American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 350 Thor: Now we can only count on our countrymen


In a "cave" that is extremely secretive but also very large.

Looking around, it is full of heads.

Helplessness and panic are written on everyone's face.

This is the last refuge of Asgard.

Once Hela comes here, the people of Asgard will really have nowhere to go.

In the refuge, Frigga, Thor and Loki are all there, as well as Heimdall, the most important and most reliable friend of Thor in Asgard.

Several people stood at the entrance of the refuge, looking at their panicked people, and their hearts were very crowded.

Originally, they should provide shelter for the people of Asgard and let them live a more stable and beautiful life, but now, they can't even provide the most basic security.

"Heimdall, this is up to you!"

Thor said to Heimdall heavily.

In his hand, he held a long sword, and he looked ready for battle.

As the prince of Asgard and the son of Odin, Thor would not hide here like others.

After escorting the people of Asgard here, Thor still planned to fight Hela.

He was the last hope of Asgard, so he would not give up so easily.

"Unless I die, I will never let her step into this place!"

Heimdall also gave his own guarantee.

"Also, take good care of our mother."

Loki added on the side.

"I will protect her as I protect my life!" Heimdall responded heavily.

Thor and Loki still believed in this sentence.

No one questioned Heimdall's loyalty to Asgard and Thor.

"Go, my two sons!"

Frigga touched the cheeks of her two sons with her hands, without distinguishing between them, "Do what you should do, just promise me to come back safely!"

"We will, mother!"

Thor and Loki responded in a deep voice, and then walked out of the gate of the shelter without saying anything.

The back looked a little tragic.

Because it was true.

In fact, both Frigga and Heimdall knew very well that Thor and Loki were almost going to die this time.

Hela was too strong.

So strong that no one could defeat her.

If Odin was still there, she might be able to compete with him, but now Odin is dead.

Thor and Loki were not that strong at all.

Heimdall was ready for Asgard to lose the two princes Thor and Loki.

But Heimdall did not stop the other two.

As Frigga said, that was the burden that the two brothers should bear, and it was what they should do.


When Thor and Loki left, Frigga immediately walked to Heimdall's side, "Contact Homelander! Odin said that you can contact Homelander in an emergency!"


Heimdall was slightly stunned, and then he felt excited.

With Homelander's extremely powerful strength, maybe he can really deal with Hela!

And it is obvious that Odin had a special relationship with Homelander when he was alive. Heimdall didn't know what kind of agreement they had, but since Frigga wanted Heimdall to contact Homelander at this time, Heimdall naturally had nothing to hesitate about.

He immediately used his powerful magic to contact Rorschach on Earth.

"Hold on, I'll go there now!"

After listening to Heimdall's description of Asgard's situation, Rorschach didn't hesitate at all and agreed immediately.

Heimdall finally breathed a sigh of relief on his face.

"Thor, I have to say, I really didn't expect this situation."

In the city of Asgard, Thor and Loki were talking casually while looking for Hela.

"What situation? Our sister wants to destroy Asgard?"

Thor raised his eyebrows.

"Fight side by side with you, and even sacrifice together." Loki said so.

Thor's expression was stunned, and then he couldn't help but patted Loki's shoulder: "Don't worry, brother, we will be fine."

"Thor, your optimism is something I have never learned."

Loki opened his heart to Thor at this moment, but soon, he also changed the subject, "But maybe you are right, today's ending may not be so bad, I have communicated with my mother, and she will ask for help from the Homelander."


Thor's big head only remembered Odin's last words before his death.

But Thor did not pin his hopes on such an outsider.

Although Odin said this, Thor still believed in his own strength the most.

"Forget Homelander, Loki!"

"Although I don't know why my father trusts him so much, and indeed, he has maintained a good relationship with Asgard over the years, but now we are facing an enemy like Hela, I can't say whether I can count on Homelander."

"Moreover, even if Homelander really comes, can he definitely deal with Hela?"

"Father said that Asgard is the source of Hela's power. As long as she is in Asgard, Hela will have endless power!"

Though Thor's IQ is not very high, it must be said that this statement actually makes some sense.

"Don't discourage our enthusiasm at this time. If there is still someone we can rely on at this time, it is only the Homelander, isn't it?"

Loki spread his hands.


A voice suddenly sounded.

On a tree on the side, Hela was standing there with a big horse and a golden sword, looking down at the two of them.

With an extremely playful and cold face.

"Is he your last savior?"

Hela jumped down from the tree at once, her face full of coldness, "No one can save you!"

Thor and Loki looked at each other, and without saying anything more, they began to rush towards Hela together.

But as always, they were beaten to death by Hela.

Although Thor completely awakened his power of Thundergod during this process and transformed from the God of Hammer to the real God of Thunder, he was still beaten into a pile of shit by Hela.

"I will let you see with your own eyes how Asgard was destroyed by me!"

Hela snorted coldly, and walked towards Thor and Loki who couldn't get up with the proud steps of a queen.

"What a mess, Thor!"

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Who is it!"

Hela was shocked when she heard it.

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