"People of the motherland, it seems that you think you are sure of victory?"

In the quiet scene, Thanos's voice rang out, but he was seen staring at Rorschach and spitting out such harsh words from his mouth.

"It's not that I think it is, it's just that."

Rorschach is understated, yet confident and authentic.

As if stating some fact.

"How arrogant!"

General Death Blade let out a sneer, raised the war blade in his hand, and launched an energy attack directly at Rorschach.

How could Eric let a warrior under Thanos easily hurt his own general?

He waved his hand, and a metal swish flew up and stood directly in front of Rorschach.


The piece of metal was instantly exploded by General Deathblade's energy attack, but it indeed completed its mission and helped Rorschach block General Deathblade's attack.

Eric waved his hand again, and General Deathblade flipped over unexpectedly and fell to the ground.

Because he also has metal on his body!

"You guys!"

Dark Night Proxima also let out an angry roar, holding his own sharp blade and rushing towards Rorschach and the others.

The Chitauri generals, as well as other Thanos backbones, also rushed towards Rorschach and the others.

The war officially kicked off with the battle between Eric and General Deathblade.

However, Superstar, who was also one of Obsidian's five generals, did not take action. Instead, he took a step back and quietly retreated away from the battlefield.

Because all her energy is focused on fighting against the mental power of Charles and the White Queen.

There is simply no spare time to do other things.

There was no other way, so Charles and the White Queen teamed up and both used small brainwave enhancers, which was simply more cheating than cheating.

For a superstar to be able to do this, he is actually very, very powerful.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky, but it was Cyclops Scott who touched his glasses with his hand, and two extremely blazing heat rays suddenly shot towards the dark night star Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri was not covered either. With a horizontal movement of the sharp blade in his hand, he actually blocked Cyclops' attack.

The two sides began to fight fiercely.

Click, click, click!

On the chaotic battlefield, plant vines suddenly appeared one after another on the ground, like poisonous snakes, scurrying towards the enemy.

I don't know how many people were accidentally entangled by those vines and strangled to death.

Vincent, this young man who was forced by a few policemen not to dare to stand out in the past, has now become the absolute main force in the X-Men.

Even if its combat power is placed in the entire interstellar, it can be regarded as a strong one.

Crack, crackle!

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, blinding everyone's eyes, but Storm was bathed in the lightning, suspended high in the sky, covered in dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Storm, to be honest, looks more like Thor than Thor.

She just controlled the thunder and lightning, and launched the most ruthless and severe blow against those enemies.

Beat the enemy to a pulp.


A woman with blue light shining all over her body is also very eye-catching. The blue "fire" emanating from her body is more terrifying than any weapon.

It was truly fatal upon contact, and countless people were instantly reduced to ashes within the blue flames.

Thanos's face suddenly became extremely ugly. He did not expect that all these people brought by the motherland were so powerful!

Although the number was small, they suppressed the people on Thanos' side and beat them completely out of breath.

And that's not all. The most important thing is that the people of the motherland opposite Thanos gave Thanos an almost suffocating feeling.

He felt that the person standing in front of him was not a person at all, but a huge beast!


A sonic boom suddenly sounded, interrupting Thanos' thoughts.

Thanos immediately discovered that the man standing in front of him suddenly disappeared.


Thanos was shocked.

The people of the motherland are so fast?

He couldn't react at all!

Almost at that moment, a vague shadow appeared next to Thanos.

In a hurry, Thanos could only rely on instinct, swung the sword in his hand, and slashed away.


A loud noise came immediately, and an irresistible majestic force suddenly hit Thanos's sword.

He actually interrupted Thanos's double-edged sword!

Thanos himself also flew out like a cannonball and hit the ground hard.

Like a dead dog, that's how embarrassing it is.

"How can this be!"

"Master, he was... killed instantly?"

"How can the people of the motherland be so strong!"

The backbones of the Thanos Legion who were fighting with the X-Men at the scene almost had their eyes popped out, with disbelief on their faces.

No matter what, I couldn't believe what I saw with my eyes.

That's Thanos!

A generation of cosmic overlords.

The strongest person in the entire galaxy.

Now, in front of the people of the motherland, are you so vulnerable?

Are you kidding me?

"how so?"

Not to mention the backbones of Thanos, even Thanos himself was completely confused.

He looked at the half-broken sword in his hand, felt his half body still numb, and felt like he was dreaming.

When Thanos learned that Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf Ronan and others died at the hands of Rorschach, he knew that Rorschach must be a strong man of the same level as himself, the kind of strong man standing at the top of the cosmic pyramid.

But even so, Thanos never expected that Rorschach could be so strong.

He was so vulnerable in front of the other party.

Like a child.

If Rorschach's attack had not been blocked by his sword just now, Thanos believed that his fate would be far more than what it is now.


At this moment when Thanos was shocked, the familiar sound of sonic boom sounded again.

"Not good!"

Thanos's face changed wildly, but he didn't have time to react at all, and he was knocked over by Rorschach again.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

In this way, Thanos' tragic life began.

Like a human sandbag, Rorschach hammered him from here to there, and from there to here, and it was a horrible sight.

Twenty minutes later, Thanos, who was hammered by Rorschach again, could not get up again, because he had been hammered to death by Rorschach.


"The master is actually... dead!"

"This is impossible, how could the master be dead!"

The other members of Thanos' army at the scene saw this scene, and they were all struck by lightning, and their morale suffered a devastating blow.

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