.

How come this name is exactly the same as the god in mythology?

Could it be a code name?

"Yes, Loki! And it's the legendary Loki, the Loki from Asgard."

Rorschach added a sentence on the side.

This sentence made Raven and Hank completely stunned.


Isn't that the legendary realm of God?

Could it be?

"Rorschach, Asgard actually exists? Isn't that the legendary realm of God?"

Raven was greatly stimulated.

"Of course Asgard exists, including Thor, Loki, and Odin, they are also real, but they are actually just some powerful aliens."

Rorschach explained to Raven and Hank calmly, "They came to Earth a long time ago, and were regarded as gods by the ignorant humans at that time, leaving behind some myths and legends, that's all."

"But in fact, they are just aliens, nothing special."

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