American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 354: The Avengers' Despair, the Only Hope: Homelander

"Obviously, yes."

Facing the observer's surprised eyes, Rorschach spread his hands.

"Shouldn't this be?"

The observer touched his nose and muttered to himself in confusion.

But he soon came back to his senses. Now is not the time to pay attention to these things.

"Logically speaking, I shouldn't interfere with the natural development of any universe. No, I'm not interfering now. I'm just giving you a kind reminder because my appearance interrupted you!"

"If I didn't interrupt you, you would have noticed it long ago, so I just put everything back on track."

"Homelander, your universe has a very troublesome guy!"

The observer talked a lot to Rorschach, and finally told Rorschach the key to the matter.

Rorschach really didn't want to refute the observer's words.

Because this guy was telling the truth.

If he hadn't suddenly appeared, Rorschach might have appeared in New York at this moment.

But seeing the observer's appearance, Rorschach instantly had a guess about who the guy who broke in from other universes was.

Infinite Ultron!

There is no one else who can make the observer so afraid except Infinite Ultron.

Thinking of this, Rorschach subconsciously looked towards New York, towards the direction of the space black hole.

Sure enough, he saw a robot wearing a cape and a "helmet" floating in the air so majestically.

Who else but Infinite Ultron?

And under Infinite Ultron was a ruin, and the land within a radius of several kilometers had been completely destroyed.

As expected, it is Infinite Ultron, destroying the world is the first priority.

It has only been a short time since he came here, and the city center has been destroyed so badly.

But now, Infinite Ultron has temporarily stopped.

Because there are a few more uninvited guests in front of him.

Iron Man Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Captain America, and several other Avengers.

The actions of the Avengers were also quick enough, and they rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

As for Thor, he was not there.

Thor has a lot of messes to deal with in Asgard, and has no time to deal with the affairs of the earth.

"Avengers? You guys are in the way again!"

Infinite Ultron glanced at the Avengers, his face was full of disgust, as if he saw an annoying fly

"Who sent you!"

Black Widow raised her head, stared at the robot floating in the sky, and said in a deep voice.

That's right, the Avengers couldn't recognize Ultron at all, because there was no Battle of New York in this world!

Many things caused by the Battle of New York have also been changed accordingly.

Tony Stark originally designed Ultron to prevent threats like the Battle of New York, and Tony Stark's "technical inspiration source" was still Loki's scepter.

But now?

There is no Battle of New York.

There is no scepter.

Ultron has never been designed.

"'Sent' me? Do you think I'm the same as Iron Man's bulky armor? I've already evolved!"

"I am who I am!"

Ultron Infinite snorted coldly and pointed at the Avengers with the "umbrella" in his hand, "And you will be destroyed along with the world!"

"Destroy the world? Is that your purpose?"

Captain America raised his eyebrows and his face became serious.

"This is the only meaning of my existence!"

Ultron Infinite said this to the Avengers, and then pointed the "umbrella" in his hand slowly downward.


A huge "sphere" suddenly appeared out of thin air and just hovered above Ultron Infinite's head.

Swish, swish, swish!

The next moment, densely packed robots flew out of the "sphere" into the city one after another like locusts passing through.

There was also a large group of them flying towards the Avengers.


"This is bad!"

The Avengers' faces changed drastically, their pupils shrank sharply, and they even felt that their heads were about to explode.

Even though they were Avengers, they had solved countless crises and fought countless superpower criminals, but they felt despair at this moment.

There were thousands of robots!

What a joke!

Even if they risked their lives, they couldn't fight them, right?

"Everyone be careful!"

In the short moment when everyone's faces changed, a group of robots swooped in front of the Avengers, covering the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Iron Man immediately fired several missiles and shot them head-on at the robots.

Boom boom boom!

In the deafening explosion, the blazing flames engulfed a group of robots.

But for the dense army of robots in front of them, it was completely a drop in the bucket and had no effect at all.

And this was also the strongest attack launched by the Avengers.

Bang bang bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

Black Widow could only hide behind the bunker and pulled the trigger at the robots feebly.

But the bullets seemed a little too ridiculous at this time.

Not as useful as Hawkeye Barton's bow.

At least some of Patton's explosive arrows, electromagnetic pulse arrows, electric shock arrows, etc. can still play a certain role.

As for Captain America?

It has become even more of a joke. I can only throw the shield feebly into the air a few times, or use the shield to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

But what's the use?

Another one that can really cause a certain degree of damage to those robots is the Hulk.

It has to be said that the Hulk is indeed very powerful.


Along with the beast-like roar, a huge green man jumped into the army of robots.

He waved his fists mercilessly and blasted away at the robots.

One robot after another was hammered into pieces.

There were even many who were knocked to pieces by the Hulk.

That's called a violent and tough person.

But even so, it won't have any obvious effect on alleviating the current situation.

Because there are too many robots on site.

"There are simply too many of them, and continuing like this is simply not an option!"

After Hawkeye Barton blew up a bunch of robots, he couldn't help but scream in pain at the Avengers.

"Stark, Rogers, what can you do!"

He had no choice but to ask the two core figures of the Avengers.

But the two of them, who had always had an idea, couldn't answer it at this moment.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they had to admit that this crisis was beyond their ability to deal with it.

Except for the strongest person in the world, I am afraid no one can deal with it.

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