Although Rorschach said it lightly and logically, it still couldn't dispel the doubts in Raven and Hank's hearts for a while.

After all.

This is also the myth and legend they grew up listening to!

It still takes some time to change their mentality.

"So Rorschach, this Loki is really the god of tricks and cunning in myths and legends? Well, even if you say that he is just another alien, how strong is he? Are you sure we can deal with it?"

Hank couldn't help but ask with certainty.

"Loki's strength is just so-so, don't worry."

Rorschach said with a nonchalant look on his face.

Although Loki is known as the god of tricks, from the performance in the movie, it is just a child playing tricks on Thor, that's all.

Even if Thor's brain is not very bright, and he trusts his brother too much, no one would be fooled.

In addition.

I really don't see that Loki has any other tricks.

Of course, Loki is still a top-notch wizard in the Nine Realms, but whether in the movie universe or in Loki's solo series, he has not been proficient in any other magic except for making some illusions to confuse others.

On the contrary, Loki's weakness is fully displayed without any dead angles.

Not to mention anything else, he was beaten up by everyone in Avengers 1.

He was bombarded by Iron Man's palm, hammered by Hulk, and even Hawkeye could blow him up.

This kind of performance is really hard for Rorschach to take it to heart.

Moreover, it has been nearly 30 years since Rorschach upgraded to Silver Homelander, and Rorschach's current strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes!

[Host: Rorschach]

[Age: 67 years old]

[Speed: 3100 m/s]

[Strength: 7200 tons]

[Physique: 4900 (average value of healthy adult males 10)]

[Mental strength: 5000 (average value of healthy adult males 10)]

[Current template: Homelander (Silver stage 380000/1000000)]

[Abilities: Perspective (Advanced), Super Hearing (Advanced), Heat Ray (Advanced), Flight (Advanced), Absorbing Cosmic Energy]

[Origin Points: 29 points]

Let alone other things, just looking at Rorschach's current strength, it has reached a terrifying 7,000 tons.

You must know that this is still normal strength, and there is no doubt that the explosive power can easily reach tens of thousands of tons.

How can Loki compete with this kind of power?

After all, Loki was beaten by the Hulk in the first stage of the Avengers!

And the Hulk in the first stage of the Avengers, judging from his performance in the movie, is basically a younger brother in front of Rorschach.

There is really nothing to worry about.

Seeing Rorschach's attitude, Raven and Hank were a little speechless.

In any case, he was a god in mythology and legend. Rorschach didn't expect him to be so indifferent.

However, it was Rorschach's confident attitude that made Raven and Hank feel more at ease.

"Rorschach, look, it's like this!"

As they walked, they came to the front of the Cosmic Cube.

Hank pointed to the Cosmic Cube fixed on the instrument and said to Rorschach.

Rorschach looked up and found that at this moment, the Cosmic Cube was like a lighting landscape in the city, flashing at an irregular frequency.

Sometimes it burst out with dazzling light, and sometimes it dimmed quickly.

On the instrument that detected the Cosmic Cube's rays, it showed that its band was experiencing extremely violent fluctuations.

Rorschach became more and more certain. It looked like Loki was coming!

He came at the right time!

Rorschach was looking forward to it.

At that moment, he crossed his arms, and together with Raven Hank, he chatted casually, waiting for Loki's arrival.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Hank, the cube is already in a fully activated state!"

Almost twenty minutes later, the staff of the monitoring equipment suddenly reminded Rorschach and others with a serious look.

In fact, there was no need for the other party to remind them, because at this time, the cosmic cube had become stable from its original flickering state.

It was emitting dazzling blue light all the time.

This means that Loki is coming soon!


Sure enough.


The radiant cosmic cube suddenly projected a blue beam of light forward.

At the end of the beam of light, a ball of energy surged rapidly.

A portal was opened just like that.

A guy in a robe with a "spear" in his hand appeared in front of everyone.

Just as Rorschach expected, it was Loki who liked to pretend but was always beaten.

After Loki appeared, he quickly glanced at the scene with a smug smile on his face.

He hoped to see the natives of this backward planet being frightened by him and at a loss, which would make Loki feel happy.

But unfortunately, what Loki hoped to see did not happen.

He only saw a few people in front of him, all looking at him calmly.

There was no surprise, panic, or fear on his face, as if the arrival of the "Second Prince" of Asgard was just a trivial matter.

The smile on Loki's lips gradually froze, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart.

The reactions of these people seemed to be wrong!

The atrium was one of the nine realms, and Loki knew it very well. This planet was a barren native planet.

When they came to Earth a long time ago, countless people knelt down to worship, but now the situation has changed so much.


None of this matters anymore!

Loki quickly set his eyes on the cosmic cube that was shining with dazzling light.

The corner of his mouth once again raised his signature treacherous smile.

The cosmic cube is his!

No one can stop him!


But at this time, a voice interrupted Loki's thoughts.

But the Asian youth who looked to be in his twenties or thirties - yes, although he was sixty-seven years old, Rorschach still looked like he was in his twenties or thirties - said to Loki with a hint of amusement on his face, "Hand over the scepter in your hand. If I take it, the situation may be a little embarrassing."

Loki: "..."

? ? ?

Loki was completely confused, so confused.

This person actually knew him?

And, even though he knew him, he still spoke to him in that tone?

It seemed that he was planning to steal his scepter?

Even though he claimed to have a very high IQ and extraordinary wisdom, he was also a little confused by Rorschach at this moment.

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