American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 322 Thor's shock: Is this Earthling too strong?


How could Thor have thought that heat rays could be emitted from human eyes?

He was caught off guard and was shot by Cyclops. His body shook and he was shot to the ground.

But who is Thor?

The real Thor!

He is at the top of the pyramid of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. His body is so strong that he can withstand the energy of a neutron star and can survive in space.

Cyclops' heat rays did not cause any harm to Thor at all.

He then got up from the ground unscathed, patted the dust off his body, and looked at Cyclops with a confused face: "What's wrong with your eyes? When did the people of Midgard do this?"

Cyclops Scott looked at Thor's relaxed and unscathed appearance, and his face also showed surprise and solemnity.

This yellow-haired guy is so powerful!

But this guy doesn't recognize me?

Which of the current X-Men is not a world-famous existence?

Especially Professor X Charles, Magneto Eric, and Cyclops Scott and other powerful core X-Men, it is not an exaggeration to call them "hot-handed".

There are even comics of them circulating in the market!

As a result, this yellow-haired guy in front of him didn't recognize himself?

Could it be...

Someone from Asgard!

Cyclops reacted immediately in the next second. This person must be Thor!

As an X-Men, Cyclops naturally knew that Raven had captured Loki. He also expected that Asgard might not give up, but he never thought that someone from Asgard would come so quickly!


Looking at the image of this person in front of him, and the previous "brother", his identity is almost ready to be revealed.


This person is actually Thor!

Was I fighting with the legendary Thor just now?

Even Cyclops Scott, who had experienced many storms and battles, was severely stimulated.

No wonder he was so perverted.

"You are right, your brother is indeed here, but he asked for everything."

After Cyclops came to his senses, he returned to his previous coldness, "If you want to see him, you have to ask His Majesty if he agrees."

"Your Majesty? What a joke!" Thor couldn't help but sneered, "Call out your Majesty, I want him to feel the wrath of Thor!"

"Sorry, His Majesty is not someone who can be seen by anyone who wants to."

Cyclops Scott said expressionlessly.


Thor was not a good-tempered person, so he would not talk nonsense with Cyclops, and immediately swung the hammer in his hand.


A blazing lightning bolt immediately struck Cyclops.

Cyclops could dodge Thor's hammer, but he could never dodge the lightning.

But at that moment.

An invisible force field suddenly appeared, blocking Cyclops.

Thor's lightning struck the invisible force field and was blocked.

Seeing this, Cyclops' face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

He turned his head suddenly, and saw a familiar figure standing behind him.

His right hand was stretched out, pointing in his direction.

There was no doubt that it was Rorschach.

"Your Majesty!"

Cyclops greeted Rorschach respectfully.

"Scott, leave this to me."

Rorschach nodded, and then walked directly to Thor.

"Are you the one who caught my brother?"

Thor stared at Rorschach and said in a low voice, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The other party could easily block his lightning, and he was really not an ordinary person.

"It's me!"

Rorschach nodded, "Your brother broke into my place to steal things, shouldn't I arrest him?"

"Maybe what you said is true, my brother does do some outrageous things sometimes, but no matter what, he is my brother, and he is from Asgard!"

"You actually attacked him and locked him up, then you have to bear the wrath of me, Thor!"

Thor said this with great dominance, and swung the hammer in his hand directly and smashed it towards Rorschach.


Rorschach did not dodge or evade, and punched with his hand.

Mjolnir was actually knocked away by Rorschach!


Thor almost popped his eyes out.

The moment Rorschach blocked his lightning, Thor immediately guessed that this person was the one who defeated Loki and captured Loki. He knew that this person must be extraordinary and must be very strong.

But even so, Thor never expected Rorschach to be so powerful!

His hammer was knocked away with his bare hands!

What a joke!


At the moment when Thor was surprised, he suddenly felt his eyes blurred and a huge force rushed towards him.

Before he could react, a strong force acted on him.

Then Thor flew backwards like a cannonball.

He flew several hundred meters away.

Then he hit the ground hard, making a big hole in the ground.

Even with Thor's abnormal body, he felt a surge of emotions in his body, and his bones were about to fall apart.

"Are you kidding me?"

Thor got up from the ground, feeling more and more incredible.

He had fought in Asgard for so many years, and had fought against countless powerful enemies, but he had never met someone with such abnormal strength.

Now Thor finally understood why Loki fell on this person.


Thor got up immediately, stretched out his right hand, and the hammer flew towards Thor as if it was alive, and was held firmly by Thor.

With the hammer in hand, Thor became the real Thor.

But at that moment, he was bathed in lightning all over his body, and even his eyes were full of lightning.

The people of Krako around him immediately felt a huge pressure from the thunder, which made everyone breathless.

There was even an impulse to worship him.

"This guy... is worthy of being Thor!"

Even Cyclops couldn't help but secretly gasp.

At first, he thought he had shot down Thor, and subconsciously thought that Thor was just like that.

But now it seems that he was wrong. Thor was definitely not someone he could deal with.

I'm afraid only Rorschach could suppress him.

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