"Rorschach, as far as I know, there are at least five forces that are looking for the cosmic sphere."

"These are only the forces that are on the stage, but those forces that I have never heard of but are also secretly looking for the cosmic sphere must also exist."

In the King's Palace, Rorschach sat quietly in his own seat.

In front of Rorschach, there was a virtual screen similar to a digital projection.

Captain Marvel's figure appeared on the screen.

Mother was reporting the situation to Rorschach with a serious face.

That's right.

Captain Marvel is not on Earth.

Not long after Rorschach subdued Captain Marvel, he gave Captain Marvel an extremely difficult task: to find other infinite gems in the interstellar.

Of course.

It is said to be looking for other infinite gems, but at this stage, the most important thing is to find the cosmic sphere.

After all, Rorschach now knows the whereabouts of the six Infinity Stones:

The Cosmic Cube, or the Power Stone, is in Rorschach's hands, so there's nothing to say about it;

The Time Stone is in Kamar-Taj, and Rorschach has no plans to do anything about it for the time being;

Loki will bring the Mind Stone to him, and this has just happened;

The Soul Stone is on the planet Vormir, and not everyone can take it away.

And according to the plot, in this timeline, no one except Rorschach knows its whereabouts.

There's nothing to say about it either.

As for the Reality Stone?

The movie doesn't even show where that thing is.

The only thing Rorschach can confirm is that it's somewhere in the Nine Realms, but he doesn't know where it is exactly.

And now that Odin is not dead, Rorschach can't just let Captain Marvel go to the Nine Realms to look for the Reality Stone, right?

So after all the calculations, only the Cosmic Sphere, or the Power Stone, can be used.

"I know."

Rorschach nodded, indicating that he already knew, and then gave his own advice, "If there is really no clue, you can keep an eye on a guy named Peter Quill, who is a subordinate of the plunderer Yondu and also an earthling."

"He knows where the cosmic sphere is?" Captain Marvel raised her eyebrows.

"He doesn't know it yet, but he will find it one day in the future." Rorschach said to Captain Marvel.

But in her heart, she secretly regretted that when she watched the movie, she didn't remember the name of the planet carefully, otherwise she wouldn't have to go through so much trouble now.

But even so, Rorschach had no doubts about getting the cosmic sphere.

With Captain Marvel's ability, as long as the cosmic sphere is found, no matter who finds it, she can easily get the cosmic sphere back in her hands.

"Did you predict this again?" Captain Marvel asked, glancing at Rorschach with interest.

During the long time she and Rorschach have been together, she often saw that Rorschach could know some things that have not happened in the future.

Captain Marvel guessed that this might be one of Rorschach's abilities, so Rorschach let Captain Marvel misunderstand him.

After all, he couldn't tell Big Mom that he was a time traveler.


Rorschach nodded.

"In that case, I feel much more relieved, Rorschach. I encountered a planet where the local race was massacred by an interstellar colonial force. I think they need me, so I will definitely find the cosmic sphere, but I may deal with other things in the meantime..."

Rorschach couldn't help but have a headache.

Even after his own intervention, Captain Marvel's "cosmic policeman" character has not changed at all.

"It's up to you."

Rorschach spread his hands helplessly.

Although he saved Captain Marvel's life and made Captain Marvel successful, he and Captain Marvel are not superiors and subordinates, but more of a friend relationship.

When asking Captain Marvel to find the cosmic sphere, Rorschach naturally would not order Captain Marvel with the same attitude as he would order other mutants.

It's more of a trust between friends.

As long as Captain Marvel brings the sphere to him, Rorschach really doesn't care about anything else.

Just as he was about to continue talking to Captain Marvel, Rorschach's expression suddenly changed. His super hearing had heard something, so he greeted Captain Marvel and ended the communication.


At this time, the butler Raven came over with a solemn face, "A guy suddenly appeared in Krako. According to what you said before, he should be Thor."

"That's right, Raven, he is indeed Thor." Rorschach nodded, with a hint of expectation on his face, "Let's go and see this famous Thor."

Seeing Rorschach's confident look, Raven was also very relieved.

No more nonsense, followed Rorschach to a square in Krako.

When the two arrived, the scene was already surrounded by many people, and all the residents of Krako were pointing at Thor.

Because just a few minutes ago, everyone suddenly saw a beam of light falling from the sky, which actually passed through Krako's defense barrier and projected onto the ground of Krako.

When the light dissipated, a strong man holding a hammer appeared in front of everyone.

It would be strange if it didn't attract everyone's attention.

However, mutants are not ordinary people. They have experienced storms and seen the world. They were not scared by Thor, but their faces were full of vigilance.

"Who are you? How dare you invade Krako?"

Cyclops Scott's voice sounded, and he stared at Thor and shouted.

Cyclops Scott is no longer the young boy who was rescued by Rorschach and brought back to the base.

Instead, he has grown into a cold, mature, and experienced leader of the X-Men.

"Krako? It's you who arrested my brother?"

Thor snorted coldly and pointed at Cyclops with the hammer in his hand, "Hand over my brother, otherwise, my hammer will explode here!"

"I don't care who you are, put down your weapons and surrender!" Cyclops also shouted at Thor.

"OK, you asked for it!"

The irritable Thor stopped talking nonsense with Cyclops, and threw the hammer in his hand and smashed it at Cyclops.

As a warrior who has experienced many battles, Cyclops would not be so easily hit.

At that moment, he suddenly rushed and narrowly avoided Thor's hammer.


The hammer spun in the air and fell back into Thor's hand.

"You still have a few tricks, but..."


Thor was only halfway through his words when Cyclops shot two heat rays at him.

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