American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 349 Asgard's life-or-death moment

"How, how is it possible!"

Thor was stunned, his eyes widened, looking at Hela in front of him in disbelief.

He was speechless.

Grabbing his hammer with bare hands?

What a joke!

"Little cutie, you don't know what possibility is!"

Hela grinned at Thor, just like a queen who was high above.

Then, she exerted force with her right hand holding the hammer.


Along with a terrifying energy fluctuation, Thor's artifact Mjolnir was crushed by Hela.

In Hela's hands, it turned into a pile of debris and fell to the ground like garbage.


Thor and Loki gasped on the spot.

I felt that every hair on my body stood up, and the muscles all over my body were also tense, and a great fear flashed through my heart at the same time.

Is it fake?

It's too exaggerated!

Although it was shocking and unbelievable to catch the hammer with bare hands, it was understandable.

After all, Homelander could do this.

But crushing the hammer with bare hands?

The three views of Thor and Loki were also crushed.

"Kneel down! Kneel down in front of your queen, I won't say it for the third time!"

Hela's voice sounded.

She clapped her hands, as if she had done something insignificant, and strode towards Thor and his friends.

"People like you will never become queen!"

Thor roared and rushed towards Hela with his bare hands.

But soon, he was beaten by Hela like a grandson, and was completely no match for Hela.

"I surrender!"

Loki immediately raised his hands, and raised both hands, "My queen, I surrender! I guess you don't know that I am not Odin's son at all, but adopted, right?"

"Oh, is there such a thing?"

Hela raised her eyebrows, as if she had eaten a very interesting melon, "It sounds like an interesting story."

"No, not interesting at all!" Loki shook his head fiercely, "It's even a bit bloody. Odin gave all his love to his biological son Thor. No matter how good I am, he is unwilling to give me more love. He even let this reckless man be king. Look at him, he doesn't look like a king at all!"

"Loki, how can you..."

"Shut up, what qualifications do you have to talk to me in the tone of a brother? Do you know what I have always wanted to do most?" Loki scolded Thor, "Just like Queen Hela, beat you up!"

"You look like a guy who knows the times."

Hela folded her arms and watched the show on the side, and nodded, expressing some approval for Loki.

"I just follow the basic principle that the strong are kings, and the greater the ability, the greater the status!" Loki said flattering words righteously, "Unlike you, you are obviously a waste, but you have everything I should have! Queen, can I vent a little? Do something I have always wanted to do but can't do?"

"Whatever you want!" Hela spread her hands.

Bang bang bang!

Loki walked in front of Thor and punched and kicked Thor.


But in the process, Loki suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed Hela fiercely.

I don't know if it was because of carelessness or Loki's acting was too realistic, Hela didn't dodge, and Loki pierced her chest all of a sudden.


Loki showed a touch of excitement on his face.

"Well done, Loki!"

Thor also laughed out loud, but this laugh hurt the corners of his swollen mouth, "Next time, can you hit me a little lighter?"

"My brother, I actually enjoy beating you." Loki said with high spirits.

"Be careful!"

But Thor suddenly exclaimed.

But he saw the long sword in Hela's hand suddenly swung up and stabbed Loki fiercely.


Loki was shocked and dodged in a hurry, but he was still a step late.


Accompanied by the sound of the blade cutting through flesh and blood, Loki was knocked over by Hela in an instant.

A long wound suddenly appeared on Loki's abdomen, which looked so shocking.


Thor shouted and rushed towards Loki immediately.

"What a sinister and cunning guy."

Hela's voice sounded, and she pulled out the dagger stuck in her chest.

The wound caused by the dagger healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She still looked calm, as if she was not affected at all.

"You are not allowed to get close to my two sons!"

Frigga's resolute voice sounded.

She stretched out her hand, took out a long sword, and stabbed Hela who was coming to kill her.


Hela waved her hand lightly and blocked Frigga's long sword.

"Why, my mother, do you also want to follow your father?"

Hela sneered, and then ruthlessly waved the long sword in her hand at Frigga.

Frigga was suppressed and couldn't breathe at all.


Thor and Loki roared, dragging their wounded bodies to help their mother, and the three of them fought Hela together.

But they were still beaten by Hela like grandsons.

Seeing that the three of them could not hold on, finally, the three warriors of Asgard led the army of Asgard to the scene in time and surrounded Hela.

"Queen, Thor, are you okay!"

Volstagg, one of the three warriors of Asgard, came to Frigga and the other two and asked with concern.

"Volstagg, my friend, don't worry, we are fine!"

Thor said to Volstagg with great relief.

"Leave it to me here! You guys, escort the queen and the others to retreat first!"

Volstagg ordered a team of people to cover the evacuation of Frigga and her three children, and he led the army to fight Hela.

Bang bang bang!

Chi chi chi!

A fierce fighting sound suddenly sounded.

As expected, the three warriors of Asgard and the army of Asgard were unable to stop Hela and were completely killed by Hela.

Not only that, Hela also rushed into the palace in one breath.

The blood flowed like a river and the corpses were everywhere.

In the end, he sat on the seat that belonged to Odin.

The entire Asgard had no spare power to deal with Hela.

Frigga and Thor Loki had to take some of the people of Asgard and hide in an extremely secret cave to avoid Hela's pursuit.

The entire Asgard was facing a huge crisis of life and death.

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