American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 353 The observer was stunned: The people of my country have noticed me!

"Rorschach, a major unknown energy fluctuation has been detected in New York!"

While Rorschach was sorting out and thinking about something, the butler Raven suddenly appeared in front of Rorschach and reported to him with a serious face.

"New York?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

New York is not close to Krako. Even the energy fluctuation at such a long distance made Raven look so solemn. It is obvious that the unknown energy fluctuation must be extraordinary.

"What kind of unknown energy fluctuation is it?"

However, Rorschach only felt a little curious, that's all, but he didn't feel panic. He glanced at Raven calmly and asked.

With Rorschach's current strength, basically nothing can cause him to have any major emotional fluctuations.

"I can't say, come to the laboratory, Hank will tell you in detail!"

Raven said to Rorschach with a serious face.


Raven had said this, so Rorschach naturally had nothing to hesitate.

Immediately followed Raven and came to the laboratory.

But Eric was already in the lab, standing with Hank, staring at a display screen with a serious face.

On the display screen, some data and curves were displayed. Although Rorschach could not tell what level those data were at for a while, the warning of "energy value exceeds the threshold" on it also told Rorschach the seriousness of the matter.

"Rorschach, things are not good."

Hank pointed at the curves on the screen, "An unknown energy vortex suddenly appeared over New York, and it rose exponentially every second. According to my calculations, that unknown energy will produce a collapse effect in thirty seconds, causing the space to collapse..."

"You mean, breaking the space?" Rorschach raised his eyebrows again.

"Yes, you can understand it that way." Hank nodded, "At that time, the stability of the space will not exist, and the space at the center of the collapse will be broken."

Breaking the space!

No matter what the unknown energy is, it is indeed a matter that cannot be underestimated.

No wonder Hank is so serious.

Rorschach, who knows what the Marvel world is like, actually knows that the situation is probably more serious than Hank imagined.

The reason is that Marvel is a multiverse world!

If the space is broken, does it mean that the barrier between the multiverses is broken?

After the space is broken, what will come out of the broken space?

Is it Doctor Octopus, Electro, Sandman?

Or Infinite Ultron?

Or... Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch?

Rorschach doesn't know at the moment, but he is prepared in his heart.

This is indeed something he needs to pay attention to, because if things go wrong, the one who comes through the space is a madman who threatens the whole world.

Even Krako can't be spared.

If it is really such a madman, Rorschach will naturally not stay out of it.

"I know."

Rorschach nodded, and then there was no nonsense, he unfolded his super hearing and super vision, looking at the "vortex" above New York from afar.


Very soon.

A sound similar to that of glass breaking was heard.

Just as Hank said, after about thirty seconds, the space vortex really broke apart.

A space black hole appeared just like that.

"Space is beginning to collapse, Rorschach!"

Hank's extremely solemn voice sounded, and he also read this from the data.

Rorschach didn't say much, just nodded to show that he knew.

"It's that madman!"

"That madman has come to this universe again!"

"The only hope to defeat him is Rorschach, the Homelander!"

At this moment, Rorschach's expression couldn't help but move slightly.

Because he vaguely heard a few whispers like a dream.

It was like, sometimes when I was sleeping in a daze, I seemed to hear something, but after thinking about it carefully, I couldn't figure out whether I really heard something or was dreaming.

It was unspeakably weird.

"What's going on with that sound?"

Rorschach frowned slightly.

At his level of strength, he couldn't figure out whether he really heard something or he was hallucinating.

It's so exaggerated!

"No, this feeling!"

At the same moment, Rorschach seemed to feel that someone was spying on him!

Who was it?

Rorschach did not act rashly, but opened his mental power and scanned the direction of the spying on him.

But he found nothing.

There was nothing there, no one.

This made Rorschach frown even more.

There was even a moment when he wondered if he had an illusion.

But would someone as powerful as him have an illusion?

"An incredible guy has appeared!"

Rorschach was secretly alert in his heart. After many years, no, it should be said that after many, many years, he was surprised again.

"Homelander, don't let me down!"

"Must defeat him!"

"Otherwise, it will be a disaster for the entire multiverse!"

The faint voice continued to sound.

Rorschach closed his eyes slightly, emptied his mind, and used his whole body to perceive and listen.

A few seconds later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"I found you!"

Rorschach raised his head and looked up.

Sure enough, he saw a huge head in the sky.

How big is it?

As big as the sky!

This is really exaggerated.

After seeing that person, Rorschach also recognized the other party's identity at once.


That's right.

That guy is the observer who has been silently observing the entire multiverse behind the scenes!

"You actually... saw me?"

After being discovered by Rorschach, the observer was immediately surprised. This kind of thing is too exaggerated, right?

Is the strength of the motherland so strong?

Sensing the existence outside his universe!

"Yes, observer, I see you!"

Rorschach nodded.

"You also know who I am?"

The observer was shocked again.

This was even more terrifying.

In the endless years when he observed various universes, he had encountered extremely powerful people who could detect him.

For example, Doctor Strange, who destroyed the entire universe because of a woman, and Ultron, who got six infinite gems.

The latter even slaughtered the multiverse crazily, leaving the observer with no way to deal with it.

But no one had ever recognized who he was at once!

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