American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 327: Reaching an Agreement with Odin

Rorschach was noncommittal and made no comment.

Of course he knew that this legend was not a mere legend. Asgard had indeed ushered in Ragnarok and turned into ashes.

Rorschach just looked at Odin lightly, waiting for Odin's next words.

"As we Asgardians get stronger as we get older, our powers become stronger, so the older we get, the more I feel this 'fate', like some kind of irresistible will that makes us unable to fight."

"I know clearly that this is Asgard's inevitable fate."

"But, that was once."

After talking for so long, Odin finally came to a turning point.

Rorschach knew that Odin had reached the point.

"All of us live in this huge cage, but you, a native of your country, are different."

A gleam of wisdom flashed through Odin's one eye, and he stared directly at Rorschach, "I don't know why, but it's as if you...are from another world."

"You don't seem to be a product of our universe, so the rules of this world don't seem to apply to you."

"In you, I see the possibility of breaking the will of fate!"

Odin finally revealed his purpose.

Rorschach looked calm on the surface, but he was still very, very surprised in his heart.

Is this Odin?

It is indeed a ceiling-level existence in the Marvel universe.

He actually saw his identity as a time traveler!

Although the other party didn't exactly see through this and didn't exactly understand Rorschach's existence, he could see some of Rorschach's secrets to a certain extent, which was amazing enough.

Rorschach is indeed not from this world!

"So, Lord Odin, you want me to help Asgard break the fate of Ragnarok? Save Asgard from perishing in Ragnarok?"

Rorschach raised an eyebrow.


Odin nodded.

Ragnarok has always been a thorn in Odin's heart. He has always known that Asgard will usher in such an ending, but he also understands that all this is irreversible.

No matter what he does, no matter what means he takes, this is Asgard's unchangeable fate.

But it's different now.

Odin sees the only one who can break this fate!

"In exchange, Asgard will be your most powerful and loyal ally! I don't know what your next purpose is, what kind of plan you have for Krakow, but if you can use Asgard's I will spare no effort to help you and support you!”

"You can call upon my army, and the artifacts in my treasure house are also completely open to you. If you like, you can take them all away even now."

"This is my promise to you, Odin!"

So is this the real purpose of Odin looking for him this time?

Rorschach fell into deep thought.

Frankly speaking, Odin's proposal still made Rorschach very excited.

Even for him now, Asgard is a very powerful ally.

As for what Asgard will encounter in the future, Rorschach is also clear about it.

Nothing more than the Dark Elves, Hela, and Thanos.

But these three guys are actually nothing more than that to Rorschach, and he has enough strength to deal with them.

Forming an alliance with Asgard will not cause any big trouble for yourself.

And what about the benefits?

Nature is also obvious.

It is true that Rorschach's strength is currently at the top level in the universe, and the X-Men are also very, very powerful, and they are not considered weak even in the universe.

But how many X-Men are there?

There are nearly eight million mutants in Krakow, and the proportion of them with strong combat effectiveness is actually very, very low.

In terms of overall background, there is absolutely no comparison between Krakow and Asgard.

To put it bluntly, Krako's strength and status depended too much on Rorschach alone.

If Rorschach is no longer in this world one day, for example, wandering around in other multiverses, then Krako's overall strength will decline off a cliff.

This is not what Rorschach wants to see happen.

No matter how you look at it, the advantages of forming an alliance with Asgard far outweigh the disadvantages.

After thinking about it for a while, Rorschach quickly made a decision.

"Your Excellency Odin, I can't think of any reason to refuse."

Rorschach spread his hands towards Odin.

Then Rorschach saw very clearly that Odin, who was sitting opposite him, couldn't help but relax.

Oh my god, Odin is really in a good mood right now.

Asgard's destined and irreversible fate of destruction has been changed. What could be more joyful than this?

"People of the motherland, from now on, you are my most distinguished guest in Asgard!"

Odin immediately smiled at Rorschach with great comfort, but after a pause, Odin added, "But for the time being, I hope this agreement is limited to the two of us, and Frigga. "

Odin's request for Rorschach is understandable.

The dignified Asgard actually needs the help of an Earthling to tide over the crisis. It is really shameful to spread the word, and Odin still needs face.

"Come on, people of the motherland, let me show you around Asgard!"

The atmosphere next became much more relaxed and pleasant.

Odin first took Rorschach to meet his wife Frigga and formally informed her of their agreement.

Then he personally took Rorschach to visit Asgard.

He even took Rorschach to the treasury of Asgard to show Rorschach the treasures and artifacts collected by Asgard.

And told Rorschach that if he liked, Rorschach could take them at will.

"Sir Odin, I appreciate your kindness, but relying on external objects is not your own strength after all. These artifacts should be left where they should be."

Rorschach refused without hesitation.

What he said to Odin was not pretentious, but his true thoughts.

It is true that artifacts can enhance a person's strength to a certain extent, but they can also become a person's shackles.

Thor is the best example.

Thor with a hammer and Thor without a hammer are completely two different levels of strength.

Even now that Thor has had the hammer for so long, he is still just a hammer god, not a thunder god.

Even if the future Thor truly becomes the thunder god, his strength will be greatly reduced without the magic weapon.

Even to kill Thanos, he had to create a magic weapon first, which shows how obvious the gap is.

"Okay, Lord Odin, let's stop here!"

"You can send someone to get the Cosmic Cube at any time!"

After a "tour" of Asgard, Rorschach began to say goodbye to Odin.

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