"Don't come here! Otherwise I'll kill him, I'm serious!"

There was a loud shout.

While Rorschach was sizing up Batman and sorting out his thoughts, Baldhead suddenly grabbed Rorschach and pressed the dagger in his hand against Rorschach's neck.

Rorschach: "..."

He was actually threatened and kidnapped!

Don’t talk about this feeling, it’s quite interesting!

"Don't be afraid, he won't hurt you as long as I'm here."

When Batman saw this, he immediately stopped his attacking posture and began to comfort Rorschach.

"Of course he won't hurt me."

Rorschach smiled, and then calmly stretched out his hand and grabbed the dagger that was placed on his neck with his bald head.

The pupils of the Batman opposite him could not help but shrink slightly, and he "went into the sword with his bare hands." This young man who looked like an unattractive young man was actually a ruthless person.

He just held the dagger without even blinking.



Batman quickly noticed something was wrong, because Rorschach's hand that grabbed the dagger was unscathed!


Immediately afterwards, Rorschach exerted slight force, and the dagger actually shattered in Rorschach's hand!



Batman was suddenly startled. He seemed to have seen someone crush the dagger with his bare hands?

Could it be that the dagger was fake?

Is that the one with the bald head used to scare people?


"You, you...how is this possible!"

The bald man himself was dumbfounded. Looking at the half dagger left in his hand, he couldn't believe his eyes.

This guy is a monster, right?

Who did he rob?


He wanted to say something more, but the bald man's words stopped abruptly.

Because Rorschach reached out and grabbed the bald man's neck and lifted him up like a weak chicken.

A person as big as Baldhead seemed to have no weight in Rorschach's hands, and Rorschach easily lifted him up with one hand.

"This guy is no ordinary person!"

Only then did Batman realize that he had made a mistake.

Not to mention the dagger that crushed the bald head before, this hand alone shows that this person has at least two hundred kilograms of strength in one arm. This is simply not something that ordinary people can do.


next moment.

Rorschach exerted slight force with his right hand again, and the sound of broken bones was heard.

The bald man simply fell limply in Rorschach's hands, completely turning into a corpse.

"don't want!"

It wasn't until this moment that Batman's voice sounded.

He wanted to stop Rorschach from killing people, but it was still a step too late.


Rorschach didn't care about Batman at all, and just threw the bald head on the ground like garbage.

There was a loud sound.

"You killed him! You killed him!"

Batman stared at Rorschach blankly, unable to accept it at all.

For him, killing someone is something that breaks the bottom line and is absolutely unacceptable.

Whether you kill yourself or someone else.

"It's a no-brainer."

Rorschach spread his hands with an understatement on his face, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

Not only that, he continued to walk towards the other people lying on the ground without any fuss.

Since these people dare to take action against Rorschach, Rorschach will not let him go!

I will not offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will pay back a hundredfold!

This is Rorschach's consistent code of conduct.

"Don't, don't come here!"

"Please let us go!"

When Henry and others saw Rorschach, a "hidden murderer", swinging the butcher knife at them again, they were all frightened to death.

I was really scared to death.

It makes me pee ten thousand times more than facing Batman.

After all, everyone in Gotham knows that Batman never kills, but this guy in front of him really kills without blinking an eye!

"Stop, what do you want to do?"

Batman sprang around and blocked Rorschach's path. His attitude was resolute, "I won't let you do that."

"Help, Batman, help!"

Henry and the others finally came to their senses, and turned their heads one by one to ask Batman for help.

What's so ironic is that the person they previously regarded as their enemy has now become their only savior.

"You?" Rorschach raised his eyebrows, with a look of disdain in his eyes, "Don't overestimate your capabilities, Batman!"


Before he finished speaking, Rorschach swayed and rushed towards Batman.


"What a speed!"

Batman was shocked.

He has never seen anyone reach such a fast speed!

It was so fast that his sight couldn't keep up, and he could only capture vague shadows.

"not good!"

Immediately afterwards, an extremely bad premonition suddenly flashed through Batman's heart.

Before anyone had time to react, a strong force acted on them.


With such a dull sound, Batman flew backwards and hit the wall hard.

Then it fell heavily to the ground like a dead dog.


After landing, Batman couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood, and felt that his bones all over his body seemed to be scattered.

He could clearly feel that his internal organs were injured.

If he hadn't been wearing a bulletproof protective suit, Batman felt that the punch might have exploded his heart.

Who is this guy!

Batman suddenly raised his head and looked at Rorschach with a shocked look.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that this young man who looked ordinary was so powerful.

It was beyond the limit that a mortal body could reach.

"Fake, fake?"

"How could this happen?"

Henry and others were completely dumbfounded and confused.

Just staring at Batman lying on the ground like a dead dog, they couldn't believe their eyes no matter what.

That's Batman!

A guy who can significantly reduce the crime rate of Gotham by his own strength!

How many people turn pale at the mention of Batman, and there is no doubt that he is very powerful.

But such a powerful Batman, in front of this young man, is like a weakling and vulnerable?

What a joke!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, Henry and the others would never have believed it.

After knocking Batman to the ground, Rorschach didn't waste any more time and walked to Henry in a leisurely manner.

He raised his foot and stepped down.


Batman, who was lying on the ground and unable to get up, stretched out his hand and shouted at Rorschach.


The sound of broken bones sounded immediately.

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