American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 340 Another Infinity Stone is obtained

With a trace of curiosity, Thor, the sixth child, just like Jane Foster, actually stretched out his hand and carefully touched the red soil.

Wanted to see what it was.

It seems that Odin must have never taught Thor before. Don't reach out and touch incomprehensible things. It's very dangerous!


The moment Thor's hand touched the ether particles, the ether particles actually seemed to be alive and moved on their own.

It burrowed towards Thor like a vicious dog pouncing on its prey.

"What the hell!"

Thor was shocked.

At that critical moment, a burst of thunder and lightning immediately struck, and then the ether particles were smashed back hard.

This time, Thor didn't dare to act rashly.

"Go quickly and call the people of the motherland to come over!"

Thor immediately said to the Asgardian warrior beside him.


A sonic boom sounded.

"No need, I'm already here!"

Along with this voice, Rorschach's figure appeared in front of Thor.

"People of the motherland, come here quickly!"

Thor excitedly waved to Rorschach, "These are probably ether particles!"

"Yes Thor, these are ether particles!"

Rorschach glanced at it, and a light of excitement also flashed in his eyes.

The reality gem was finally found!


Without saying a word, Luo Xia immediately opened up his huge mental power, wrapped up the ether particles, and "caught" them in front of him.

But he saw that the ether particle was like a living creature, struggling continuously in Rorschach's mental barrier, as if trying to break out.

It's just a pity that the power generated by the ether particles that are not controlled by anyone can compete with Rorschach's power.

"Thor, where are the things? Take them out quickly!"

Rorschach just shouted to Thor at this time.

"Oh, I almost forgot!"

Thor patted his head, and then took out a "small box" similar to an ancient oil lamp from the hands of his guard.

That small box doesn't look like much, but it's actually a treasure from Asgard's treasure house.

After Rorschach made the corresponding request to Thor, Thor specially brought it to contain the ether particles.

Opening the small box, a huge suction force automatically appeared inside the small box.

It's so huge that Thor doesn't even dare to get close to it easily.

Rorschach used his mind power to wrap the ether particles and put them directly into the mouth of the small box.


The ether particles were immediately put into the small box.

You're done!

Rorschach was in a good mood.

And at this same moment.

In an unknown place in Vat Alheim, a huge mothership "lyed" quietly there.

Within the mothership, there are sleeping cabins one after another.

Looking at the dense crowds, the number is definitely not small.

That's right.

Lying in these dormant cabins are the last dark elves.

Those dark elves that Odin thought were extinct.


Along with this sound, one of the dormant cabins was ejected.

The hatch opened, and a dark elf opened his eyes first and woke up.

This dark elf is none other than the leader of the dark elves, Malekith.

"The ether particles are awakened!"

Malekith's face showed joy, excitement, and determination to win.

Their dark elves have lost their secret weapon for countless years. Now that it has been awakened this time, they must get it!

"How about my motherland, I told you a long time ago that my magic is useful, right?"

In Asgard's temporary camp, Loki showed off in front of Rorschach with a proud look on his face.

It seems that the discovery of ether particles is entirely due to him.

But this guy's magic ritual did indeed play a very important role.

if not.

If you are looking for a needle in a haystack on a planet, who knows how long it will take you to find it.

"Of course, a match and a pair of underwear have their own unique functions, let alone you."

Rorschach nodded with deep understanding.

Loki: "..."

What the hell kind of metaphor is this!

"Hahaha, my motherland, your metaphor is really vivid." Thor couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Yes Thor, as the people of the motherland say, I am as useful as matches and underwear, so what about you? Not even as good as matches and underwear, right?"

Loki taunted Thor mercilessly.

The chrysanthemum smile on Thor's face suddenly froze.

Just as he was about to retort something, Thor suddenly heard Rorschach say coldly: "A guest is here."


What guests?

Thor and Loki were both stunned, and then looked around involuntarily.

But I found that the surrounding area was empty, not even a ghost. Where did the "guest" come from?

"Dark Elves, they are coming!"

Rorschach didn't put any extra effort into telling Thor and Loki the truth.

"Dark Elf!"

Thor was startled.

Rorschach had long told him and Odin that the dark elves were still alive, and Thor had no doubts about Rorschach's words.

He tightened his grip on the hammer and looked around again, "Where are they?"


Rorschach pointed forward.

Thor and Loki looked in the direction of Rorschach, but found that there was nothing in front of them.


Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense, and two heat rays burst out from his eyes.

The heat rays penetrated several kilometers in an instant, but were blocked by an invisible object there.

And then.

The light at the place where the heat rays were shot began to fluctuate, and a huge mothership appeared out of thin air.

It turned out that it was an invisible mothership!

Both Thor and Loki looked serious.


"How did he find us!"

Inside the dark elf's mothership, Malekith's face suddenly showed extreme shock, and he was completely caught off guard by Rorschach's wave.

The stealth technology of their dark elf fleet can be said to be unparalleled in the world. Even the humanoid radar of Asgard like Heimdall cannot detect it!

Unless it comes to Heimdall!

Even a person like Heimdall is like this, let alone others.

As a result, that young guy actually found their mothership from a few kilometers away?

What a joke!

And why did such a sharp energy ray emerge from that person's eyes?

When did someone in Asgard be able to do such a thing?

And why did Asgard suddenly run to their Wat Alheim?

Could it be that the awakening of the ether particles was done by these Asgardians?

Malekith's mind was really full of question marks.

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