American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 329 Thanos: Is there such a strong person on Earth?

Of course Thanos knows that this place is not simple anymore.

Although C53 is completely worthless in the eyes of Thanos, it is Odin's territory anyway, and it is also one of the Nine Realms!

Openly invading C53 is equivalent to declaring war on Odin!

As for the Ancient One Master, Thanos doesn't know much about it.

Because Master Ancient One mainly deals with matters related to dimensional invasion, there is not much overlap with Thanos.

Except for some people in the magic circle, not many people have heard of Gu Yi's name.

The main thing Thanos fears is Odin.

However, Thanos recently received news that Odin is about to die and is beyond his capabilities. And according to his intelligence, Odin's behavior has indeed changed a lot.

Becoming much weaker than before.

Therefore, this invasion of C53 is not only an attempt to steal the Cosmic Cube, but also a test by Thanos.

Let’s see if Odin is really old!

But before this is truly confirmed, Thanos still dare not act rashly.

So he could only find some cannon fodder that had nothing to do with him to do this.

Loki was like this before, and Ronan is like this now.

After all, Ronan is a Kree. Even if he really pisses off Odin, what does it have to do with Thanos?

"Ronan, are you scared?"

He was clear in his heart, but on the surface, Thanos still showed disdain, "After so many years, have you become a coward and a coward? Even an indigenous star makes you hesitate?"

"Thanos, C53 is nothing to me. I can easily destroy this little broken ball! But there is a very powerful person there."

Ronan gritted his teeth and explained to Thanos despite his humiliation.

Obviously, his worries are completely different from Thanos. Anyway, even if he attacks Odin's territory, the final blame will be placed on the Kree Empire.

And Ronan now hates the Kree Empire.

"A woman called Captain Marvel!"

After a pause, Ronan continued to speak to Thanos.

That's right.

When Ronan invaded the earth, Rorschach actually did not take action. Instead, just like in the movie, Captain Marvel took action alone and shocked Ronan.

"Captain Marvel? Who is she?"

Thanos raised his eyebrows.

"A woman bathed in golden light! That woman can destroy a fleet by herself! I know this sounds incredible, but it is true, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Ronan was afraid that Thanos wouldn't believe it, so he explained to Thanos seriously.

"So that woman is actually from C53?"

Thanos said in surprise.

He did not know the name "Captain Marvel", but Thanos still knew the rumors about a terrifying and powerful man bathed in golden light.

That woman has become famous throughout the galaxy, and has done many amazing things. Even Thanos has heard of her.

"If it's her, you don't have to worry. That woman is helping the locals wipe out the rebels on the planet Cronus. She's not on C53 at all."

"You won't tell me that even so, you don't have the guts to go to C53, right?"

Thanos sneered again and looked at Ronan on the screen and said.

Ronan fell into silence.

"For once! Thanos, for once!"

After a few seconds, Ronan raised his head and spoke seriously to Thanos.

Although Ronan didn't want to be so manipulated by Thanos, he also understood that he had no choice at all. Who said that his power was far less powerful than Thanos?

What's more, he still relies on Thanos to destroy Xandar for him.

Destroying Xandar has become Ronan's obsession, making him seem possessed.

For this purpose, Ronan can bear some humiliation in front of Thanos.

"In addition to the woman you mentioned, there is another extraordinary person in C53. He defeated Loki and Thor one after another. I will send Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf to go with you. You are not allowed to fail!"

Thanos said seriously to Ronan again.

"I will not fail!" Ronan also said sonorously and forcefully.



A colorful light suddenly fell from the sky.

Just like the last time Thor invaded Krako, he actually passed through Krako's energy barrier and projected Thor directly to Krako.

"It's Thor!"

"Go and tell your Majesty that Thor is here again!"

In recent times, this is Thor's third visit to Krakow.

Everyone in Krakow already knows Thor, the prince from Asgard.

Moreover, the king held a public banquet for Thor last time, so everyone didn't take the first misunderstanding too seriously.

"Your Highness Thor, please come with me. His Majesty is waiting for you."

Soon, relevant personnel appeared in front of Thor and brought Thor to Rorschach.

"This is really strange. My father actually asked me to bring the Cosmic Cube back to you again. I clearly remember that it belongs to Asgard."

Thor suddenly looked at Rorschach in confusion.

This thing was really unbelievable to him. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube obviously belonged to his family, but after Odin used his own things to repair the Rainbow Bridge, he actually asked Thor to make a special trip to return the Rubik's Cube.

It was as if the Rubik's Cube belonged to Homelander.

He always felt that there was something unspeakable between Homelander and his father, but no matter how he asked, Odin would not tell him.

This made Thor very depressed.

"Earth is also one of the nine realms, Thor! Strictly speaking, there is no difference between putting it on Earth and putting it in Asgard."

Rorschach shrugged and said to Thor lightly.

As for the agreement between him and Odin, he naturally followed Odin's opinion and did not mention a word to Thor.

"Okay, I accept this statement."

Thor thought about it, so he took out the Cosmic Cube and handed it to Rorschach.


Rorschach threw the Rubik's Cube directly to Hank, who immediately put it away carefully and then retreated.

"It seems that the Rainbow Bridge has been repaired by you, right?"

Rorschach chatted with Thor at this time.

"Yes, it's fixed." Thor nodded. "In the past two years since the Rainbow Bridge was broken, the Nine Realms have had a lot of trouble. Now we can finally rest assured."


What is this?

While chatting with Thor, Rorschach's expression suddenly became serious because he heard some unusual sounds.

Some sounds that only interstellar battleships can make!

"Rorschach, an interstellar spaceship has flown into the atmosphere!"

Sure enough.

The next moment, Hank immediately came to Rorschach in a hurry and reported to him.

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