American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 345: Ruthlessly bashing the Avengers


His eyes flashed, and the familiar feeling of time travel reappeared, and Rorschach appeared in another time and space.

His super hearing immediately dispersed, and his spirit was immediately shocked: "Found it!"


Rorschach's body shook, and he disappeared directly.

Where Rorschach reappeared, Iron Man and Captain America were looking at Rorschach with surprise and solemnity.

They had just traveled from 2023 to find the space gem and Pym particles.

And now, they have just got the Pym particles from SHIELD, and the next step is to go to the mutant base to further search for the cosmic cube.

As a result, who would have thought that before they had time to leave, Homelander appeared first.

"Homelander, what are you doing here?"

Captain America stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice, and he also had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Homelander's sudden appearance this time, no matter how you look at it, is not a good person.

"Don't worry, I won't disrupt your actions, but it will only take up some of your time."

Rorschach shrugged, stopped talking nonsense, and disappeared.


Captain America didn't even have time to react, and he flew backwards and fell to the ground motionless.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Iron Man saw this, his face changed drastically, and he immediately fired missiles at Rorschach.

But it was completely blocked by Rorschach's telekinesis, and it didn't affect Rorschach at all.


There was another loud noise, and Iron Man followed Captain America's footsteps, lying on the ground like a dead dog, motionless.

Rorschach walked to Captain America leisurely, took the time and space shuttle equipment from Captain America, and put it on himself.

Press a button.


Rorschach disappeared and appeared directly at the Avengers headquarters in 2023.

"Did it really work?"

"Everyone, you guys..."

The smiles on the faces of the Avengers suddenly seemed to be cut by a knife, because Iron Man and Captain America did not come.

On the contrary, the uninvited guest, Homelander, came!

"Homelander, why is it you?"

"What's going on, where are Stark and Rogers?"

All the Avengers looked at Rorschach in shock and cried out.

How can I say Homelander? He is not a bad guy, but he is definitely not a good guy. Now he actually replaced Tony Stark and Rogers. It is very likely that they have been in trouble.

As for the fact that only Hawkeye Barton came back and the Black Widow was missing, it is not so important now.

"Don't be nervous, Stark and Rogers were just knocked unconscious by me, that's all, they are still alive."

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach said this sentence lightly, as if he was talking about something as trivial as eating and drinking.


The Avengers breathed a sigh of relief.

People of Homelander's level would not lie to them. After all, Iron Man and Captain America were nothing but scum in front of Homelander.

There was no need for Homelander to lie to everyone.

Since Homelander said that Iron Man and Captain America were not dead, then they must not be dead.

"Homelander, tell us, what is your purpose!"

War Machine Rod stared at Rorschach with his eyes and asked.

Others also looked at Rorschach as if they were facing a great enemy, feeling a great pressure.

Logically speaking, this was Homelander from the past, and his strength should not be so strong, but this Homelander also gave them a feeling of almost suffocation.

Could it be... this is not Homelander from the past?

And Homelander has been missing for several years in their world like other mutants, why did he suddenly appear this time?

The Avengers felt more and more that things were unusual.

"I have no ill will towards you, I just need the Time Stone to use it."

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach said this sentence lightly.

All the Avengers members' faces changed drastically.

"I need to clarify that I didn't rob it. Well, I did rob it, but I only robbed the Time Stone temporarily. After I use it up, I will return it again."

"In your timeline, the stone is equivalent to never disappearing, so... there is nothing to worry about."

Rorschach then added to the Avengers.

But this did not reassure the Avengers.

There was no way, the Infinity Stones were too important to them. Even if they believed that what Rorschach said was true and believed that Rorschach would really return the Infinity Stones, they would not give up the stones.

"Banner, you take the stones and go first!"

Thor made a decision immediately, stretched out his hands, with Stormbreaker in his left hand and Thor's hammer in his right hand, and began to rush towards Rorschach with lightning.


A sonic boom sounded, and everyone only felt Rorschach's body shaking, and before they could react to what was going on, Thor fell out directly.

It was like a meteorite from outer space, which suddenly crashed into the wall of the Avengers headquarters and created a big hole.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

War Machine saw this and immediately activated all the weapons equipped on his armor and fired at Rorschach mercilessly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Nebula and Rocket Raccoon did the same, each ruthlessly pouring out their firepower at Rorschach.

Hawkeye Barton also drew his bow and arrow at Rorschach.

But Rorschach didn't even bother to pay attention. With a light wave of his hand, a huge wave of telekinesis swept out, and overturned War Machine and other Avengers in an instant.

Bang, bang, bang!

They fell to the ground like mud and never got up again.


With a roar, Thor, who was knocked over by Rorschach's hammer, rushed over again with lightning, but unfortunately, he couldn't stop Rorschach's footsteps at all.

Bang, bang, bang!

Rorschach punched him a few times and beat him to death.

At this time, Dr. Banner was no longer on the scene. He took advantage of the opportunity everyone had given him and rushed out quickly, running away at his fastest speed.

It was a pity that in front of Rorschach's godlike speed, could Dr. Banner escape?


With such a sound explosion, Dr. Banner felt that his eyes were blurred, and there was a figure in front of him.

Dr. Banner's face immediately became ugly.

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