American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 337 The Dawn of Collecting Infinity Gems

Before, the backbones of Thanos' army were no match for the X-Men, not to mention that even Thanos was killed.

Once morale and fighting spirit were lost, the combat effectiveness was naturally affected.

These people began to be eliminated one after another by the X-Men.

The result of the battle was naturally without any suspense.

The X-Men won the final victory.

Except for the troops that did not participate in the war and were controlled by Charles and the White Queen, all other backbones of Thanos were killed by Rorschach and his men.

However, it is worth mentioning that Thanos' two daughters Gamora and Nebula were not in Thanos' base camp.

It can only be said that they were lucky.


When Cyclops Scott shot the last enemy to death, a golden light suddenly flashed in the sky.

An old lady bathed in golden light fell from the sky and appeared at the scene.

Captain Marvel glanced at the corpses all over the ground and couldn't help shrugging: "It seems that I am still a step late."

"No, Danvers, you came very timely." Eric couldn't help laughing on the side, "Just in time to clean up the battlefield."

"I think it's better to keep it as it is." Danvers responded casually, and then looked at Rorschach and smiled, "Congratulations Rorschach, you have now become the most powerful person in the universe, and the X-Men have become the most powerful force in the universe!"

Although Captain Marvel's words sounded like flattery, it was not true when you think about it carefully.

The X-Men led by Rorschach wiped out all the main members of Thanos with only a dozen people, and they also had the strength to kill all the people in the opponent's legion!

If this kind of thing were to be spread, it would definitely shock everyone.

"There is nothing to congratulate."

Rorschach was very calm about this.

With Rorschach's current strength and level, Thanos is no longer an enemy of the same level as him. There is nothing to be happy about destroying such a person.

"Okay, go back!"

When all the X-Men gathered around him again, Rorschach waved to everyone and led everyone back to his warship.


The warship flew into the air, turned into a stream of light, flew into the space and disappeared.

That's right.

Rorschach did not move Thanos's army.

Anyway, the main villain Thanos is dead, and the backbones of the opponent have all been annihilated, so the ordinary soldiers under his command have naturally become a mess and can't make a difference.

Rorschach is not worried.

What's more, Thanos' army has more than a million people. Even if he stands there motionless and lets Rorschach kill them, it will take a long time.

Even if Rorschach has always been cold-blooded and ruthless to his enemies, he is not so cold-blooded that he can kill millions of people who are like ants to him without blinking an eye.

Thanos's affairs have come to an end.

After returning to Krako, Rorschach specially held a grand banquet and had a good feast with the X-Men, which was considered a celebration banquet.

The atmosphere at the banquet was very good, needless to say.


Early the next morning, Rorschach once again gathered the X-Men together.

He announced a very important thing to everyone.

"Everyone, I will leave the earth for a while in the next period of time."

Rorschach said to several X-Men with a serious face.

The X-Men looked at me, I looked at you, and all felt a little sudden.

But everyone also knew that since Rorschach planned to do so, he must have his own considerations.

"Rorschach, where are you going? Is there anything important?" The butler Raven immediately asked.

"Is it because of the Infinity Stones?"

Charles pondered for a while and quickly guessed something.

"Yes, I'm going to find the Infinity Stones."

Rorschach nodded and did not deny this. This was also a decision he made after careful consideration.

Collecting the Infinity Stones has always been Rorschach's top priority.

It was not the right time to leave Earth before, but now, Loki has already delivered the Mind Stone to Rorschach, and Rorschach has also reached a strategic cooperation with Odin, making it possible to openly search for the Reality Stone in the Nine Realms.

In this case, what is there to hesitate about?

So Rorschach plans to go to the Nine Realms to find the Reality Stone.

Although according to the plot, the Nine Realms will merge in about three years, and at this time Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster will accidentally discover the Aether particles, that is, the Reality Stone, but that is just the original plot!

And now?

This world has changed a lot since Rorschach was reborn.

Whether Jane Foster can still find the Aether particles like in the original plot three years later, no one can say.

What's more.

Things like the Infinity Stones are naturally better to get as early as possible.

It was indeed inconvenient to search openly in the past, but now that the conditions are in place, what is there to hesitate about?

"Rorschach, do you have a clue?"

Eric's voice sounded, and he looked at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

"The Reality Gem is on a planet in the Nine Realms, which means I only need to search nine planets. This is not a very difficult task."

Although Rorschach said it lightly, no one among the X-Men underestimated this mission.

Not to mention nine planets, even if it is one planet or one country, trying to find something is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

This is not an easy task.

"What can we do?"

Hank asked from the side.

Now that Rorschach has made a decision, the X-Men will naturally give them the greatest support.

"You don't need to do anything. I will seek Odin's help in this matter."

Rorschach said this to Hank.

This is exactly Rorschach's plan.

After all, a person's energy is limited when it comes to finding things, so Rorschach planned to let Odin use Asgard's huge resources to search together.

After hearing this, the X-Men said nothing more.

Since Asgard will also intervene in this matter, there is really no need for them.

"Speaking of which, I also have good news here."

Captain Marvel also gave everyone a boost at this time, "I have found clues to the cosmic sphere. I believe that if I continue to pursue it, I will be able to gain something."

"Danvers, it's up to you!" Rorschach said seriously to Captain Marvel.

"I will! I said I would help you find the cosmic sphere, and I will definitely do it!"

Captain Marvel responded with the same emphasis.

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