American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 363 Catwoman, you are my maid from now on

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, please let go?"

The woman ignored Rorschach's entanglement and began to shake her hands, trying to break free from Rorschach.

But it is conceivable that her struggle would be useless in front of Rorschach.

The woman shook her hands twice but to no avail. She also found that Rorschach was staring at her important parts, and a flash of disgust flashed through her heart.

But what the woman would never have thought of was that Rorschach was not looking at her, but a "pendant" hanging around her neck.

[Special energy source detected! ]

At the same time, such a voice flashed through Rorschach's mind.

"Not bad, good luck!"

Rorschach was still very satisfied with this. He didn't expect that he could harvest the origin points just after arriving in Gotham.

Although the origin points contributed by the special energy source were not many, only three hundred, it seemed that the "pendant" seemed to be a fragment of something, and there might be more.

How could Rorschach miss this opportunity?

That's right, this is the real reason why Rorschach caught this woman. What maid or not is just his bad taste.

Who asked this woman to come to him?

Why did she have to provoke Rorschach?

"If you don't let go, I'll scream, molestation, molestation!"

The woman's acting skills are still very superb. She said she was going to scream the moment before, but the next second she really looked like a victim who was about to be executed by Rorschach on the spot.

She screamed, like a pear blossom in the rain, and she was so panicked.


Sure enough.

Several eyes immediately looked over.

"You, let go of that girl!"

"How could you do such a thing in broad daylight?"

In a place like Gotham, you can actually meet some people with a sense of justice.

Several people immediately rushed towards Rorschach.

And the woman's face showed a cunning and complacent look.

"Catwoman, do you think you can beat me?"

But Rorschach remained calm, not even looking at those who came over to defend him, and just raised his eyebrows at the woman in his hand.


The expression on the woman's face froze instantly.

The identity is exposed!

How did this person recognize her?

Little did Rorschach know that it was just a guess.

In Gotham, the first character Rorschach thought of that fit the image of the woman in front of him was Catwoman.

But Rorschach was just guessing, nothing more.

After all, Rorschach didn't know who Catwoman was in the Big Ben version of the Batman universe.

She never appeared in the movie.

But seeing Catwoman's reaction just now, Rorschach knew that he guessed right.

"First, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Second, if you don't want to be beaten up, then let me go!"

Catwoman's color change was only a flash, and she quickly returned to normal, and said to Rorschach confidently.


Rorschach raised his eyebrows.


The sonic boom sounded, Rorschach's body shook, a violent airflow rose, and he disappeared.

Those guys who rushed over to defend the injustice only felt that their eyes were blurred, and the two people in front of them, a man and a woman, disappeared inexplicably.

Everyone was confused.

You looked at me, I looked at you, staring at each other, and had no idea what was going on.

"What, what's going on!"

The next moment, Catwoman and Rorschach appeared on an empty street.

Catwoman glanced around and began to be confused.


How did she get brought to this completely unfamiliar place in a blink of an eye?

"What did you do?" Catwoman looked at Rorschach in doubt.

Rorschach did not answer Catwoman, but waved to Catwoman lightly.

The bag that Catwoman had been carrying on her body actually flew towards Rorschach with Rorschach's move!

"How is it possible!"

Catwoman almost stared out her eyes, and she couldn't believe what she saw.


Rorschach unzipped Catwoman's bag and took out his watch.

Then he waved to Catwoman again, and the bag flew back automatically.

Catwoman mechanically took it, and she was still dumbfounded.

What kind of great god did she meet this time!

Catwoman glanced forward subconsciously and saw Rorschach slowly putting his watch back on, and his pretty face stretched straight.

It's over, it's exposed!

She thought she met a fat sheep and made a fortune without anyone noticing, but it turned out that the other party had known what she did for a long time.

Thinking about the various mysterious methods shown by the other party, Catwoman felt that her head was two big.

This time she kicked the chopping block, how can she get away?

"I have always been a person who will not offend others unless they offend me, but if someone offends me, I will pay them back a hundredfold."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he put on his watch leisurely while glancing at Catwoman, "And your behavior is undoubtedly an offense to me."

"Sir, I am blind, I admit my mistake and apologize to you, no, I will compensate you, okay?"

Catwoman admitted her mistake and begged for mercy from Rorschach pitifully, "Your watch is worth 250,000 US dollars, I can even double the compensation to you."

"Of course you have to compensate me, but how to compensate is up to me, not you."

Rorschach smiled at Catwoman, and suddenly Catwoman stretched out her hand again.

Catwoman immediately felt something was wrong: "What do you want to do?"


Turned around and ran.


The next moment, Catwoman ran headfirst into an invisible energy wall.

What the hell?

Catwoman's eyes widened, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak at all.


Then, the familiar sound of sonic boom sounded.

Catwoman immediately felt that her body was acted on by a force, and then her eyes blurred.

When Catwoman came to her senses, she almost peed.

Because she found herself in the vast sky!

"What, what happened!"

"Shit! Shit! God!"

Catwoman screamed continuously.

She glanced around and felt dizzy and her face was covered with sweat.

She couldn't help shaking even her body.

"Who are you?"

Raising her head again, Catwoman looked at Rorschach with fear in her eyes.

"You only have two choices."

Rorschach ignored Catwoman and pointed two fingers at her, "One, be my maid and listen to me obediently, two, I will let go of the force on you and let you fall from a height of ten thousand meters."

"Can you... change it? Maid or something, it's too embarrassing, right?"

"Then you can change it to a nicer term, such as secretary, life assistant, personal assistant, whatever you choose."

Catwoman: "..."

"I have no choice, right?" After struggling for a while, Catwoman still recognized the situation.

Catwoman is not stupid. She understands that in the hands of this almost god-like man in front of her, she has no strength to resist and struggle.

"What do you think?" Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

"Then boss, I agree to be your assistant. Now, can you let me go?"

Catwoman gritted her teeth and finally made such a shameful decision.

"The right choice!"


Catwoman suddenly felt her eyes blurred again.

When she stood firm, she found that she had landed on the ground again.


Catwoman couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Her first thought was to run away, but before she could move her feet, Rorschach's godlike method flashed through her mind.

Catwoman braked the car abruptly.

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