The soul gem was successfully obtained, which is the first good news.

And when Rorschach returned to Krakow in just the second week, he received the second piece of good news.

"Rorschach, Danvers is back!"

Rorschach, who was studying the four Infinity Stones with Hank in the laboratory, received news from Raven.

Rorschach's energy suddenly lifted, and a smile couldn't help but appear on his lips.

Since Auntie is back, it means that the other party has successfully found the cosmic sphere.

"Let's go meet Danvers!" Rorschach waved his hand and returned to his hall happily. He saw Captain Marvel talking and laughing with the X-Men, and the atmosphere was great.

"Rorschach, you have fulfilled your mission!"

Seeing Rorschach appear, Captain Marvel smiled, took out a sphere and put it in Rorschach's hands.

There is no doubt that it is the Cosmic Sphere, the Power Stone.

"Danfoss, I knew I could always count on you!" Looking at the cosmic sphere in his hand, Rorschach couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

So far, Rorschach's collection of infinite gems can be said to be mostly completed, with only the last step left.

Time gem!

However, the time stone is more troublesome in the hands of Kama Taj and that bald woman.

Even though Rorschach is now so powerful that he can hardly find any opponent in the entire universe, he still has no confidence that he can defeat Master Gu Yi.

Regarding this last gem, Rorschach has always had a headache, and has never been able to think of a satisfactory solution.

That thing is something that the Supreme Mage is sworn to protect no matter what!

Regarding this point, the X-Men also had several heated discussions, but the result of the discussion was slightly helpless:

Give up the Time Stone.

Because everyone does not have the conditions to collect time gems.

Although five gems are naturally not as perfect as six gems, Rorschach collects gems not to snap his fingers, but to enhance his own strength!

The increase of five gems is actually terrifying.

"The Time Stone is different from other stones, Rorschach. It is impossible for us to go to war with Kama Taj because of this stone. This is unwise."

In the conference room, Charles expressed his opinion.

Even a person like Eric, who has always been radical, did not express any objections. The reason is that Kama Taj is too strong. It would be a fool to establish such a strong enemy in order to enhance his own strength. matter.

It's totally worth the loss.

"Then let's implement the alternative plan?"

Hank raised his eyebrows and asked for everyone's opinions.

That's right.

There is an alternative to the plan to collect the Infinity Stones, and this alternative is the plan that will be used when the Time Stone cannot be collected.

According to everyone's previous plan, the reality gem has the ability to modify reality. In fact, everyone can make a fuss about this matter.

After all, the reason why mutants are targeted by Alitham is simply because Rorschach can absorb cosmic energy. This is the core contradiction.

So what if this contradiction does not exist?

It cannot be said that the problem is completely solved, but at least a major hidden danger has been eliminated, right?

Of course.

This method does treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, but in desperation it can only be regarded as a stopgap measure for everyone. Everyone believes that as long as Rorschach is given enough time, he will definitely grow into the strongest person in the universe.

The kind that even Alitham isn't afraid of.

Therefore, what everyone has to do now is to help Rorschach reach this level as soon as possible.

Whether it's extending Alithem's attention span or collecting the other five gems.

"Let's build the Infinity Gauntlet first."

After Luo Xia pondered for a moment, he made such a decision.

Of course he knew that things couldn't be forced at the moment, but he still didn't give up on the time stone Rorschach. It might be difficult to snatch the stone from the hands of the ancient wizard, but what if it was Doctor Strange in the future?

Rorschach thought it was still possible to give it a try.

Other than that, it’s time travel.

It’s not easy to steal the Time Stone directly from the hands of the Ancient One Master, but what about taking it from the Hulk?

From the Avengers?

The Avengers combined are not enough for Rorschach to fight with one hand, right?

And Rorschach, who is familiar with the plot, also knows very well in which timelines there will be time stones.

So is it reliable to build a time machine or something?

Rorschach feels that actually we can still expect another wave.

Hank's talent is not weaker than Tony Stark's, and Tony Stark only achieved this by standing on the shoulders of Hank Pym.

Rorschach believes that Hank will do the same sooner or later.

"In addition, Hank, in addition to the infinite stones, there is also a time machine that I also need you to research, so your task is very heavy."

"I'll leave it to you next!"

Rorschach said seriously to Hank.

"I will!"

Hank nodded vigorously.

These things are definitely not only for Rorschach, but also for the fate of mutants. Hank is naturally obliged to do so.

In the following time, Hank became busy, often leading his scientific research team to stay in the laboratory every day and night, conducting various experiments.

Long is all night long, without sleep. If it weren't for the super strong physical strength of mutants, they might not be able to hold on.

Rorschach also "invited" Hank Pym to come over, very friendly, to assist Hank in research.

Under this circumstance.


Two and a half years later, the Infinity Gauntlet and the time machine were built by Hank one after another.

At this time, Strange was still a crazy and cool doctor. According to the original timeline, it would take another two years for him to become Doctor Strange.

Rorschach didn't have so much patience.

"Let's travel through time!"

Rorschach made such a decision happily.

"Five, four, three, two, one, start traveling!"

Standing in front of the time machine, all personnel were ready, and Hank kept pressing some corresponding buttons.


With Hank's voice, Rorschach's figure suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

So what time did Rorschach travel to?


That is the year when Iron Man and Captain America in 2023 traveled from the future to get the gem. No, to be precise, that day.

Because Rorschach needs the power of these two to travel to a timeline with the Time Gem and can get it himself.

There is no other way.

Since Rorschach was reborn, too many things have changed in this world. If he travels directly to 2023, he will definitely not get the gem, because who knows what 2023 in this universe looks like.

But Rorschach knows 2023 in the other universe very well.

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