American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 324: My countryman, Odin is looking for you

next moment.

Rorschach's body appeared in Krako's prison, and behind him, "floating" the God of Thunder, Thor, who was constantly cursing.

But even though Thor, the God of Thunder, roared with a red face, his voice was not heard at all.

Because Rorschach's telepathy unfolded, an almost 100% sealed barrier was formed, completely sealing Thor's voice inside.

Otherwise, Rorschach really felt that Thor was making a lot of noise.

"You can't be proud for long!"

A confident and aloof voice sounded.

But it was Loki who was in the prison. After seeing Rorschach's figure, he spoke to Rorschach in a stern voice.

"When the guy who can control thunder and lightning finds you, believe me, this moment will definitely come."

Loki walked to the prison door, his posture was so elegant and his steps were so powerful, "When the time comes..."

Just in the middle of speaking, Loki's voice stopped suddenly, as if someone had suddenly covered his mouth.

At the same time, Loki's face showed even more disbelief.

Because not far behind Rorschach, a person was imprisoned in mid-air, as embarrassed as a Shiba Inu, roaring and struggling helplessly within the invisible power barrier.

But no matter how much he roared and struggled, he still couldn't break free of the power barrier.


That person turned out to be Thor!

And looking at Thor's bruised and swollen face, he looked much worse than himself.

"Who is this guy?"

Loki glanced at Thor captured by Rorschach in disbelief, and was completely stunned.

That's Thor!

Isn't he actually his opponent?

Doesn't this mean that no one in Asgard, except their father Odin, can defeat this man?


When did such a pervert appear in the atrium?

Loki couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he thought of this.


"Is it really you?"

Thor, who was struggling behind Rorschach, unconsciously stopped struggling after seeing Loki, and looked at Loki carefully with his eyes widened.

However, due to the mental barrier, Thor's voice did not come out.

"His Majesty!"

After the mutant guarding the prison saw Rorschach appearing, he greeted Rorschach respectfully.

Luo Xia nodded lightly and casually told the other party: "Open another cell."




The cell next to Loki was opened. Rorschach stretched out his hand and threw Thor violently into it.


Thor hit the ground hard, making a loud noise.

"Loki, you are really stupid! I always thought you were dead!"

Although he was very angry, Thor couldn't care so much at the moment. He rushed in front of Loki and shouted to Loki with great excitement.

At this time, Loki saw Thor's embarrassment up close.

A cheerful smile appeared on his face.

It really put Thor in such a good mood.

At this moment, Loki felt that Rorschach seemed to be a little more pleasing to the eye.

"What a rare scene! Look at you Thor, with a disgraced face and wounds all over your body. If you tell others at this time that you are Thor, the God of Thunder from Asgard, the son of Odin, who will believe it?"

Loki didn't feel any joy at seeing his brothers again, but only cold and ruthless ridicule.

"Who is all this because of? Loki, we even held a funeral for you! But why did you suddenly appear here?"

Thor also began to complain and question Loki.

"Really? Tell me, have you and Odin ever cried for me, shed any precious tears for me?"

Loki continued to laugh at Thor.

"What a harmonious and friendly brothers!"

Rorschach couldn't help but sigh.

No matter how thick-skinned Loki was, he couldn't argue with Thor in front of Rorschach at this time, so he quickly shut his mouth.

The same goes for Thor on the other side.

He had a lot to say, but he had to wait until Rorschach left.

Fortunately, Rorschach had no intention of staying there and watching the two brothers' jokes, and immediately turned around and left the cell.

The eyes of the two brothers collided again.

"Rorschach, what do you plan to do with Thor and the others?"

As soon as Rorschach walked out of the prison, he met Raven walking towards him. Raven stared at Rorschach with a serious look on her face and asked.

Thor and Loki are both princes of Asgard, and their status is too special. They are just two hot potatoes.

If it is not handled well, it will lead to very serious consequences, and Ruiwen cannot help but ignore it.

"What else can be done? Lock him up for a while and then release him."

Rorschach spread his hands.

There is no way, his background is too tough, Rorschach really can't do anything except teach Thor a lesson and let Thor know how powerful Krako is.

Raven on the side nodded without saying anything else. Luo Xia's thoughts coincided with hers.


Just as he was about to say something, Rorschach suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes.

In front of him, there was actually an additional figure.

That figure was not unfamiliar to Rorschach, but he was actually Heimdall of Asgard.

However, Rorschach could tell at a glance that the Heimdall in front of him was not a real person, but a "spiritual clone" of himself projected through some kind of magic.

In my impression, both Heimdall and Thor have such skills. Even when Thor was imprisoned on Sakaar, he could use this method to communicate with Heimdall in Asgard. Communicate.

All I can say is that magic is indeed very magical.

"A native of my motherland, I am Heimdall of Asgard."

Under Rorschach's gaze, Heimdall greeted Rorschach first.

"I know who you are." Rorschach responded calmly, expressionlessly.

"I guess you do too." Heimdall nodded.

"So Heimdall, are you here because of Thor and Loki? Don't tell me that this matter has already alarmed Odin."

Rorschach thought for a while, but found that he was completely unsure why Heimdall appeared.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for Heimdall to contact him alone, unless it was Odin's order.

The appearance of the other party represents Odin.

But Odin wouldn't be so idle, would he?

This guy could even deprive Thor of his divine power and throw him to the earth in order to train his son. There is no reason why he can't sit still after being hammered, right?

"I am indeed here on the orders of God King Odin, but not for Thor and Loki. They were humiliated by you because they are inferior to others, and Odin has no problem with that."

Heimdall responded like this.

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