American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 338 Homelander and Odin join forces

After explaining almost everything that needed to be explained, Rorschach came to Krako's farm alone without any delay.

"Heimdall, I have something to discuss with Lord Odin!"

Rorschach said softly to the sky.


A colorful light suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped Rorschach.

When the light dissipated, Rorschach had already appeared in Asgard.

"Lord Rorschach!"

Seeing Rorschach again, Heimdall's attitude towards Rorschach also changed a lot.

Although he didn't know exactly what Rorschach and Odin were planning, Heimdall could still feel Odin's attitude towards Rorschach.

After all.

This is the only outsider who was granted by Odin to use the portal to Asgard anytime and anywhere.

This treatment is simply beyond words.

"Homelander? Why are you here?"

Arriving at the hall, Odin hadn't come yet, and Thor, who heard the noise, came to Rorschach first.

He also heard from Heimdall that Rorschach could come to Asgard at any time without notification and approval, just like the Asgardians, and he became more and more curious.

"What are you and my father plotting? It's so mysterious." Thor looked at Rorschach eagerly and asked.

He had actually asked Odin the same question many times, but Odin never told him.

"I still say the same thing, ask your father." Rorschach smiled at Thor.

"I knew it would be like this." Thor muttered, but did not ask any more questions, but changed the topic, "So what do you want to talk to my father about this time?"

"You can wait for Lord Odin to come and listen together, or maybe you can join in."

Rorschach thought for a moment and said to Thor.

"Really? It sounds like it should be a very interesting thing." Thor immediately showed an interested look.


"Sir Odin!"


Soon, Odin appeared in the hall, and Rorschach and Thor stood up to greet Odin.

Then they sat down.

After a brief greeting, Rorschach told Odin about his plan.

After Odin heard it, he was still very surprised: "Aether particles? This thing should not exist. It has been annihilated in history with the demise of the dark elves."

Although he said so, Odin's tone was not as sure as before.

Although this matter was recorded in the books of Asgard, how could a person like Homelander speak easily if he was not sure.

Compared to the dead things like books, Odin subconsciously tended to believe in Rorschach, a master of the same level as himself.

"No, although the dark elves were almost extinct, the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, escaped with a group of diehards."

"As for the ether particles, they were not destroyed, but were dormant somewhere in the Nine Realms."

Rorschach said to Odin in a very affirmative tone.

"So, how did you get this information?" Odin was silent for a moment, then looked at Rorschach seriously and asked.

"Sir Odin, you know that I am a mutant, and you also know that I am a mutant with multiple abilities, but you probably don't know that being able to see some fragments of the future is also one of my abilities."

Rorschach thought about it and smiled at Odin in an unfathomable way.

In fact, this is not to fool Odin, he is indeed familiar with the plot.

Although many things have changed since his rebirth, those things about the ether particles have not changed.

"So that's it."

Odin nodded, without any doubt.

He even felt a little relieved.

Odin already knew what happened to Loki. From what Loki told him, Homelander seemed to be a prophet.

Not only did he recognize Loki at a glance, he even knew his purpose and robbed his cane.

That series of events was obviously premeditated.

And when Loki did not leak any information and suddenly attacked the Cosmic Cube, something seemed amiss.

Now, it has been well explained.

Obviously, Rorschach must have seen the relevant fragments of the future.

"If that's the case, Homelander, I will use all the power of Asgard to find the ether particles in the Nine Realms!"

Odin made the decision without any hesitation.

This is not only to help Rorschach, but also to help Asgard.

After all, the Dark Elves and Asgard had a war countless years ago. The two races were already in a life-and-death relationship, and there was no room for easing.

The ether particles were the weapon used by the Dark Elves to plunge the Nine Realms into darkness, and that was what the Dark Elves tried to do countless years ago.

At first, Asgard thought it had won the war and stopped the dark elves, but now it seems that there are still considerable hidden dangers.

As the master of Asgard and the Nine Realms, Odin is naturally obliged to eliminate this hidden danger.

"Father, let me lead the men of Asgard to carry out this mission!"

After listening, Thor took the initiative to volunteer.

"Homelander, let Thor assist you!"

Odin agreed without any hesitation.

Thor has grown a lot since what happened two years ago.

He is no longer the unreliable greenhead he used to be, but has become much more mature and steady.

Odin can safely leave some things to Thor.

In addition, Odin actually has other thoughts, which is to let Thor use such actions to strengthen the bond with Rorschach and maintain the relationship between the two.

After all, Odin himself won't live long!

"Okay, Thor, then I'll leave it to you!"

Naturally, Rorschach had nothing to refuse, so he agreed immediately.

After everyone happily reached an agreement, Odin greeted a few people and left first.

Leave this matter entirely to Thor and Rorschach.

Maybe he wanted to train Thor, maybe he really started to trust Thor. In short, at this time, Odin really regarded Thor as the next king of Asgard.

After Odin left, Rorschach and Thor began to discuss some related actions.

"Which world should we start looking for first? People of the motherland, what do you propose?"

Thor asked, staring at Rorschach.

"Water Alhelm!"

Rorschach pondered for a moment before spitting out such a name.

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