American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 335 Thanos’ panic: Homelander is coming to the door!

Although things were slightly different from what everyone expected, in general, the situation was still completely under everyone's control.

Neither Rorschach nor anyone else took Charles and the White Queen's inability to break through the superstar's mental barrier seriously.

It was even just right for everyone.

Everyone could just use those who were not controlled as a whetstone and fight with real swords and guns!

Anyway, with Rorschach in charge, as long as they were not fighting against thousands of troops, everyone was not afraid at all.

At this time, Captain Marvel also sent a communication invitation.

Hank chose to connect without any hesitation.

Captain Marvel's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"How is the situation, everyone?"

Captain Marvel glanced at everyone and asked, "I just finished my work here and am rushing to your side, but it will take about half an hour."

"Very good, you can come in time to clean up the battlefield for us." Eric smiled at Captain Marvel.

Seeing the relaxed look of the X-Men, Captain Marvel was relieved.

It seems that the situation is much more optimistic than I imagined.

The previous plan of the X-Men should have been successful.

"Don't worry, Danvers, everything is under control."

Raven also said to Captain Marvel in a good mood.

"Not bad, very good!" Captain Marvel also nodded in a good mood.

"Then I will speed up a little and try to arrive before you clean up the battlefield."

After saying this to everyone, Captain Marvel cut off the communication with everyone.

In fact, for Rorschach, it is no longer necessary for Captain Marvel to come or not. He is fully confident that he can kill all of Thanos and others.

Captain Marvel is not needed at all.

Even if Captain Marvel comes, it would be completely bullying.

After all, Captain Marvel is a ruthless person who can fight against the full gem version of Thanos!

And now Thanos doesn't even have an infinite gem, and his strength is not a little bit worse. How to fight?

Rorschach has no worries about this battle, and the X-Men are the same. Everyone is in a high spirit.

The warships drove to Thanos' territory so quickly.

But because of Charles and the White Queen, they could be said to have driven straight in without any obstruction.

No one even noticed their arrival.

Except for Superstar, General Corvus Glaive and his wife, who were Thanos's confidants, and Thanos!

They actually knew that the enemy had invaded at the first time.

"Master, the invaders' warships have arrived! But our people are controlled by them and don't listen to our commands at all!"

The Chitauri generals looked extremely solemn, and even shocked, and reported to Thanos.

In this case, wouldn't it be equivalent to Thanos's huge army being completely destroyed?

That was Thanos' army.

The most powerful force in the entire universe, Thanos relied on this huge army to dominate the entire galaxy.

But now, it was directly destroyed!

They didn't even know who the opponent was!

When General Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight heard this, their faces were ugly as if they had been slapped a few times.

Thanos's expression was the same.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't have believed it.

Someone could destroy his army so easily, it was just like a dream.

"Is that psychic really that powerful?"

"Can he control my entire army while fighting against you?"

Although he had already confirmed it, Thanos couldn't help but confirm it with Supergiant again, because it was too unbelievable.

"Master, I'm incompetent! But I can only ensure that we are not controlled by the other party with all my strength."

Supergiant replied in a deep voice, with an irrepressible shock on his face.

Her psychic ability is undoubtedly at the top of the universe, but she didn't expect that she would be blown into slag now.

Of course, Supergiant knew that the other party had two psychics working together, but don't forget that they also controlled Thanos's army!

No matter who the other party is, the aspect of mind control is really terrible.

"But master, no matter who the enemy is, they only have one battleship!"

When the voice of General Grim Reaper sounded, he couldn't help but reveal a sneer.

After controlling the thousands of troops that Thanos relied on, they didn't take the opportunity to transfer a large army to destroy them, but only sent a warship?

This operation is too stupid, isn't it?

Do those people really think that they can fight against them with just a warship?

It's just like a joke.

"Master, they are coming!"

Dark Night Proxima suddenly pointed in a direction in the air at this time, with a solemn look on his face.

In fact, there is no need for Dark Night Proxima to say more, Thanos and others also discovered the warship at the first time.


In an instant, everyone's eyes were all on the warship.

Thanos' face was full of cold light.

He wanted to see who could do such a thing!


Under the gaze of Thanos and his men, the hatch of the battleship was opened.

A young Asian man first appeared in everyone's sight.


Thanos' face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

He never thought that the "black hand" behind the scenes was actually Homelander!

Does Homelander actually have such terrible power?

What a joke!

This is a power that can easily paralyze the most powerful fleet in the universe!

A guy from a barren star like C53 can actually do such a thing?

What a joke!

Thanos didn't dare to believe this at all.

"It's him!"

General Corvus Glaive, the couple of Proxima Midnight and Supergiant, the five obsidian generals, also raised their eyebrows fiercely, their pupils shrank sharply, and their faces were full of shock.

They naturally knew about the death of Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, who were people of the same level as them.

General Corvus Glaive and his men were naturally highly concerned about the murderer who could kill these two.

These people all knew about Rorschach's information.

They could never have imagined that Homelander would come to their doorstep again in such a short time after killing Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf!

It was really too arrogant.

It was too much!

After Rorschach, several other figures came down from the battleship one after another.

Eric, Cyclops, Storm and other X-Men gathered behind Rorschach.

Even Thanos and his people could feel an enormous aura from this group of people.

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