American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 341 The frightened dark elf: The people of the motherland are too perverted

But no matter what, the ether particles are in the hands of those Asgardians, and Malekith can clearly perceive the location of the ether particles.

That being the case.

Malekith was too lazy to care about so many things. He just wanted to eliminate these Asgardians and snatch the ether particles away.

Others are afraid of Asgard, but they dark elves are not!

Not to mention it is just an Asgardian army, they have nothing to fear even if they attack the Asgardian base camp.

The dark elves are so fierce!

"Destroy those Asgardians and bring me the ether particles!"

Malekith ruthlessly gave orders to the generals around him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh!

Soon, one battleship after another flew out of the mothership, and flew towards the Asgard camp like locusts passing by.

"Meet the enemy!"

"Meet the enemy!"

Thor immediately clenched the hammer in his hand and shouted.

The Asgardian soldiers also immediately jumped on the battleship and began to rush towards the dark elves' fleet.


They were still a step slower.

Because Rorschach's speed is much faster than them!


A sonic boom sounded, but Luo Xia's body swayed and disappeared on the spot.

Then Thor and Loki could only vaguely feel a vague shadow, rushing towards the fleets of the dark elves.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

But I saw that shadow scurrying among those fleets, and those warships that were not weaker than the Asgard fleet in every aspect exploded one after another.

Like leaves blown by the wind.

It's so spectacular.

The scene suddenly became stagnant.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button.

Whether it was Thor, Loki, or the other Asgardian warriors, they were all dumbfounded, dumbfounded, and completely dumbfounded.

How is this possible?

How could someone actually defeat a fleet with their own flesh and blood?

No, that can no longer be called tough, but it is more appropriate to call it a sweep.

This is so damn exaggerated!


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard.

Even Loki, who had been blasted by Rorschach once, was shocked by Rorschach again at this moment. He couldn't believe his eyes.

It turns out that this is the true strength of the people of the motherland?

It turns out that when we blasted ourselves before, the people of the motherland didn’t show any real intentions at all?

What kind of perversion is this!

But thinking about how he was ravaged by such a pervert, Loki suddenly felt a lot better.

"What the hell!"

"How can it be!"

In the dark elf mothership, Malekith gasped on the spot and screamed in surprise.

He was really frightened by Luo Xia's fierceness.

I even said I almost peeed out of fear.

Who is this person?

Hell, not even Odin is that powerful, right?

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Malekith, who was sweating profusely on his forehead, immediately gave such an order to his confidants.

What a joke. With this person here, how could they get the ether particles? It would be good if they could save their lives.

"I'm afraid we won't have this chance!"

His confidants were equally sweating.

Looking at the opponent's speed, it would be difficult to escape!

"Now, it's time for you to pledge your allegiance!"

Malekith wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and spoke ruthlessly to his confidants.

Didn't he know that it was not easy to escape from that pervert's hands?

Therefore, it is necessary to create certain resistance for the other party.

The confidant understood what Malekith meant, took out a "stone" and shook it hard with his right hand.

A huge force suddenly swept through his body, and a terrifying "Tauren Warrior" immediately appeared.

The most powerful weapon of the Dark Elves, the Cursed Warrior, makes its debut!

"Do your best to buy us time!"

Malekith gave this order to the Warriors of the Damned.


The cursed warrior responded, then he turned around and walked towards the hatch on one side.

He opened the hatch and jumped in!

It's several hundred meters above the ground!

"The Second and Fifth Fleets go to support!"

Following Malekith's order, battleships flew out of the mothership one after another, densely packed.

It wasn't until all this was done that Malekith ordered the mothership to start retreating.


When the mothership began to turn around, the cursed warrior's iron tower-like body hit the ground hard, causing the ground to tremble.

He looked up at Rorschach, who was flying in the sky and destroying his fleet like a balloon, and let out a low roar like a wild beast.


There was a loud noise, and the Cursed Warrior stepped on the ground with both feet. A big hole was immediately dug out of the ground, and the person was shot towards Rorschach like a cannonball.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Rorschach, and the iron fist in his hand hit Rorschach mercilessly.

But the next moment, the figure of the cursed warrior froze in the air.

Because Rorschach just stretched out his hand and used his huge telekinesis to imprison the cursed warrior.

"What! What's going on!"

The cursed warrior's heart was filled with huge waves.

He who has transformed into a cursed warrior is the most powerful among the dark elves, but now, he is so vulnerable in front of this young man?

He can't even get close to him?

Boom boom boom!

While Rorschach was dealing with the cursed warrior, the artillery attacks of the surrounding dark elves had already completely covered Rorschach.

But Rorschach seemed to have seen nothing, just staring at the cursed warrior in front of him coldly, letting the artillery fire hit him without even blinking.

It was as if the powerful firepower that was no weaker than that of the Asgard fleet was just tickling.

This scene made the cursed warrior's heart even more excited. What kind of pervert is this guy!

When did Asgard have such a pervert?


The next moment, the cursed warrior's body shook violently, hot blood splashed out, and the man was motionless.

Because Rorschach took out his heart in one go.

It's not that Rorschach likes this bloody and violent style, but this is the fastest way to kill the cursed warrior.

You should know that the cursed warrior is actually very strong. In the movie, Thor was beaten like a dog.

They are thick-skinned and very durable.

It's easy to hurt them using the usual methods, but it takes some effort to kill them completely.

It's faster to take out their hearts.


Rorschach casually threw the body of the cursed warrior to the ground, as if he had done something insignificant.

Without stopping for a moment, he flew towards the fleets again.

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