American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 331 Rorschach attacks, ravaging Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf

"This guy!"

Ronan's face suddenly became ugly.

Because the scene in front of him now made Ronan involuntarily recall the woman from decades ago!

Back then.

That woman was just like Homelander at this moment, flying alone into space and beating their entire fleet to pieces!

This scene is so similar to that scene back then!

But Homelander shouldn't be as scary as that woman, right?

"Come to die on your own initiative? It just so happens that I don't have to bother."

Ronan then snorted coldly, and then gave the order mercilessly, "Open fire, kill Homelander!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Swish, swish, swish!

The sky-wide energy attack immediately surrounded Rorschach.

But just like Rorschach chasing the Skrull warships in the air, he easily blocked all the attacks of Ronan's fleet by himself.

All the way up the wind and waves, he flew directly in front of Ronan's spaceship!

"He is really strong! It can even be said that he is terribly strong!"

Ebony Maw, who had been confident before and even wanted to see how powerful Rorschach was, showed an extremely solemn expression at this moment.

His fear of Rorschach also reached a peak.

As one of the five obsidian generals, Ebony Maw's strength is definitely at the top of the pyramid in the entire universe.

But even he was not sure that he could take down Rorschach at this moment.


A loud noise came, and the spaceship immediately received a prompt that the hull was damaged.

Ebony Maw took a look at the method displayed on the screen in front of him, and without saying a word, he immediately turned around and left, intending to deal with Rorschach himself.

He understood that relying on those people on Ronan's spaceship would not be of any use at all.

Black Dwarf has always been Ebony Maw's follower. Seeing this, he didn't say anything nonsense. He also walked into the passage with his huge hammer.

Ronan thought for a moment, and without further hesitation, he followed Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, intending to join forces to deal with Rorschach.


As soon as they arrived at the cabin, Rorschach cut a big hole in the hull and jumped in from the hole with great dominance.

Ebony Maw raised his hand and activated his telekinesis. Immediately, a lot of metal was peeled off and automatically flew to the big hole to fill it up.

The spacecraft quickly regained stability.

"This is different from the movie!"

Rorschach couldn't help but secretly complain.

In "Avengers 3", Ebony Maw, such a powerful person, died like a joke.

When he was on Earth, he was so fierce that he ravaged Doctor Strange like teasing a child. He beat Doctor Strange unconscious in a few strokes and captured him alive.

And judging from his performance, Iron Man is very likely to be unable to beat this guy one-on-one.


Iron Man just blew a big hole in the hull, that's all, and Ebony Maw was killed?

What about telekinesis?

Then the awesome telekinesis is as good as non-existent.

Rorschach can only understand that maybe Iron Man caught Ebony Maw off guard at that time.

"I have to say, as a resident of an indigenous planet, you really surprised me."

Ebony Maw's voice sounded, he looked straight at Rorschach with a solemn face, "But the worst thing you did was not to take the things of the great Thanos."


Rorschach couldn't help but reveal a mocking look when he heard it.

The fight with Thanos in another parallel world made Rorschach know exactly how powerful Thanos was.

That was just his level thirty years ago!

Rorschach's overall strength now has long surpassed Thanos in all aspects!

Thanos, the overlord of the universe, is no longer qualified for Rorschach to take seriously.

"Provoking me is the worst thing Thanos has done."

Rorschach snorted coldly.

Then he stopped talking nonsense, shook his body, and turned into a shadow, rushing towards Ebony Maw at an incredibly fast speed.

"Not good!"

Ebony Maw's face suddenly changed, and a great crisis suddenly struck his heart.

He didn't even have time to react, and almost instinctively activated his ability to move a piece of metal in front of him.


The next moment.

There was a loud noise.

It was Rorschach's fist that hammered the metal that Ebony Maw used as a shield into slag.

And it was like a broken bamboo, no, it should be said that it was like a crushing blow, breaking Ebony Maw's telekinetic defense.

In an instant, Ebony Maw was hammered out.

Ebony Maw was like a cannonball, smashing through several walls of the spaceship at once!

If Ebony Maw hadn't been proficient in telekinesis, he would have been hammered out of the spaceship long ago.


"How could this happen!"

The faces of Black Dwarf and Ronan on the side changed drastically, and they all showed extremely shocked expressions.

When Rorschach blocked their firepower before, they knew that Rorschach was very scary, even more scary than any of them.

But even so, they didn't expect Rorschach to be so scary.

That's Ebony Maw!

He couldn't even block the opponent's punch!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Ronan and Black Dwarf would never believe their eyes.


While being shocked, Black Dwarf himself was not idle either. The hammer in his hand suddenly flew out of his hand and smashed towards Rorschach.


A crisp sound of metal and iron suddenly rang out, but Rorschach casually stretched out his hand and grabbed Black Dwarf's hammer in his hand.


His body didn't even shake.

It was as if he was holding a toy in his hand.


The next moment, Rorschach grabbed the opponent's hammer with his right hand and threw it back with light force, and Black Dwarf's hammer flew back.

It hit Black Dwarf directly.

There was no way.

The speed was too fast, so fast that Black Dwarf didn't react at all, and he was knocked over by his own hammer.


He smashed a big hole in the hull of the spacecraft, and the whole person smashed into the outer atmosphere.

Since this is already the atmosphere near the earth, it is still somewhat different from the interstellar space.

So Black Dwarf did not die immediately. He threw the hammer again at the moment he flew out.

He smashed a big hole in the hull of the spacecraft, and grabbed the hull wall like a flying claw.


But Rorschach directly shot two heat rays and cut off the hull wall that was hung by the hammer.

Black Dwarf was helpless this time, and he fell down and disappeared.

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