American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 342: Destroy with overwhelming force, slaughter all the dark elves


Boom boom boom!

One warship after another began to explode, and then fell from the sky like rain.

In just a short moment, all the warship formations sent by Malekith were wiped out by Rorschach.

Thor's fleets didn't even have a bite of hot food, and could only eat a few bites of leftovers left by Rorschach.


A sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's figure disappeared in an instant, and immediately caught up with Malekith's mothership.

"Who the hell is this guy! So scary!"

Malekith in the mothership saw Rorschach chasing so quickly, and the cold sweat on his forehead was like a waterfall.

He saw clearly how the cursed warrior was killed, and it was because of this that his fear of Rorschach reached a peak.

That was the most powerful warrior of their dark elves!

He was killed instantly by that guy!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Malekith would never have believed such an absurd thing.

The cursed warrior that he had placed high hopes on actually had almost no effect and only blocked the opponent for a short moment. Who could he complain to about this?


Escape as fast as possible!

At this moment, Malekith had only this thought in his mind. God bless him, he was indeed completely stunned by Rorschach.

But unfortunately, it was not up to him to decide whether he could escape or not.


With a loud noise, the entire mothership was shaken violently. It turned out that Rorschach had directly smashed the mothership and rushed in directly with great domineering power.

"Quick! Everyone, stop him!"

Malekith shouted in a deep voice, ordering everyone to stop Rorschach, and he only took a few personal soldiers to quickly abandon the ship and escape.

But unfortunately, not long after Malekith's warship left the mothership, the mothership behind him exploded.

Then, Malekith and the warship he was riding on were ruthlessly destroyed by Rorschach, and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Returning to the Thor brothers, Rorschach clapped his hands, as if he had done something insignificant: "This time, the dark elves are really completely wiped out."

Because he had seen the movie, Rorschach recognized the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, so he said this with great certainty.

In addition, the Asgard army also captured some dark elves, and this news will be verified by Asgard later.

"This is really good news!" Thor couldn't help but laugh happily when he heard it.

This time, Watt Alheim and his party not only successfully completed the mission and found the ether particles, but also solved the dark elves, a major concern. It can be said that it was very successful.

"Thor, please remind me that I must never be enemies with my countrymen in the future!"

Loki sighed to Thor from the bottom of his heart.

This is a super ruthless person who can destroy a fleet by himself. It's really unbearable.

There was nothing much to say next. Rorschach, Thor, Loki and others immediately returned to Asgard.

After learning that the dark elves had been destroyed, Odin was in a good mood, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

In order to celebrate everyone's triumph this time, Odin prepared a grand banquet to reward all the Asgardian warriors.

Rorschach and Thor toasted each other at the banquet, and the guests and hosts were very happy, so there was no need to say more.

"Then Mr. Odin, I will go back first."

After the excitement, Rorschach said hello to Odin and left Asgard.

There is no doubt that the ether particles were also brought back to Earth by Rorschach.

"Rorschach, you are finally back!"

"It's been so long, and you are finally back!"

Upon receiving the news, all the Malekith war police were surprised and excited.

In any case, more than a year has passed since Rorschach left!

"Rorschach, are you leaving again this time?"

After a brief greeting, Raven looked at Rorschach and asked a very critical question.

"It depends on the specific situation."

Rorschach pondered for a moment and did not give a positive answer, but then he brought good news to everyone.

He took out the ether particle and handed it to Hank: "Hank, this is the reality gem, keep it."

Reality gem!

Hank's face showed an extremely solemn expression, and he took it carefully.

This thing is an important thing related to the fate of the entire mutant race, and Hank naturally dared not neglect it.

"Speaking of the Infinity Gems, I also have good news here."

Charles smiled and said, "Danvers just talked to us last month, and she said that the cosmic sphere can be found in two months at most."

"Really!" Rorschach was immediately shocked. This was indeed good news for him.

And according to Rorschach's understanding of the aunt, the other party is not a person who likes to talk big. Since she said that the cosmic sphere will be found within two months, she will definitely find it.

"If that's the case... then it's time to get the Soul Gem."

Rorschach made this decision after a slight hesitation.

The reason why he didn't get the Soul Gem before was mainly because the method of obtaining this gem was a bit special, and also because it was absolutely safe, so it was naturally put last.

But now, the gems are about to be collected, so it's time to collect the soul gems.

"Rorschach, are we going to start that plan?" Charles' heart moved, and he couldn't help asking.

As for how to get the soul gem, the Malekith warriors actually have a plan.

The condition for obtaining the soul gem is to exchange souls for souls, and you can only get it by sacrificing your loved ones. This is an unbreakable rule, but this rule is not without loopholes.

Because the rule does not require what kind of people to sacrifice.

Doesn't this mean that some terminally ill dying people can be found to do this?

Even the relevant personnel have already been selected.

Just wait for Rorschach's order to execute,

and now, the time has come.

"Yes, we are going to start that plan!" Rorschach nodded heavily.

Charles opened his mouth, seeming a little reluctant, because doing so is no different from killing people, even if they are dying!

But Charles also knew that this matter was too important, and this method was indeed the method with the least "collateral damage", so he didn't say anything more.

"By the way, Rorschach, there is another thing."

Raven's voice sounded again, but the butler's face became extremely solemn, "Our people met the Eternals."

"Is that true?" Rorschach's face suddenly became solemn.

The reason why he collected the Infinity Stones was because of the threat of Alism, and he had always intended to avoid any intersection with the Eternals.

In the end, he still couldn't avoid this fate?

Mutants, once again intersected with the Eternals?

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