American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 348 Odin: Only the Homelanders can save Asgard

"It seems that God has destined me to help Asgard tide over the difficulties."

Rorschach cursed slightly.

He had originally reached a secret agreement with Odin, and now that he had planned a retreat for the earth, it was basically inevitable to help Odin get rid of Hela, the goddess of death.

And for Rorschach, it is not just as simple as getting rid of the goddess of death Hela, but also when the goddess of death Hela brings a crisis of destruction to Asgard!

In this way, you can achieve the situation that is most beneficial to you.

Of course.

Doing so would cause great losses to Asgard and cause many people in Asgard to die at the hands of Hela, but Rorschach couldn't care less.

After all, he was not a good person to begin with.

After completely severing the relationship between mutants and the Celestials, the lives of all mutants, including Rorschach, returned to peace.

Everyone should do whatever they want, and no longer have to worry about coming into contact with the Eternals.

In this case, several years passed by in a hurry, and the time came to 2017 without even realizing it.

Nothing happened on Earth that made Rorschach worthy of attention, but something big happened in Asgard.

Odin is about to die!

What is different from the original Odin who was exiled to Earth by Loki is that in the current time and space, because Rorschach killed the dark elves early, Loki used this to fake his death, exile Odin to fool Thor, and then stay in Aspen. Nothing about Gard becoming king happened.

Odin stayed in Asgard well from beginning to end, enjoying the warm time of his family.

Frigga, Thor, and Loki, the three of them just accompanied Odin, sitting in a beautiful garden in Asgard. The family was close together, and the atmosphere was not to mention how harmonious it was.

But not long after, Odin told everyone a heavy thing.

"Ragnarok is coming."

Odin suddenly spoke solemnly and said to Thor and Loki.

"Ragnarok? Father, you are worrying too much. I have killed Surtur and obtained his crown. Ragnarok has been stopped by me!"

Thor said to Odin in a very affirmative tone.

"No, Thor, Ragnarok has not been stopped." Odin shook his head, "It is unstoppable, no, at least, we Asgard cannot stop it."

"Father, do you mean that we need help from others to stop Ragnarok?"

Loki keenly captured the key information in Odin's words.

"Father, what do you mean? Is it really what Loki said?"

Thor asked on the side.

"Hela!" Odin did not answer the question of his two sons, but suddenly said a name, "Hela, the goddess of death, she is coming."

"Who is she?" Thor asked in confusion.

"Your sister, my firstborn child," Odin answered.

"elder sister?"

Thor and Loki were becoming more and more confused.

Thor, in particular, was caught off guard by Odin's words.

All this time, he thought that he was Odin's only son, well, his biological son.

As a result, after living for 1,500 years, Odin suddenly told him that he had a sister?

What a fuss!

"She is a born warrior with unparalleled strength, but her ambition expanded to the point of swallowing up her reason, so I imprisoned her."

"But she's coming out soon!"

"Father, don't worry, no matter who she is, we will stop her!" Thor vowed to Odin.

"Yes, Father, we will!" Loki also echoed.

"Remember, Rorschach, the motherland, can be trusted. If there is an emergency, you can ask the motherland for help!" Odin suddenly said this again.

"Father, what agreement did you reach with the people of the motherland?" Thor couldn't help but asked again, unable to bear the doubts in his heart.

"Come and see Asgard with me, it's so beautiful, my hometown!"

Odin looked up dreamily, looking at the majestic and magnificent city, and his body gradually turned into light and disappeared.

"No, father!"


Brothers Thor and Loki were both grieved.

Frigga, who had been holding Odin's hands, her eyes became moist.


But at this moment of great grief, a wave of energy suddenly appeared.

The two Thor brothers and Frigga turned around and saw a black portal appearing out of thin air.

A majestic woman in a green tights who looked extremely domineering, like a queen, strode out of it.

"So~ is he dead?"

Hela glanced at the people in front of her and immediately realized what was going on.

But there was no sadness on his face, only coldness and cheerfulness.

That old guy had been imprisoned for so many years, and finally God had the vision to let that old guy die.

"You must be Hela, right?"

Thor looked at Hela as if he were facing a formidable enemy, and Loki beside him did the same.

Although Hela has not done anything yet, the huge sense of oppression that the other party naturally exudes has deeply suppressed the two Thor brothers.

It made them feel great pressure.


Before Hela could answer, Frigga gave the answer first.

But he saw Frigga looking at Hela with an extremely complicated expression.

"Mother, after all these years, have you missed me?"

With a touch of ridicule on her face, Hela glanced at Frigga, then at Thor and Loki, "You two are my brothers, right?"

"So, you are really our sister?" Thor couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Yes, now, kneel down!"

Helana said in a domineering tone, "Kneel down in front of your queen!"

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Loki was even stimulated by Hela.

Could it be that I, the elder sister, was confused by my father and had a brain problem, so I asked my brother and mother to kneel down in front of her as soon as I got up?

No wonder his father would lock him up.

At this moment, Thor and Loki seemed to understand why Odin did the cruel thing of imprisoning his daughter.

"Hela, I know you hate your father and me, but there is no need for us to make things worse."

Frigga spoke, trying to comfort Hela.


Hela turned her hand, and a long sword was formed out of thin air. "I told you, kneel down!"

"I don't think so!"

Thor stepped forward angrily, threw the hammer in his hand hard, and hit Hela.


But Hela actually stretched out her hand and grabbed Mjolnir in one fell swoop.

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