American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 359 Welcome to Gotham, Homelander travels through the DC Universe

There was naturally nothing more to say next. Hank began to search the database of Infinite Ultron according to Rorschach's request.

He soon found the relevant information.

"Rorschach, it's all here."

Hank pushed the computer screen in front of Rorschach.

"Thank you for your hard work, Hank!"

Rorschach nodded, and then began to carefully check some of the relevant memories and experiences of Infinite Ultron's travel through the multiverse.

I have to say that I still gained a lot.

"So, is that the case? Infinite Ultron is indeed a talent."

Rorschach couldn't help but show admiration for Infinite Ultron.

It can only be said that intelligent programs are stronger than human brains. Some of the methods of using Infinite Gems are something he has never thought of.

"Let's try it!"

Rorschach quickly made a decision.

After saying hello to Hank, he took the corresponding gems and went to a deserted place.

He personally conducted the experiment.

But for some reason, Rorschach tried repeatedly according to the method of Infinite Ultron several times, but all ended in failure.

"Could it be... because it's not a set of Infinity Stones?"

Rorschach thought about it and could only think of this one reason.

Five of the Infinity Stones in his hand were his original stones, but the Time Stone was snatched from Infinity Ultron.

So his six Infinity Stones are two sets of stones from two universes.

Strictly speaking, they are indeed two sets of things.

It seems reasonable that they can't fit together perfectly.

Of course.

Without relevant cases for reference and research, this is just Rorschach's guess, nothing more.

No one can guarantee whether it is true or not.

But it doesn't matter to Rorschach.

Hank is exporting the data of Infinity Ultron. Because it is too large, the whole process will take about a week to complete.

When it is completed, Infinity Ultron will be useless, and Rorschach will unceremoniously pick the Mind Stone on his forehead.

At that time, he can verify his guess.

What Rorschach didn't expect was that his casual criticism turned out to be correct.

When he put the Infinite Ultron's Mind Gem and the other Infinite Gems he had snatched from him on the Infinite Gauntlet and tried again, he succeeded.


With the sound of glass breaking, a space black hole appeared directly in front of Rorschach.


Rorschach could not help but feel excited.

"You succeeded!"

A voice sounded, and Hank's figure appeared beside Rorschach.

He looked at the space black hole that was successfully opened by Rorschach, and his heart was very complicated, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.


In this universe, Rorschach is a strong man who stands proudly on the entire earth and even the entire universe, but what they are facing now is other universes!

And how can they understand the situation in other universes?

What if there is a crisis that even Rorschach can't solve?

"Yes, I succeeded!"

Rorschach nodded.

Compared to Hank's face full of worry, his face is full of excitement.

Finally, I can go to the multiverse to travel!


The sound of glass hitting sounded again, but it was the automatic repair function of space that was revealed.

The space black hole that Rorschach had just opened automatically "healed".

It seemed that nothing had ever happened in front of the two.

"Let's go, Hank, I have something to tell everyone."

Rorschach waved to Hank at this time and took the lead.

Twenty minutes later.

Raven, Charles, Eric, White Queen and other backbones of Krako gathered together.

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach told everyone about the multiverse era that the Marvel world is about to usher in, and his plan to explore the multiverse.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was stunned by Rorschach's sudden and important news.

Now everyone has not even rushed out of the earth, and has not yet reached the interstellar era. As a result, Rorschach decided to step into the multiverse era.

This step is really too big, right?

"Rorschach, isn't this decision too hasty?"

Raven was the first to express her concerns, "We know too little about the multiverse."

"The future is always full of unknowns." Rorschach smiled, looking unconcerned.

The unknown is not scary, as long as one's strength is strong enough and has the means and ability to solve various crises, then everything will be fine.

What's more, Rorschach actually knows a lot about the multiverse, and can even be said to know more than anyone else.

The multiverse is not as dangerous as everyone imagines.

"Everyone, the multiverse is not as scary as you think."

Rorschach then informed the mutant backbones of some of the information he knew about the multiverse.

This made everyone feel a lot more at ease.

"Rorschach, let go and do what you want to do, leave Krako to us."

But Eric said to Rorschach.

He knew Rorschach's character very well. Since Rorschach had made the decision, they could not persuade him.

Moreover, Krako could not always rely on Rorschach alone. Krako now actually had the ability to deal with various problems on his own.

"So... do we have other options?"

The White Queen spread her hands.

Although there were still doubts, confusions, and worries, Rorschach still happily decided to go to the multiverse.

Anyway, Thanos was dead, Arisom's problem was solved, Krako's own strength was not weak, and Rorschach also planned to leave five infinite gems for everyone to use for "self-defense".


Rorschach could go to other universes without any worries.


When all preparations were done, Rorschach opened a space black hole under the gaze of the mutant backbones.

"Everyone, see you in a while."

Rorschach waved to everyone, stopped talking nonsense, and stepped into the space black hole.


The next moment.

His eyes blurred.

Rorschach found that the world around him had changed, and he had come to a completely unfamiliar world.

No, it should be said that he was in a completely unfamiliar universe.

"I wonder which universe this is?"

Rorschach wondered curiously, and his eyes subconsciously swept around. A sentence on a large sign came into his eyes, which made Rorschach stunned.

It said: Welcome to Gotham.

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