
Thor let out a low roar and rushed towards Rorschach as the supreme thunder god.

Every move he made was filled with supreme thunder, so domineering.

In the blink of an eye, Thor rushed to Rorschach, grabbed his hammer with both hands and smashed it towards Rorschach.

Rorschach stood there leisurely, without dodging or evading, but suddenly stretched out his hand towards Thor, exerted a huge telekinesis, and imprisoned Thor all at once.

Thor's whole body was suspended in the air, motionless.

It was as if he was hit by a spell of immobilization.

"Damn it! What kind of trick is this! What on earth did this guy do!"

Thor was so shocked that he roared in shock and anger.

What kind of terrible power does this guy have!

He can actually hold and play with himself like a toy in his palm!

"We're all going to get beaten, but there's no need to turn my square into ruins, what do you think?"

Rorschach's voice just sounded at this time, and he glanced at Thor lightly.

"Damn it!"

That tone directly determined that Thor was the one who was beaten, and he didn't take Thor seriously at all, which almost made Thor's lungs explode.


The next moment.

Rorschach directly used telekinesis to wrap Thor, the God of Thunder, and flew away at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

He rushed out of Krako and flew to a desolate wilderness.

Thor felt that his eyes were blurred, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. He actually came to another environment.

"This guy!"

Thor was secretly surprised.

This guy is really extraordinary to be able to do such a thing.

"You want to play with me? No problem, I'll play with you! You'll see the real wrath of Thor!"

Thor snorted coldly, his tiger body shook violently, and a terrible energy burst out like a raging wave, and the telekinesis that imprisoned his body collapsed all at once.

Then Thor continued to fall from the air, hammering Rorschach hard.

"Not bad!"

Rorschach showed a look of approval on his face.

There are not many people who can collapse their telekinesis barriers like Thor, and there are not many in the entire universe.


Rorschach then turned into a shadow, rushed towards Thor like lightning, and appeared in front of Thor in the blink of an eye.

A ruthless punch, hit Thor hard.

The next moment.

Thor's hammer and Rorschach's fist collided fiercely.

But the situation where the enemy was hammered over did not happen again. Thor immediately felt a huge force coming and acting on him, knocking him over in an instant.


Thor fell to the ground again like a cannonball.

He raised his head, his face full of horror, and he couldn't believe this situation anyway: "How is it possible, how is this possible?"

He held Thor's hammer and hit it with all his strength, but he couldn't beat the other party's flesh and blood?

What a joke!


But Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense to Thor, and two extremely blazing heat rays shot at Thor again.

Although they were both heat rays, Rorschach's heat rays were much stronger than those of Cyclops, and Thor on the opposite side immediately felt a huge sense of crisis.

He subconsciously raised the hammer in his hand and held it horizontally in front of him, completely blocking Rorschach's heat rays.

But Rorschach then waved his hand at Thor.

The huge telekinesis hit Thor hard.


Thor's body shook, and he was knocked over by Rorschach's telekinesis.

Bang, bang, bang!

Boom, boom, boom!

Then, Thor's miserable life began. Rorschach hit him like a sandbag, from here to there, and from there to here. He was beaten by Rorschach for eight hundred times.

But it must be said that Thor is worthy of being Thor, and he is much more durable than Loki.

Rorschach kept beating him, and it took more than ten minutes to beat Thor to death.

"I don't believe it. The people of Midgard can't be so powerful."

"Who are you?"

Thor collapsed on the ground powerlessly, looking at Rorschach with doubtful eyes and asked.

At this moment, Thor was so embarrassed that he was no longer as high-spirited as before.

His face was blue and purple, and blood was flowing out of the corners of his mouth. His hair was messy like a chicken coop, and his cloak was torn off.

One word: miserable.

Two words: really miserable.

Rorschach ignored Thor. He glanced at the Thor's hammer that fell to the ground, and his curiosity was aroused.

In another parallel world, Rorschach easily picked up Thor's hammer, and even killed Thanos with the help of Thor's hammer.

So I wonder if I can still pick up Thor's hammer this time in this time and space?

With a little curiosity, Rorschach walked to Thor's hammer again and put his hand on the handle of Thor's hammer.

Thor, who was lying on the ground, saw this scene, but did not stop it. Instead, he raised a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth: "It's useless. No one can pick up this hammer except Thor. You are asking for trouble!"

Ignoring Thor, Rorschach grabbed the hammer and began to exert force, trying to pick up Thor's hammer.


It was just as Thor said. Thor's hammer felt heavier than a thousand gold to Rorschach.

He now has tens of thousands of tons of explosive power, but he can't shake it at all!

"Hahaha, you are asking for trouble, right? I told you!"

Thor couldn't help laughing at the side when he saw this.

This was the only game he won back after being ravaged by Rorschach for so long.

"It doesn't make sense!"

Rorschach also fell into deep thought and felt very surprised.

Why is it the same person, but there are two completely different results?

At the end of the battle, he was so good at using the hammer.

But at this time, he couldn't even pick up the hammer.

This contrast is too big.

"Is it... because of the agreement between me and Odin?"

Rorschach quickly came to such a natural conclusion.

He didn't expect that the conspiracy with Odin would have such benefits.

However, that was all in the past. Even with such benefits, Rorschach didn't plan to go down this old path again.

Shaking his head and putting away those messy thoughts, Rorschach used telekinesis to grab Thor, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog.

With a bang, the man disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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