Although Black Dwarf is powerful, he will undoubtedly be smashed into a pile of meat if he falls directly from the atmosphere to the ground.

Therefore, after Rorschach shot him down from the battleship, he never paid any attention to Black Dwarf again.

Of course, that is according to common sense, but Black Dwarf is at least one of the five obsidian generals, and his strength is still very strong.

Although he is obviously not as powerful as someone like Ebony Maw, he is also a top-ranked strongman in the interstellar.

Maybe he may have one or two tricks up his sleeve, and he will not die if he falls from the atmosphere.

However, even if this unlikely situation really happens, Rorschach is not worried at all.

The X-Men are not vegetarians!

Apart from other things, which one of Charles and Eric can't completely defeat Black Dwarf?

Cyclops's heat rays, Storm's weather control, Vincent's plant control, Liz's flames...

There is no problem dealing with Black Dwarf.


There was a sound of breaking through the air. It was Ronan who attacked Rorschach without any hesitation after seeing how fierce Rorschach was.

He understood that this person was not someone they could deal with alone, and they had to join forces to fight against him.

Even a person like him had to join forces with others!

Therefore, when Rorschach attacked Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, Ronan immediately swung his hammer and launched an energy attack at Rorschach.

And when Ronan attacked, Rorschach was using heat rays to deal with Black Dwarf.

So Ronan's energy attack hit Rorschach directly.


Ronan's spirits lifted.

He believed that even a terrible person like Rorschach would not be able to withstand his powerful attack.

No one's flesh and blood could be so perverted!


The next moment, Ronan's energy attack hit Rorschach.

No, to be exact, it hit the invisible energy shield around Rorschach, and did not affect him at all.

That's right.

That was Rorschach's telekinesis!


The sonic boom sounded immediately, but Rorschach's body shook, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Ronan almost at the same time.

He grabbed Ronan's neck in his hand.

Ronan immediately felt as if he was caught by a prehistoric beast, and he could not get rid of it no matter what!

And the claws of the prehistoric beast contained a huge force that Ronan could not resist at all.

He could crush it with just a flick of his hand.

Ronan's face changed drastically at that moment, he gritted his teeth, swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it hard at Rorschach.

Since he could not get rid of it, he would do his best to launch a fatal blow to Rorschach.


A light sound was heard, and it was Rorschach's other hand that stretched out gently and grabbed Ronan's hammer in an instant.

It was as if he had grabbed Black Dwarf's hammer, so relaxed and effortless.

Chi chi chi chi!

Chi chi chi chi!

The dense sound of breaking through the air was heard, and it was Ebony Maw using his ability to create countless sharp blades, which were overwhelming and shot towards Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't even look at them, as if those attacks didn't exist at all.

The next moment.

Those countless sharp blades were blocked outside by Rorschach's telekinetic barrier, and they couldn't even touch Rorschach, let alone cause any harm to Rorschach.


Rorschach was not in a hurry, and with a force of his hand, he directly broke Ronan's neck.

Ronan, who was still struggling violently in Rorschach's hands, suddenly collapsed like a puddle of mud and didn't move.

He completely turned into a corpse.

Rorschach loosened his grip, and the other fell to the ground like a dead dog.

"How is it possible!"

"How could there be such a powerful person on C53!"

Ebony Maw on the side was completely dumbfounded, and there was a huge wave in his heart. He couldn't believe what he saw.

How much time has passed?

The battle has just begun!

As a result, his companion Black Dwarf was killed, and Ronan, the overlord of the generation, was also killed, and was easily killed by Homelander without any effort.

Is Homelander so terrible?

Is there anyone in the entire universe who can reach this level?

What a joke!

Even the master they follow, Thanos, the most powerful person in the entire universe, can't reach this level!


Sweat immediately flowed from Ebony Maw's forehead.

Throwing Ronan's body on the ground, Rorschach turned his head calmly and glanced at Ebony Maw.

Ebony Maw's anus tightened suddenly.

He felt a kind of tension.

A long-lost tension that he had almost forgotten!


Along with the sound of the sonic boom, Rorschach's body appeared next to Ebony Maw again.

Ebony Maw's various defenses, powerful telekinesis, etc., all means were simply a breeze for Rorschach.

Not to mention blocking Rorschach, they couldn't even form any obstacles to Rorschach.

Bang bang bang!

In this case, Rorschach's iron fist fell hard on Ebony Maw.

After three consecutive punches, Ebony Maw's chest was completely sunken.

Bones and internal organs were all beaten into a pile of mud by Rorschach, and he lay on the ground and turned into a corpse.

After doing all this, Rorschach's eyes shot out extremely blazing heat rays, which traveled around the entire spacecraft.

Boom boom boom!

The entire spacecraft exploded instantly.


A sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's figure flew out in the sky of fire and explosion, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then he returned to Krako.

"Homelander, you are back so soon?"

Thor immediately came to Rorschach with a look of surprise.

How long has it been?

It seems that it has not even been half an hour?

Is everything resolved?

"It's just some trivial matters."

Rorschach waved his hand and said to Thor in a very understated tone.

This is really not Rorschach showing off. Although his enemies are all some cosmic-level strongmen, they are really not worth mentioning in front of him.

Seeing Rorschach's nonchalant attitude, Thor knew that this matter did not cause any trouble to Rorschach, so he laughed and chatted with Rorschach.

The atmosphere at the scene was still very good.

"Homelander, let's stop here, I'm going back to Asgard!"

"Give my regards to Lord Odin!"

After the host and the guest had a good time, Thor began to say goodbye to Rorschach and returned to Asgard.

At this time, a cold light flashed in Rorschach's eyes.

Thanos, is looking for death!

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