American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 330 Ebony Maw's surprise: The people of Homeland are really not simple


Thor's brows raised, and then he glanced at Rorschach beside him with a hint of curiosity, "Besides Asgard, do you know anyone on other planets?"


Rorschach responded lightly, and then stood up calmly.

At this time, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. His super vision and clairvoyance abilities were activated, and he immediately saw the spaceship in his eyes.

Even those people in the spacecraft were also seen.


Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf?

When Rorschach saw these people, his first feeling was quite surprising. These guys actually rushed to the earth at the same time?

what's the situation?

But then, Rorschach smelled something.

Loki comes to Krakow to steal the Cube, and the man behind it is Thanos!

Now that Loki's action failed, no, it should be said that it was stopped from the source before it even started. Then it makes sense for Thanos, the mastermind behind it, to take certain corresponding measures.

Aren't Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf Thanos' people?

As for Ronan, although this guy is not Thanos's person, he still has a cooperative relationship with Thanos!

In an instant, Rorschach vaguely guessed something.

"Let me see what their purpose is!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

Then he used his super vision and super hearing to stare at these people from a distance.

Although his previous guess was completely reasonable, in the end it was just a guess.

What if Ronan and the others came to Earth for something else?

Has nothing to do with yourself?

If that was the case, Rorschach would naturally be too lazy to respond.

As long as Krako is not involved, what if the United States is destroyed?

But if the opponent's goal is really Krako, then what will greet them will be Rorschach's ruthless anger and murderous intent.

"Homelander Rorschach, king of the nation of Krako, is a powerful mutant."

"Mutants? There are actually some people with special abilities on C53? It's really interesting."

Under Luo Xia's surveillance, he saw Wumuhou repeatedly clicking on a projection screen in front of him with both hands.

On that screen was some relevant information about Rorschach.

Not only Ebony Maw, but Black Dwarf and Ronan also stood in front of Ebony Maw, checking Rorschach's information.

"The most powerful mutant on C53? Is this the one who defeated Loki and Thor?"

Ebony Throat quickly glanced at Rorschach's information, with a hint of surprise on his face.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

In their subconscious impression, C53 has always been a poor star, unable to get on the stage.

Even if there are a few strong people occasionally, how strong can they be?

The title of "the most powerful mutant" is just to scare the natives on C53.

"Wait a minute, it's him!"

Ronan was also very surprised after seeing Rorschach's information.

Different from Ebony Maw's surprise, Ronan's surprise was because he had known Rorschach before.

"Do you know him?" Ebony Throat glanced at Ronan beside him.

"It was he who killed Yong Rogg and destroyed Yon Rogg's fleet. He is indeed very powerful!"

Ronan nodded heavily and said.

It was precisely because a man named Rorschach killed Yon Rogg that Ronan led a fleet to invade C53, but was directly scared away by Captain Marvel.

"Yon Rogg?"

Ebony Throat thought for a while and couldn't help curling his lips.

What does killing that guy mean?

Didn't the intelligence say that this man could even defeat Loki and Thor? Isn't it easy to kill someone like Yon Rogg?

"I hope he is really that powerful, otherwise it would be meaningless for us to travel all the way."

Ebony Throat's eyes flashed.

"They really came for me!"

Seeing this, Luo Xia had no hesitation. Two cold rays of light immediately flashed out from his eyes.

Since these people are seeking death, there is no need to keep these people.

"Thor, I need to excuse myself for a moment."

Rorschach said hello to Thor and walked out directly.

"Is it because of that spaceship?"

Thor also smelled something unusual at this time, "Are they enemies?"

Having said this, Thor stretched out his hand, and the hammer that Thor placed in the corner of the hall suddenly flew into the air and flew into Thor's hand.

"Atrium is one of the nine realms, and you are also a friend of Asgard. As the prince of Asgard and the son of Odin, I will not sit idly by and ignore it!"

Thor said without hesitation.

I have to say that as a friend, Thor is very, very loyal.

"Thor, you are my guest. It would be very rude to trouble my guest with these things."

"Just wait here for a while, I'll be back soon."

Rorschach smiled and pressed Thor who was "ready to move".

"Riven, help me entertain Thor well."

Luo Xia then gave instructions to his housekeeper Rui Wen.


After saying that, Rorschach said nothing more. He disappeared into the hall with a shake of his body. In an instant, his shadow disappeared.

Only a strong gust of wind was left, blowing Thor's long hair.

"This guy!"

Thor complained slightly, and then put down the hammer in his hand.

It had been a short time since he fought with Rorschach last time, no, it should be said that he was beaten by Rorschach. Thor knew Rorschach's powerful strength.

No matter who was looking for trouble, Thor secretly mourned for him in his heart.


When Thor put down the hammer, Rorschach was already in the atmosphere.

Fly towards Ronan's spaceship at the fastest speed.


"What, Homelander!"

Ronan's spaceship detection system detected Rorschach's appearance at the first time.

Several guys in the command center all showed surprise on their faces.

They never thought that their spaceship had not yet reached C53, but the other party had discovered them first.

They even came to intercept them!

Moreover, the strength of the Homelander seemed to be much stronger than they imagined!

"No wonder Thor was defeated by him. This Homelander is really not simple!"

Ebony Maw stared at the figure on the screen in front of him, with a solemn expression.

Apart from anything else, the fact that the other party could fly to the atmosphere alone to intercept them was already very telling.

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