American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 352 Hela's despair, the homelander who remains invincible as always


There was a loud noise, and Hela's figure jumped out of the pit.

His face was also filled with surprise and shock.

This guy is actually so strong!

No wonder it is regarded as the last hope by Thor and Loki.

"Who are you!"

Hela stared at Luo Xia and asked in a deep voice.

When she was still traveling across the universe, she had never heard of such a number one person.

Unexpectedly, during the endless years when she was imprisoned by Odin, such a strong person would appear in the universe.

Even Odin is nothing more than that.

"Rorschach, a native of the motherland, comes from the earth."

Rorschach said calmly to Hela.

"Midgard? How could such a strong man appear in that place!" Hela didn't believe it at all.

"You don't even understand the current Nine Realms, and you still want to be the queen?"

Rorschach smiled coldly, stopped talking nonsense, and quickly rushed towards Hela again.

Hela did not dare to be careless, and formed two sharp blades with her hands, and began to deal with Luo Xia's storm-like attack.

It's a pity that Rorschach's speed is so fast that Hela can't react at all.

Rorschach can only be hit from here to there like a sandbag, and then hammered from there to here.

Not to mention how miserable it was.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

For a moment, there was no other sound in the entire scene except the sound of Hela being hammered.

"What a tragedy, our sister!"

Loki couldn't bear to look at it.

He was also beaten by the people of his motherland before. At that time, he thought that he was beaten badly enough, but now he saw that Hela was really miserable.



There was another loud noise, and Hela was hammered into the ground by Rorschach again.

But the next moment, Hela jumped out again, looking calm and calm.

It's like Rorschach's crazy output before was all output to the air.

It didn't affect her in the slightest.

"You are strong, even the strongest person I have ever met, I admit it!"

Hela's voice sounded, and she stared at Rorschach, "But what's the point? You can't kill me! I can spend endless time with you!"

This is Asgard!

As long as she is in Asgard, Hela will have endless power!

No matter how seriously injured he is, as long as Rorschach cannot kill Hela instantly, Hela can recover in an instant.

So Hela is so confident at the moment.

"No, this situation is really bad." Thor on the other side had an ugly expression on his face, "People of the motherland, Asgard is the source of Hela's power, and she has endless power here!"

Is this really what it looks like?

Rorschach felt relieved.

He didn't expect that Asgard was really Hela's fault.

But even so, Rorschach said it wouldn't be a big problem.

"If that's the case, then I'll take her out of Asgard!"

Rorschach smiled confidently, swayed, and rushed towards Hela again.

However, this time Rorschach did not knock Hela over, but hugged Hela tightly from behind.

The huge power of thought was like a cocoon, tightly confining Hela's entire body.


After doing all this, Rorschach took Hela and flew directly away from Asgard and flew into the air.

"no no!"

At this moment, Hela finally felt a trace of panic.

She didn't expect that Luo Xia actually had such a trick!

And if the other party really succeeds in taking him away from Asgard, then he will definitely be killed.


"I won't let you do that!"

Amidst the angry shouts, Hela tried her best to attack the power barrier that imprisoned her, trying to break free from Rorschach's shackles.

Unfortunately, everything is in vain.

No matter how she attacked and struggled, she could never break through Rorschach's imprisonment.

He could only watch helplessly as Rorschach took him flying away from Asgard.

As the distance between the two continues to grow, Hela can clearly feel that the connection between her and Asgard is getting weaker and weaker.

The power it can use is becoming less and less.

"no no……"

Hela became more and more panicked.


When it reached a certain distance, Hela's head was cut off by a heat ray from Rorschach.

This big devil who pushed Asgard to a desperate situation was completely ended by Rorschach.


After doing all this, Rorschach returned to Asgard without any delay, taking Hela's body with him.

"Here, your sister."

Rorschach threw the two halves of Hela's body in front of Thor and Loki.


Seeing that Hela was indeed dead and killed, Thor and Loki couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a miserable death, my sister!"

Loki looked at the dead Hela on the ground and couldn't help but sneered.

"People of the motherland, we Asgard owe you a huge favor!" Thor said to Rorschach with a serious face.

"Of course!"

Rorschach did not deny this. He patted Thor on the shoulder and said, "Give my regards to Ms. Frigga."


After saying this, Rorschach did not say anything more to the brothers Thor and Loki, and flew away with a bang.

Back in Krako, Rorschach fell into deep thought.

Now that he has saved Asgard as planned, when the earth really encounters a destructive crisis and all mutants need a new home, Thor should not be stingy in taking in all the mutants.

In any case, Thor is also one of the three giants of the Avengers.

And what does the Avengers represent?


All of them have a saintly heart, but to different degrees.

Otherwise, Thor, a prince of Asgard, would not stay in Asgard and go to Earth to do justice all day?

What's more.

Rorschach has such a great favor to Asgard. When the time comes, even if Thor does not agree, it is not Thor who has the final say.

Of course, Rorschach still believed that Thor would do so.

As for the other ordinary people on Earth?

Rorschach could only say sorry. He didn't care about the lives of those people.

He was just the king of Krako, not the governor of the Earth.

Just take care of your own little piece of land. Rorschach said he didn't have so much energy to ask about other things.

But Rorschach then secretly calculated that according to the timeline of the movie, Thiam was created five years after the Infinity War, just at the time of the final battle.

That is 2023.

And at that time, it was because Dr. Banner snapped his fingers and brought back half of the Earth's population, which caused the Earth's energy to surge.

But now, Thanos has been killed by Rorschach, so this kind of thing will naturally not happen.

Thiam's birth time may be delayed for a few years.

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