American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 343 The fourth Infinity Stone is obtained

"What happened?" Rorschach asked in a deep voice, looking at Raven.

"Three months ago, I led a team to carry out a mission. On the way back, we passed through a barren mountain, where we were attacked by mutants."

Eric said slowly, "We fought with the mutants, and there, we met Ikaris."

Rorschach was not surprised by this, after all, the mission of the Eternals was to wipe out the mutants.

"Oh, by the way, Rorschach, that was a mission related to foreign affairs. If you hadn't left the earth, you should have been the leader." Charles said jealously at this time.

So, is this how the Eternals discovered that he could use cosmic energy in another parallel universe?

There is basically no doubt.

So Rorschach's departure from the earth this time did avoid being targeted by the Eternals.

However, there is only a thousand days of thieves, but no thousand days of guarding against thieves. If you want to really solve Arisom's troubles, you still need to have the strength to be fearless of Arisom!

Otherwise, Rorschach can't hide from the Eternals all his life, right?

How frustrating would that be?

"I know!"

Rorschach nodded, and his determination to find the Infinity Stones became more and more firm.

"Raven, get ready, I'm going to Vormir as fast as possible!"

Rorschach then spoke to Raven.

"I understand!"

Raven responded, and then walked out in a hurry without any nonsense.

"Rorschach, everything is ready!"

A week later, Raven brought a middle-aged couple to Rorschach.

Rorschach had already learned from Raven that the man was Brian and the woman was Maria, and they were a couple with deep feelings.

But the man had cancer two years ago, which emptied his family's assets and owed a lot of foreign debts, but even so, he was not cured at all.

Bryan only had one week left to live.

To make matters worse, their child was also diagnosed with a serious illness a month ago and needed sky-high medical expenses.

It is conceivable how desperate Brian and his wife were facing.

So after hearing Raven's conditions, they agreed to Raven's request without any hesitation.

This is a great father who is willing to sacrifice his life for his son's future.

This is also a great mother. Brian suddenly became tragic, but Maria, as a mother, actually endured more.

"Ro, King Rorschach, hello!"

Brian and Maria were very restrained in front of Rorschach, and even spoke fluently.

This is understandable. They are just an ordinary couple, but Rorschach is the most famous star on Earth today!

Even Tony Stark can't compare with him.

It is difficult for ordinary people to remain calm in front of him.

"Hello, you guys." Rorschach nodded to the two of them, "Don't worry, I will do what I promised you, this is my promise to you!"

Brian and the two were completely relieved.

With the status of King Rorschach, he actually made a promise to them in person, and the amount was naturally beyond doubt.

"Please, both of you!"

Hank on the side personally took Brian and his wife into the interstellar battleship.

Raven, Scott and other entourages also entered one after another.


Soon, the interstellar battleship turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Four days later, the interstellar battleship stopped on a vast planet that looked like Watt Alheim.

There is no doubt that it was the planet Vormir.

"Is there really anyone in this kind of ghost place?"

Looking around, Raven couldn't help but complain.

If someone really lived in such a place, I'm afraid they would go crazy, right?

"This place... looks like a dead star." Hank gave his own evaluation.

"Yes, this is a dead star." Rorschach nodded, "The only meaning of the existence of this planet is to let people come to get the soul gem."

"Then let's finish this thing quickly, it makes people uncomfortable here." Scott couldn't help but complain.

As for Brian and Maria, they were nervous and curious.

Especially for Brian, there was even a hint of excitement.

This is an alien planet!

For most people, who can have such a dreamy and exciting experience in this life?

Rather than dying in a cowardly manner lying on the hospital bed, it is a better choice for him to shine the last light of life here.


As the few people were talking, a cold voice suddenly sounded, scaring everyone except Rorschach.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously and saw a monster with a red skull face floating on the side.

That scene looked really scary!

"Homelander Rorschach, Mystique Raven..."

"Okay, okay, I know you know us!" The Red Skull was interrupted by Rorschach before he said half of his words, "Be direct, where is that cliff?"

Red Skull: "..."

What the hell!

Rorschach's operation directly made the Red Skull unable to do anything.

"Rorschach, he is not the guide you mentioned, right?" Raven looked at Rorschach with incredible eyes, she was really stimulated.

Before coming, Rorschach told them that there was a guide on Vormir who would lead everyone to find the gem, but he never told them that the guide was a monster.

"Yes, I am your guide!"

Before Rorschach spoke, Red Skull responded.

"It seems that you are not completely ignorant of the Soul Gem. In that case, follow me."

Red Skull did not dwell on this matter too much. He said this and began to lead the way.

"Mr. Brian, let's go." Raven called out to Brian and his wife, and then everyone followed Red Skull forward.

It's strange to say that everyone came to the cliff after just a few steps, but before Red Skull appeared, no one noticed it!

It's really magical.

"You can only exchange souls with souls. If you want to get the Soul Gem, you must lose your loved ones. You should know this, right?"

Red Skull's voice sounded again.

Rorschach didn't waste any words and glanced at Brian directly.

Brian knew it was his turn to make his appearance. This guy was indeed a man. He hugged his wife tightly, without any hesitation, gritted his teeth, and rushed to the cliff.

Jumped down.

At the moment when Brian fell to his death, Maria found herself waking up in a pool of water, holding a huge gem in her hand.

The Soul Gem was obtained just like that.

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