American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 355: The shock of the Avengers: Homelander is too perverted

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

During the battle, SHIELD also sent some Quinjet fighters, and the military also sent out some armed helicopters.

But what can they do?

In front of such a dense army of robots, both SHIELD's fighters and the military's armed helicopters are as ridiculous as toys.

They only had time to quickly launch a few missiles at the robot army, that's all.

They were soon submerged in the robot army.

Inside the SHIELD aerospace carrier, Nick Fury, who saw this scene, had a face as black as charcoal, which became even darker.

He, who was always calm and composed, couldn't help but frown at this time.

Because even he couldn't see a way out!

There was no way, there were too many robots, just like locusts.

In just a blink of an eye, half of New York was almost occupied.

According to the current clues and intelligence, it is not difficult for those robots to destroy the entire New York, or even the entire United States.

"Sir, the members of the Security Council are waiting for you!"

Agent Hill came to Nick Fury and reported to him in a deep voice.

Nick Fury nodded, without any nonsense, got up and walked into a room.

There, the projections of five people were waiting.

The five people were none other than the big guys behind SHIELD: the members of the World Security Council.

"Nick Fury, how are you going to deal with the crisis in front of you? Your Avengers can't play any role at all!"

One of the short-haired female members asked Nick Fury condescendingly, glancing down at him.

"Please give them some more time..."

"Then who will give this world time?"

Another member with gray hair interrupted Nick Fury.

"We must launch a nuclear bomb, this is the only way!" The third member ordered Nick Fury.

"No, there must be other ways!"

Nick Fury flatly refused, just like the original New York War.

Even in the face of a city-level crisis of extinction, Lu Dan could not accept such an extreme method.

"This is the only way!"

The committee members did not allow for any discussion, "The Council has made a decision."

"I know, I know very well what stupid decisions they will make, so I decided to ignore it."

"You are the commander, your warship is closest to the battlefield, please order the fighters..."

"That's Manhattan Island! Unless the Avengers really can't stop those ghosts, I won't order a nuclear bomb to attack civilians!"

"If you don't do that, everything will be over."

"It's over only if a nuclear bomb is really launched!"

"Nick Fury, you are relieved of your commander's authority!"

After a fierce argument, the committee members directly dismissed Nick Fury.

Then they personally ordered the nuclear bomb to be launched.

Of course.

During this process, Nick Fury also tried to stop it, but still failed to stop it, and a fighter just set off.

Under the escort of a team of fighters, it successfully flew to a place close to the battlefield.

A nuclear bomb was fired at the "sphere" that was suspended in the air and continuously flying out robots.

"Stark, a nuclear bomb flew over!"

Nick Fury immediately shouted to Iron Man in the communication channel, "Do you have a solution?"

"Nuclear bomb? Whose brain made this decision... I can't leave now!"

Iron Man shouted with difficulty.

He was now surrounded and beaten by a group of robots, and he was beaten so badly that he was powerless.

What's more, the nuclear bomb was in front of him, how could he solve it?

He, Iron Man, was not omnipotent!


Under the gaze of everyone, the nuclear bomb was fired directly.


Iron Man couldn't help but utter a low curse.

"We're dead now!"

Black Widow also looked very annoyed.

The nuclear bomb exploded right above their heads. Whether they could solve the robot army or not was not the point, because they were not sure how far the robot army had spread, but they were definitely dead.

Because they were at the core of the explosion!

"Nuclear bomb?"

"What a primitive weapon!"

Infinite Ultron laughed with great sarcasm.

The reality gem on his chest flashed suddenly, and immediately rewrote the reality that the nuclear bomb could explode.

The nuclear bomb turned into a fluttering butterfly and dissipated in the eyes of everyone.

"What's going on!"

"What happened just now!"

The Avengers who saw this scene almost popped their eyes out.

Turning a nuclear bomb into a butterfly?

What a joke!

This is totally unscientific and irrational!

No one can understand how Infinite Ultron can do this.

It is precisely because of this that everyone's fear of Infinite Ultron has reached a peak.

That robot wearing a helmet and a cape is so terrifying.

Not only does it have such a huge army of robots, it also possesses a terrifying power that no one can understand.


The Avengers really felt despair from the bottom of their hearts.

They didn't know how to deal with such an enemy.

Not only that, when they saw the authorities launching nuclear bombs regardless of everyone's life and death, the Avengers were indeed angry.

But at this moment, they were thinking that perhaps the nuclear bomb explosion was the best choice!

After all, they had no other way.


But just when the Avengers felt despair, a dull sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Then, the raging robot army in the sky began to explode as if they had discussed it.

In just a blink of an eye, most of the robot army in front of the Avengers, which was like a locust passing through, was blown up, leaving only a small part.

"What's going on?"

The Avengers were all stunned.

He stared blankly at the "strangeness" in the sky, not knowing what was going on.

"Jarvis, what's going on?"

Iron Man couldn't help asking his caring butler.

Although he had a vague guess, he still subconsciously confirmed it.

"Someone is flying at a speed of several thousand meters per second, smashing those robots!"

Jarvis answered immediately, and even the artificial intelligence was a little surprised.


"It's him!"

Iron Man murmured.

After confirming this, he was even more shocked and speechless.

Flying at several thousand meters per second, isn't this too abnormal?

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