American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 360: First encounter with Batman, Heng Chao's world


Rorschach was really confused.

Why did you come to the world of DC?

Originally, Rorschach subconsciously believed that by traveling back and forth, he was just traveling into the parallel universes of Marvel.

As a result, I suddenly traveled from Marvel to DC. This span is a bit big, right?

"But this is more interesting!"

After shrugging, Rorschach's lips curled up into a smile.

The various parallel universes of Marvel have similar characters and similar plots. In terms of fun and freshness, they are naturally not as good as the DC world.

Rorschach has only seen characters like Batman and Superman in some film and television works, but he has never seen a living person.

The only thing Rorschach needs to worry about is that he doesn't know whether this is the DC movie universe or the comic book universe.

Considering that he traveled from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Rorschach felt that it was more likely that he would also travel to the cinematic universe.

But there are also quite a few DC movies.

Not to mention anything else, there have been several movies in the Batman series alone, and there are also different versions of the Superman series.

And in some Superman versions of movies, the ultimate moves in them are still very powerful.

So strong that even the current Rorschach is no match.

"Forget it, let's figure out what this world is like first!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

He no longer hesitated and strode along the street in front of him towards Gotham City.

"Is this Gotham?"

Walking on the street, Rorschach couldn't help but be speechless as he looked at the four menacing young men who suddenly jumped out in front of him, holding knives and pistols in their hands.

Was there any mistake?

I have just arrived in this universe, less than half an hour ago.

I was so lucky to win the lottery.

It is indeed Gotham, the city with the highest crime rate in the entire United States.

Well-deserved reputation.

"Did you hear that? Take out all the money you have!"

A young white man wearing a hood and holding a big black star in his hand continued to yell at Rorsha with his eyes wide open.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up!"

"Stop dawdling, now!"

The hooded youth's companions all echoed and shouted at Rorshasa.

The knife or pistol in his hand was dangling in front of Rorschach, which was called a "thrill".

If it were an ordinary person, they would really be frightened to the point of peeing.

But unfortunately, Rorschach is not an ordinary person.

Just as he was about to kill these four reckless scum, Luo Xia suddenly had a look on his face.

Then an interested smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You guys can't escape if you don't run."

Rorschach said to the hooded young men with a look of watching the excitement, and he hugged his arms leisurely.

"Run? Why are we running? What a joke!" The hooded young man suddenly laughed disdainfully.


The bald man next to the hooded young man thought of something, and carefully moved his head towards him, trying to remind him.

"You idiot, don't call me by my name!" Henry slapped the bald man on the head angrily.

Because there is no hair, this slap is not very crisp.

Rorschach was amused, why would he come out to rob someone with such an IQ?

But yes.

No one with any intelligence in Gotham would use such low-level robbery methods. Isn't that just waiting for someone to come and fight?

"Don't hit me in the head!"

The bald man protested in a low voice, and then said urgently, "He is right, if Batman comes, we will be in trouble."

"What are you afraid of? I don't believe that guy is as awesome as the legend says! There are four of us, why are we still afraid of him?"

Henry yelled with eyes wide open, but Rorschach could clearly see that the other person was just being tough.

The expression on his face clearly showed his fear of Batman.

But what Henry doesn't know is that the Batman they are talking about now has actually arrived a long time ago.

"Boy, don't seek death, don't let me say it a third time!"

Henry's shout rang out, and the gun in his hand clicked and was loaded.


But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and something hit the gun in Henry's hand, knocking his pistol to the ground.

Henry was startled, turned his head subconsciously, and his expression suddenly changed.


It's Batman's Batarang!

"It's him! He's here!"

The faces of the bald people also changed drastically, and they all showed nervousness.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded again, and a black shadow fell from the sky.

Like a big stone, it hit Henry at once.


Henry didn't react at all, and he was suddenly hit by the black shadow and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.


After Black Shadow Thunder defeated Henry, he landed in front of everyone with a golden sword.

But I saw him wearing a black tights, a black cape, and a bat-shaped hood on his face. Who else could he be if he wasn't Batman?

"Batman, it's Batman!"

"Go to hell, Batman!"

The other guy with the gun yelled nervously at Batman, then fired the gun mercilessly at Batman.


The sharp gunshots spread far away.

But for Batman, who is proficient in many fighting techniques, the opponent's attack is full of loopholes.

He had predicted the opponent's movements long ago, and he lowered his body and jumped.

While dodging the opponent's gunshot, he also jumped in front of the opponent.

He kicked over and knocked the gun in the opponent's hand over.


He turned around and punched the opponent's chest with a hard and powerful fist like a sledgehammer, knocking the man back.

He hit the wall behind him heavily, and then gasped for breath, and was no longer able to move forward.


The third person also failed to avoid Batman's heavy blow and quickly fell to the ground.

"It turns out that it is the Big Ben version of Batman!"

During this whole process, Rorschach also used his perspective ability to see through Batman's hood and see the opponent's true appearance.

It was the Big Ben version of Batman.

It's just that the Batman at this time is much younger than what Rorschach saw on the big screen.

But yes, Rorschach can clearly distinguish that it is indeed Ben's version of Batman.

And since Batman is this Batman, doesn't it mean that the Superman in this world is Henry?


Rorschach can be said to be very relieved.

Frankly speaking, Henry is not that strong. At least at this stage, Henry is definitely far inferior to Rorschach.

After all, judging from Batman's age, Henry should not have really grown up yet.

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