American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 333 What we want is to be the overlord of the universe!

After returning to his room, Rorschach immediately contacted Captain Marvel.

"What's wrong with the motherland?"

Captain Marvel was currently flying around in the sky bathed in golden light, like a human-shaped cannonball, mercilessly destroying one spaceship after another.

Auntie seems to be very busy right now. I wonder on which planet she is on, punishing rape and eradicating evil.

However, Captain Marvel's strength is too deceptive. Even in such a battle, it does not affect her chat with Rorschach.

"Danforth, which planet are you on?"

Rorschach suddenly looked speechless. Auntie was really addicted to being a space policeman.

"Well, you wouldn't be interested."

Captain Marvel knocked over a small spaceship in front of him with a casual punch, and said to Rorschach with a nonchalant look on his face.

"Okay." Luo Xia spread his hands. He was indeed not interested. "Then I'll wait until you're done?"

"It's okay, I'm not very busy, let's talk now."

Captain Marvel's fists began to punch out one after another, and the roaring explosions began to sound continuously.

"Do me a favor and find the specific coordinates of Thanos."

Rorschach said his request directly to Captain Marvel without any nonsense.

"The Mad Titan Thanos? It seems that there is another unlucky guy in the universe." Captain Marvel couldn't help but sigh.

Having spent a lot of time with Rorschach, Captain Marvel knows Rorschach's temperament very well.

The other party suddenly wants to investigate Thanos, and it must be Thanos who has provoked Rorschach.

And with Luo Xia's strength stronger than his own, anyone who provokes the other party without opening his eyes is seeking death!

"That's right!"

Rorschach nodded, "Just now, he sent a fleet to invade Krakow, so there is no need for him to exist."


Captain Marvel didn't feel any surprise at all. He dove into a battleship and drilled into the battleship. "I will contact a few friends and wait for my news."

"Okay, then just enjoy your battle first!"

Both parties ended the call.

Captain Marvel's efficiency was still very high. Only half a day later, the other party sent Thanos's specific coordinates to Rorschach.

And Rorschach didn't talk nonsense, and immediately summoned the X-Men together.

He told all the X-Men about his plan to destroy Thanos.

That's right.

In this operation, Rorschach plans to take the X-Men together.

After all, Krakow is not his own country. He is the king of Krakow, but he is not the nanny of Krakow.

He does everything himself, which is extremely detrimental to the development of Krakow as a whole.

This battle with Thanos, the overlord of the universe of the same generation, is a very precious opportunity for the X-Men. Now that they have encountered it, Rorschach will naturally not miss it.

"Rorschach, do you plan to take us to an alien planet to annihilate our enemies?"

"Thanos? Possessing the most powerful fleet in the entire universe? A generation of universe overlord?"

When all the X-Men heard Rorschach's plan, they were all dumbfounded and greatly stimulated.

In the past, it was just a matter of fighting against some aliens who invaded the earth. But this time, Rorschach actually wanted to take them away from the earth and go deep into other planets to fight!

And he’s still fighting against the overlord of the universe!

Even the experienced X-Men were caught off guard.

"Going to an alien planet to fight aliens? How could I miss such an interesting thing?"

The White Queen was the first to express her agreement, "Otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Count me in! You have to count me in! This kind of thing sounds exciting!" Vanessa, the imitation cat, expressed her second opinion.

"Since Thanos dares to set his sights on Krakow, there is nothing to say. We will not be lenient when dealing with our enemies!"

Eric was even more categorical.

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Cyclops, Storm, Liz, Vincent and other X-Men also expressed their opinions.

Everyone had almost no objections and agreed to this matter with a high degree of consensus.

Even Charles, who has always been a bit of a saint.

If he were to attack ordinary humans, Charles's heart would indeed explode, but now he is facing some alien enemies.

Even if this proactive fighting style is not in line with Charles, he can't say much.

That was how things were agreed upon.

Naturally, there was nothing much to say next, so Krako began to make corresponding preparations for this battle in outer space.

Temple One.

"Master, we found out. Ronan's fleet was completely wiped out, and no one survived!"

"Even Ronan himself died in this battle."

"In addition, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf also... died in the battle."

The Chitauri general was half kneeling on the ground, and in a particularly shocked voice, he reported to Thanos who was sitting on his throne.

"No one survives?" Thanos' voice couldn't help but rise an octave higher. The figure who had been lazily leaning on the chair suddenly sat up straight, "Ronan is dead too? Even Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf Are they the same? Is the news accurate?”

The Chitauri generals had reported the matter to themselves, and Thanos naturally knew that this was confirmed information.

The reason why he confirmed it again and again was because the information was too shocking, which made him hard to believe for a while.

"It's true, Master. We found the bodies of Ronan and Ebony Maw. Although we didn't find the body of Black Dwarf,... the possibility of his survival is too small."

The Chitauri general reported in a deep voice.

The corners of Thanos' mouth twitched slightly, and he fell into a deep silence.

After a long time, he spoke again in a deep voice, staring at the Chitauri general and asked, "What's going on? Did Odin take action?"

"Master, Asgard did not take action. According to my investigation, only Homelander took action."

When the Chitauri general said this, his voice was even more shocked.

"What? Homelander alone?"

Thanos was just surprised, and couldn't help but be surprised again, "Homelander did this kind of thing alone?"

"Yes, Master!"

Thanos was also deeply shocked, and even couldn't say anything for a while.

One person destroyed Ronan's fleet, and killed Ronan, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf one after another. This strength is so powerful that it is terrifying!

Even Thanos was shocked.

"How could there be such a strong man on C53!"

After a long while, Thanos sighed in shock.

"Master, then what should we do next..."

"Don't move your troops for now. I want to find out what's going on with this Homelander!"

Thanos interrupted the Chitauri general and said heavily.

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