American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 319 The secret between Odin and me that must be told

The corners of Loki's mouth began to twitch violently, because he was forced to be angry with Rorschach!

It's so pitiful that Loki has been alive for more than 1,500 years, but he has never seen such a shameless person!

However, what should I do if I can't defeat this shameless guy?

"FINE, say whatever you want, but are you sure you want to keep this thing without Odin's name on it? I have to give you a kind reminder, this is very, very hot."

Loki then snorted to Rorschach.

"This has nothing to do with you." Rorschach shrugged, and then his sharp eyes fell on Loki, "So, are you going by yourself, or should I escort you?"

"Let's go?" Loki raised his eyebrows, "Are you taking me somewhere?"

"Of course it's prison!"

Rorschach said matter-of-factly, "Of course the thieves who break into my territory and steal things will be locked up."

Loki was so angry that his body was shaking: "You want... to lock me up?"

What a joke!

This guy not only beat him into a dog, but also locked him up!

Loki has been alive for so many years, when has he ever been insulted like this?

"Do you really think you have everything under control?"

"It seems that you have no idea what kind of power a god has!"

As Loki sneered repeatedly, he began to activate the only magic in his movie universe, illusion.

One Loki after another quickly "split" out. In just a short time, Rorschach was already surrounded by Lokis.

"Mortal, do you know you have angered a god?"

“Do you know what the wrath of God is like!”

Amid arrogant and cruel laughter, a group of Lokis began to rush towards Rorschach.


But Luo Xia suddenly disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, Rorschach appeared in front of one of Loki and kicked him.


That Loki immediately flew out.

At the same time, all the Lokis disappeared, except for that one.

"You, how could you see through my magic!"

Loki's eyes widened, he stared at Rorschach in shock and anger and screamed, unable to believe it at all.

He has used his magic countless times, but it has never been seen through so easily!

"What's fake is fake. No matter how realistic it is, it can never be true!"

Rorschach just said lightly.

For him, it was very, very simple to see through Loki's illusion, and there wasn't even just one way.

First of all, Rorschach's super hearing can instantly tell which Lokis have heartbeats and which Lokis don't, with ease.

Thirdly, Rorschach's mental power scan can quickly scan all the Lokis on the scene, and can also identify Loki's true identity in one second.

How to put it, I can't say that Loki's magic is not strong, I can only say that Rorschach has too many methods and has the skills to restrain the opponent.


Loki wanted to say something more, but Rorschach was too lazy to say anything more to him.

He unfolded it at super speed and appeared in front of Loki in the blink of an eye. With a heavy blow, Loki was knocked unconscious.

"Rorschach, what are you going to do with him?"

Raven walked up to Rorschach at this time and glanced at Loki, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog. She still couldn't accept it.

That is a god!

Truly a true God!

In front of Luo Xia, he was so helpless.

"Lock him up first!"

Rorschach said without hesitation.

"Are you really planning to... treat him as a prisoner?" Raven admitted that she was a little irritated.

Although Loki's strength has dropped to the bottom after being blasted by Rorschach, but no matter what, he is a god!

"Isn't he a prisoner?"

Luo Xia raised an eyebrow.

For him, if he breaks into his own territory and intends to steal his things, Rorschach will not be polite to him.

No matter what the identity of the other party is.

But Luo Xia also knew what Raven was worried about, so she added to Raven, "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Seeing Luo Xia's confident look as always, Rui Wen also felt more at ease.

She didn't say any more nonsense, and immediately summoned people to take Loki down and imprison him.

Rorschach also returned to the hall immediately.

"Rorschach, what happened? I heard from Raven that a god came to steal things? You beat him up and then locked him up as a prisoner?"

Not long after, Eric's figure also appeared. With a questioning look on his face, he sat down in front of Rorschach.

Rorschach briefly explained the whole story to Eric.

Eric was stunned as he heard this.

He never expected that the gods in myths and legends were actually real.

However, Eric was still very excited when he heard that there were infinite stones in Loki's scepter.

He didn't expect that an infinite stone would be obtained so easily.

You know, since Captain Marvel followed Rorschach, Rorschach sent Captain Marvel to search for the Infinity Stones in the universe. It has been almost twenty years, and there is no news from Captain Marvel. It can be seen that the search for Infinity Stones The difficulty of gems.

"Rorschach, if Asgard is real, then they will definitely not give up. What are you going to do next?"

The matter is of great importance. Even Eric, who has always been tough, is rarely indecisive at this moment.

Rorschach also fell into deep thought.

To be honest, although he taught Loki a lesson, he actually did not intend to really do anything to Loki.

After all, this is Odin's son anyway.

No matter how arrogant Rorschach is, he is not arrogant enough to be an enemy of the entire Asgard.

What's more, it is too unwise to provoke Odin just because of a "failed theft".

So regardless of the process in the middle, Rorschach will eventually let Loki go back.

But how to let him go back is worth thinking about.

According to the information learned from another parallel universe, Rorschach did take Loki to Asgard. Rorschach didn't know much about what happened in the process, but it seemed that he had reached some agreement with Odin.

The Cosmic Cube seemed to be returned to Asgard shortly after that.

This is why Thanos finally collected all the Infinity Stones!

Because Homelander didn't have any stones!

Otherwise, Thanos would not have succeeded.

But now, it's different.

Rorschach himself has also started to collect Infinity Stones, so the Cosmic Cube can no longer be returned to Asgard.

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