American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 334 Let’s set off and start destroying Thanos!

Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf were both Thanos's confidants, and they were the top confidants, but after being killed by Rorschach, there was no splash at all.

Several days passed, and there was no follow-up.

Thanos did not take any corresponding measures at all.

You know, even if Loki's action failed, Thanos still sent Ebony Maw.

But for Rorschach, he was too lazy to pay attention to Thanos's behavior logic.

Anyway, he had already planned to kill Thanos, so why bother so much?

After sufficient preparation, just go straight up and it's over!

"Rorschach, we're ready!"

While communicating with Captain Marvel about the relevant situation, Eric and Charles, who were fully armed, came to Rorschach.

"In this case... let's go!"

Rorschach made a decision without any nonsense.

"Danvers, see you later."

"See you later, everyone!"

Captain Marvel also greeted Charles and Eric who came to the scene, and then interrupted the communication.

Rorschach said nothing and came to a hall with Charles Eric.

There, Raven, Hank, Cyclops, Storm, Liz, Vincent and other X-Men have all assembled and are waiting to go to the battlefield.

Although the enemy they have to deal with this time is a generation of cosmic overlords, no one feels worried or nervous about it.

Homelander Rorschach is their biggest confidence!

And Homelander Rorschach's good friend Captain Marvel!

With these two people, everyone believes from the bottom of their hearts that they can't fail.

Of course.

According to Rorschach's information, Thanos is not only at the top of the cosmic pyramid, but also controls the largest fleet in the universe.

But this is not a problem for everyone either. These days, everyone has made very full preparations for this.

Everyone is full of confidence in defeating Thanos!


When Rorschach appeared, all the X-Men set their sights on him.

"Someone dared to set his sights on our Krako. There is nothing to say. Just kill him!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Rorschach did not make any long speeches, but just said these two sentences in a sonorous and powerful manner.

Then he waved his hand and took the lead to walk towards the spaceship parked in front of them.

That's right.

Krako has spaceships.

This is mainly due to the battle with the Kree Empire.

At that time, Rorschach looted several space battleships.

And Hank, the super genius, has studied these interstellar battleships thoroughly after nearly 30 years of research.

Not only can he fully control and use the opponent's battleships, but he has even copied several of his own battleships!

Now Krako is fully capable of interstellar travel.

"The most developed country in the world" is not just a boast!

"Okay, let's go!"

Afterwards, all the X-Men entered the battleship and sat down. Hank, who was still the driver, greeted everyone and began to perform some corresponding operations.


The interstellar battleship immediately soared into the sky and disappeared.

After four consecutive interstellar jumps and flying for a full day, Hank's voice suddenly rang out: "Rorschach, everyone, we're here!"

Everyone in the battleship was refreshed.

"Charles, it's your turn!"

Eric immediately greeted Charles.

Charles nodded, unbuckled his seat belt immediately, and came to a room specially prepared for him in the battleship.

Raven saw this and also stood up and walked in.

In that room, there was a brain wave enhancer!

Although it was only a small brain wave enhancer, it was enough for this war.

After all, Charles' mental power did not need to cover such a large area as the earth, he only needed to control Thanos' army.

A small brain wave enhancer was enough.

Pah pah pah!

Raven immediately performed the corresponding operations and nodded to Charles.

Charles then put on his helmet and released his huge mental power instantly.

"How is it, Charles? Do you need me to call Emma?"

Raven immediately looked at Charles nervously.

Whether Charles' ability can cover all of Thanos's troops is crucial to this war, and Raven is still quite concerned.

In addition to the brainwave enhancer in front of them, everyone actually prepared another spare one.

If Charles is not capable, then Charles and the White Queen can only work together.

So what if Charles and the White Queen still can't cover Thanos's entire army?

Everyone analyzed this situation and agreed that the possibility of this happening is too small.

According to the situation of Thanos's troops provided by Captain Marvel, everyone calculated that Charles alone is actually enough.

However, plans are always slower than changes.

After Charles sensed it, his face soon became a little ugly.

"The other party also has a telepathic sensor, and her strength is very strong!"

Charles said to Raven in a deep voice, "Quick, call Emma over, I need her help!"

Raven naturally did not neglect anything and told Rorschach and the X-Men the news as soon as possible.

Another telepathic user?

Rorschach fell into deep thought for a moment and had a guess.

Could it be that the other party is the superstar who has never shown his face among the five obsidian generals?

Only four of the five obsidian generals appeared in the movie, and the last superstar did not even show his face.

According to the intelligence, the superstar's ability is exactly telepathy, memory transmission and other mental control.

It is the same type as Charles.

Besides the superstar, Rorschach could not think of anyone else who could make Charles, who was wearing a small brain wave enhancer, so afraid.

"I'll go and see!"

After hearing this, the White Queen immediately came to the second brain wave enhancer not far from Charles and also put on a helmet.

"What a powerful psychic!"

The White Queen also showed a look of surprise on her face.

However, even a figure of Superstar's level could not stop Charles and the White Queen from joining forces.

Soon, Charles and the White Queen basically controlled the situation.

I say basically because the two of them only controlled all the ordinary soldiers of Thanos' fleet, but they could not control the people around Thanos anyway.

Because Superstar had built a mental barrier there!

When the two of them had to distract themselves to control so many of Thanos' troops, they could not break through the barrier at all.

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