American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 320 Thor's Wrath: My brother was beaten up?

"Forget it, no matter what agreement the other Asgard and I reach, it has nothing to do with me."

After some thought, Rorschach temporarily made a decision.

Since he decided to collect the Infinity Stones, his future path has deviated from that of Rorschach in another parallel universe.

The two are destined to take two paths that are neither parallel nor intersecting.

Therefore, you can refer to some of the fate of another Rorschach when appropriate, but there is no need to take it too seriously.

After all, to put it bluntly, the life of another Rorschach is not a perfect "winner in life" template. In the end, the fate of the mutant group is still unknown.

It is entirely possible for another Rorschach to be killed by Alitham before he can collect all the gems and have the strength to fight Alitham.

To put it more bluntly, it was not a perfect assignment, and it was not worthy enough for Rorschach to copy it completely.

this moment.

Rorschach gradually became more enlightened.

"Keep him locked up for now, and when Asgard comes, return Loki."

After making up his mind, Rorschach spoke to Eric with a serious face.

Eric knew that Rorschach always acted with knowledge in mind, and after seeing Rorschach made a decision, he didn't say anything more.


Rainbow Bridge "Watch Tower".

A big black man wearing armor and holding a sword in his hand stood like a javelin in the majestic hall.

Just simply standing there is enough to give people a mountain-like pressure.

This person was none other than Asgard's "gatekeeper" Heimdall, who was loyal to Thor from beginning to end, and even gave his own life for Asgard in the end.

Next to Heimdall stood a sturdy man with blond hair and a cloak.

In the man's hand, he also held a hammer that was simple in shape but gave people a full sense of oppression.

Hammer Brother Thor!

Yes, this person is undoubtedly the famous Thor.

"Heimdall, are you sure you saw Loki? Are you sure?"

Thor's face was filled with indescribable excitement, and even his breathing became a little rapid, unable to remain calm at all.

All this time, he thought Loki was dead!

In the two years since Loki's "death", Thor has been regretting it all the time. As a younger brother, he can be said to be heartbroken.

Although Loki was seeking his own death to a large extent, how could all of this have happened if Odin's preference for him hadn't accumulated a huge imbalance in Loki's heart over the years?

"I don't want to be a king, I just want to be on an equal footing with you," Loki's original shouting at the top of his lungs is still echoing in Thor's ears.

It stung Thor's heart like a sharp arrow.

But who would have thought that just now, Heimdall suddenly told Thor that he saw Loki!

Right in Midgard, right in the Midgard!

"Thor, when have my eyes ever been wrong?"

Heimdall glanced at Thor calmly, "I also think Loki is dead, but as of now, Loki is not dead."

"That's great, haha, that's great!" Thor suddenly burst into laughter, and his smile looked so honest.

"I can't say for sure." Heimdall muttered in a low voice.

Just two years ago, Loki actually secretly let the Frost Giants, enemies of Asgard, in while Odin was "sleeping". It was really messy.

With Loki's temper, he might cause some trouble in the future.

Moreover, Heimdall also knew Loki's true identity two years ago, and he was not of Odin's blood!

Combined with these circumstances, Heimdall is naturally relatively indifferent to Loki's "resurrection from the dead".

"Heimdall, where is Loki now? What is he doing?"

Thor's voice sounded, and he stared at Heimdall with interest and asked.

"It's in the atrium, but his condition isn't very good."

Heimdall hesitated before telling Thor the truth.

"Not good? What does this mean?"

Thor was stunned on the spot.

He knew that there were mortals in the atrium. What trouble could they cause to Loki?

Can Loki be put in a "bad" situation?

"To put it simply, Loki was beaten violently and then... put in a prison."

Heimdall didn't hide anything and told everything.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Thor seemed to have heard a joke, "Heimdall, you just said that Loki was beaten? By someone from Midgard?"

"It's a beating." Heimdall repeated.

"Do the people of Zhongting have this ability?"

Thor's voice was an octave higher, and he couldn't believe it anyway.

Those are just a bunch of mortals.

"I can only say that it seems that we are still stuck in the fixed thinking about the atrium." Heimdall shrugged.

To be honest, when he saw Rorschach violently beating Loki, he was greatly stimulated.

That Midgardian is really too strong, stronger than most Asgardians.

It's simply an exaggeration.

"I want to go to the atrium!"

Thor was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly made such a decision.

"Thor, the Rainbow Bridge is broken." Heimdall reminded Thor.

"I know, it seems that I can only ask my father to use dark energy to teleport me down."

After Thor said this, he swung his hammer and flew away.



After imprisoning Loki, Rorschach completely put this matter behind his mind.

After all, with his strength, the only person in Asgard that he could be afraid of was Odin.

And with Odin's level, it is impossible for him to trouble Rorschach because of such a thing.

The biggest possibility is that Thor, the Thor brother, came to the earth and fought a battle with Iron Man for his brother, just like in the Avengers.

But Rorschach is not a soft persimmon like Iron Man.

So Rorschach is not panicked at all about what is about to happen next.

Do what you should do.

He just told the people of Krako not to panic if there was a sudden thunderstorm, that's all.

As for Loki?

Although he was imprisoned, he regained his kingly attitude.

He always had a smile on his face that showed everything was under control.

Because Loki knew that his dear brother would definitely come to find him!

And when Thor came, that was the day when the nightmare of the homelander came.

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