American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 328 Thanos, the Earth is not that simple!

Back in Krakow, Charles, Eric, Raven, Hank and other senior members are all there, and everyone is anxiously waiting for Rorschach.

Although Rorschach has repeatedly emphasized to Raven that Asgard can be trusted, it is impossible for everyone not to worry.

That's another planet anyway.


Or the legendary God King Odin!

After seeing Rorschach come back unharmed, everyone finally felt relieved.

"Everyone is here!"

Rorschach smiled at everyone, said hello, walked to his seat, and sat down as if nothing had happened.

"Rorschach, Thor and Loki's problems have been solved?"

Raven couldn't help but look at Rorschach carefully, as if to see if Rorschach was injured, and then asked.

"It's all solved."

Rorschach nodded.

Then he told the mutant elders about the agreement reached with Asgard.

All the elders were stunned when they heard this.

If this was not said by Rorschach, they would not believe it anyway, because it would sound too bizarre.

The sons of the majestic God King Odin, and there are two sons, were all severely beaten by Rorschach. As a result, Odin not only did not launch an army to hold the blame, but he actually reached a friendly strategic alliance with Rorschach?

This turn of events was so big that it was almost like a dream.

But no matter what, this is a good thing, and all the mutant elders are still very happy.

The matter between Thor and Loki was solved perfectly, and everyone no longer took it to heart. They did what they should do, and everything was business as usual.

A week later, Odin sent Thor to Krakow.

Of course, he wasn't here to settle a score with Rorschach, but he came to Rorschach to get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

This time, Thor was no longer an illegal intruder who broke into Krakow, but a guest from Asgard, and Rorschach still hosted a banquet for Thor.

"People of the motherland, have you known my father before?"

During the dinner, Thor asked Rorschach very curiously.

This prince from Asgard has many questions he wants to answer.

"What do you think?" Luo Xia raised an eyebrow.

"I think this is impossible! If you knew my father before, there is no way I wouldn't know!" Thor's head shook like a rattle.

"What did you say to my father that day? I feel that my father has been in a much better mood since then."

"People of the motherland, how many people like you are there in Zhongting?"

Thor was like a curious baby, asking questions one after another.

Luo Xia responded casually. Generally speaking, this banquet can be regarded as a feast for the guests and the host.

Rorschach then took out the Cosmic Cube without any nonsense and handed it to Thor.

He and Odin had agreed on this kind of thing a long time ago, and Rorschach naturally would not go back on it at this time.

Temple One.

There was a person sitting in the spacious but somewhat eerie hall.

He wears armor and is extremely tall, like a mountain, which brings great pressure to people.

This person is none other than Thanos, the man behind Loki's theft of the Cube.

"Master, Loki failed!"

In front of Thanos, a Chitauri general half-knelt on the ground respectfully, reporting the situation to Thanos.

"I have known for a long time that Odin's adopted son is not trustworthy. He is just a poor child who has not grown up. He feels sorry for himself all day long and wants the father's love from Odin!"

The Chitauri general reduced Loki to nothing.

"That's why I gave him the scepter!"

Thanos didn't deny this, he said.

"Yes, Master, we thought he would win with the scepter, but the fact was completely contrary to what we expected. Loki still failed."

"Not only did he not get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he even got the scepter in it."

The Chitauri general continued his report.

"C53 can't be that powerful. What's going on?"

Thanos frowned slightly, glanced at the Chitauri general and asked.

"It was a man called the Motherland who defeated Loki!" the Chitauri general continued to report, "He not only defeated Loki, he also defeated Thor!"

"A native of the motherland? He is actually so powerful?" Thanos couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Loki is indeed a loser, but Thor still has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Of course, Thor is nothing in front of Thanos, and he may not even be able to defeat his own five Obsidian generals.

But even so, not just anyone can defeat him.

Especially for a barren star like the C53.

Thanos was still very surprised that the native of the country actually defeated Loki and Thor one after another.

"Master, according to the intelligence, the scepter is now in the hands of the people of the motherland."

The voice of the Chitauri general continued, "In other words, he now has two Infinity Stones in his hands at the same time! Master, what should we do?"

"Ask Ronan to connect with me!"

Thanos thought for a moment and immediately gave instructions to the Chitauri general.

"Yes, Master!"

The Chitauri general had no nonsense and immediately took out a special communicator and contacted Ronan.

Soon, Ronan's projection appeared in front of Thanos.

"Thanos, what do you want to talk to me about now?" Ronan's face was filled with a trace of awe.

"Have you found the cosmic sphere?" Thanos asked condescendingly.

"I already have accurate information and am preparing to investigate." Ronan hesitated for a moment before speaking to Thanos.

"So it hasn't been found yet?" Thanos sarcastically said.

"Thanos, you and I both know that the cosmic sphere is not that easy to find!" Ronan argued.

"Stop looking for the cosmic cube first, I have something else for you to do."

Thanos did not continue to argue about the cosmic sphere, but spoke again and gave orders to the other party.

"Thanos, our agreement does not include other things!" Ronan shouted at Thanos angrily.

"So now, including, listen, if you want to destroy Xandar, you must do it according to my instructions! And I gave you so much time but you still have nothing, are you kidding me!"

"I have great doubts about your ability, and I began to consider whether you are a suitable partner. Now, it's time for you to prove your value!"

"Go to C53, there are my things there, I want you to bring them back to me, understand!"

Thanos gave Ronan an order mercilessly.


Ronan was stunned, and then said to Thanos with a serious face, "Thanos, that place is not that simple!"

He will never forget his disastrous defeat there decades ago.

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