American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 339 Homelander Thor and Loki's joint action

Wat Alheim, the planet where the dark elves in the Nine Realms are located.

Although Rorschach could not determine where the ether particles were, after some thought, the probability of Wat Alheim was undoubtedly the highest.

After all, that was where the dark elves and Asgard fought.

And according to the plot of Thor 2, Rorschach remembered that the place where Jane Foster found the ether particles was a kind of endless dark and lightless place.

It was very similar to the recorded Wat Alheim.

Of course.

These are just Rorschach's guesses based on some seriously insufficient evidence fragments, and they are not necessarily accurate.

But since we don't know where to start, we might as well set this goal as Wat Alheim.


Thor had no objection to this.

This matter was happily agreed upon.

There was naturally nothing to say next. Thor immediately assembled the Asgard army and rushed to Wat Alheim with Rorschach at the fastest speed.

Rorschach's journey to find the reality gem began just like this.

The days of searching for gems are dull and boring, especially for a dead star planet like Watt Alheim.

There is nothing on the whole planet, only endless mud and sand everywhere.

There is not even any sunlight, which makes people feel very depressed if they stay there for a long time.

Even Rorschach, after searching for three months like looking for a needle in a haystack, can't help but want to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

There is no way.

This matter is really boring.

"Thor, don't you have any magic in Asgard that can find ether particles?"

Rorschach couldn't help but look at Thor who was also "dusty" beside him and asked, "Isn't Loki a powerful magician? Can he do this kind of thing?"

In fact, there are magicians who are more powerful than Loki. Frigga, the wife of the God King Odin, is stronger than Loki anyway, and even Loki's magic was taught by Frigga.

In the final battle, Thor went back to the past and was seen through by Frigga at a glance. That woman is really not covered.

But no matter how shameless Rorschach is, he is too embarrassed to disturb the "mother" of Asgard.

Loki is Thor's younger brother, so it's nothing.

"Don't tell me, Loki's magic is really good. I was often fooled by his magic in the past, and I never saw through it."

Thor's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Rorschach's words.

However, Rorschach seriously suspected that Thor couldn't see through Loki's magic because of his IQ, not because of how good Loki's magic was.

It's not that Loki doesn't have any good magic, but that he doesn't need any advanced magic to deceive Thor.

"However, Loki is now imprisoned in the dungeon..." Then Thor frowned slightly, but he became excited again, "Father, why don't you tell your father that we need Loki! So Loki can be released in advance!"

This guy is really a brother control!

Rorschach was speechless, but after thinking about Thor's words, he felt that this kind of thing was not a bad idea.

Unlike the original storyline, Loki did not succeed in launching the New York War this time.

Although he still committed a crime, the degree was much lighter than before.

And finding the ether particles is also very important to Asgard, so borrowing a prisoner is nothing.

Not to mention, this prisoner is Odin's son.


Seven days later, Loki appeared in Watt Alheim, in front of Rorschach and Thor.

"So the mysterious and powerful Homelander, who is even highly favored by Odin, actually needs my help?"

Even though Loki was imprisoned for so many days, he was still very proud.

"You are right."

Rorschach nodded and did not deny it. "I am an amateur in magic, but if you can't provide any help, I think I can only send you back to where you came from."

Loki's originally coquettish smile stagnated slightly.

Since there is a chance to come out, even if it is to a place like Watt Alheim where no one lives, it is better than going back to the dungeon.

As for escaping, Loki didn't have the intention at all.

That's right.

Under normal circumstances, Loki would definitely try to escape, but in front of Rorschach, Loki knew he had no chance.

There was no way, this guy was too strong.

The battle in Krako left Loki with a big psychological shadow.

And this person could actually make Odin pay so much attention, which further proved that the other party had great means.

Such a person was not something Loki could deal with.

Loki was not stupid.

"Don't say that, I'm sure my magic will be useful. In fact, I have made special preparations for this!"

Loki grinned again, and then took out the corresponding book of Asgard.

He opened a page, which recorded the specific form of the ether particles.

"Although it's just a record, it may not be accurate, but in any case, it also gave me the direction to cast magic."

Loki smiled confidently at Rorschach.

"Really, Loki? That's great, I knew you could do it!"

Thor clapped his hands happily and laughed.

"Of course I'm good, I've always been good! Thor, I don't need your approval!" Loki didn't appreciate it very much and said to Thor coldly.

Thor didn't care much about this, but enthusiastically urged Loki to use magic quickly.

With Rorschach around, Loki didn't create so many tricks, and quickly began to set up a magic ritual based on the clues about the ether particles.

how to say.

That magical ritual does indeed work.

But because no one has really seen the appearance of ether particles, Loki's magic ritual cannot be accurately locked and can only give everyone some vague guidance.

But even so.

It also saves everyone a lot of things.

After searching for another seven months in Wat Alheim, everyone finally made the discovery.

"Your Highness Thor, we have discovered something!"

An Asgardian soldier happily ran to Thor to report, which made Thor become equally excited.

The last time I made any discovery was two months ago.

"lead the way!"

Thor immediately waved his hand and said to the soldier.


The other party immediately led the way, taking Thor to a ruins in a small aircraft.

There, Thor indeed discovered a ball of "red dirt" suspended in the air.

Although he didn't know what it was, Thor's first instinct was that it must be something other than a mortal thing.

There is a high possibility that they are ether particles.

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