American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 364 Catwoman: Homelander, what are you going to do to me?

Catwoman is no fool.

On the contrary, Catwoman is a world-class thief.

Rorschach didn't know if Catwoman had met or fought with Batman in this timeline, but according to the comics, this was a thief who had escaped from Batman many times.

Although there are various reasons, one thing is undeniable. Catwoman herself is indeed a very powerful person.

So Catwoman can understand the situation.

So far, it is impossible for Catwoman to know Rorschach's true ability, but judging from the fact that the other party brought her to such an inexplicable place in the blink of an eye not long ago, Catwoman deduced that Rorschach should have the skill of speed. .

Much faster than a car.

Not only that.

This guy can also fly.

Facing such a big devil, where can I escape?

"Boss, where are we going next?"

Catwoman quickly adjusted her mentality and gave Rorschach a warm smile.

"Let's go get something to eat first."

Rorschach waved his hand and said to Catwoman.

"That's right, I'm hungry too!"

Catwoman clapped her hands and immediately led the way enthusiastically, "I know there is a very, very good hotel. The most important thing is that it can be worthy of your status as the boss. How about we go there?"

"Lead the way!"

Rorschach said nonchalantly.

He really didn't care too much about where to eat or whatnot.

The most important thing is to clarify some issues with Catwoman.

"This is it, boss!"

Soon, Catwoman and Rorschach stopped at the entrance of a high-end hotel. This girl was really not polite to Rorschach.

But think about it, isn’t it standard for a person who carries around a luxury watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to go to a high-end hotel or something?

After entering the hotel and ordering something casually, Rorschach and Catwoman sat face to face.

Catwoman still eats very elegantly.

If she hadn't known Catwoman's identity, Rorschach would have really thought she was a quiet lady.

"...We found a 'batarang' that only Batman can use at the crime scene, which makes Batman an important suspect in this murder case."

"Although according to the police's inference, there were other people present at the scene besides Batman, Batman's suspicion still cannot be cleared."

"We are eager to know whether this 'vigilante' of Gotham is the city's guardian or just another executioner."

The news on TV attracted Rorschach's attention. He subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the big screen.

Then he saw the scene playing on the screen, which was exactly where he killed Henry's men.

Rorschach felt slightly surprised.

He just killed a few flies that were harassing him, but he didn't expect that Batman would become "popular" all of a sudden.

"Batman doesn't kill people!"

Catwoman, who was eating across from Rorschach, immediately said in a very affirmative tone.

"Are you so sure?"

Rorschach glanced at Catwoman curiously, "Do you know that guy?"

Rorschach is still a little curious about this.

After all, in many related works, Catwoman is Batman's ambiguous object.

"I don't know him, but Batman has been in Gotham for more than half a year and has never killed anyone."

Catwoman stuffed a small piece of steak into her mouth, "On the contrary, there are many idiots who have tried to imitate Batman, and it was just another poor imitation."

"A person as smart as Batman, if he really killed someone, would he leave something that marked his identity at the scene of the crime?"

Catwoman's words are plausible, and I have to say that there is nothing wrong with her logic.

But there is one thing that Catwoman could not have expected. It was not that Batman intentionally left his batarang behind, but because he was injured by someone, so he could only leave in a hurry when the police arrived. .

Then he accidentally left the batarang at the scene.

Strictly speaking, Rorschach accidentally tricked Batman.

But Rorschach didn't pay much attention to this.

What kind of character is Batman? He has encountered all kinds of huge crises and has been able to survive them safely. At this moment, it is just a little "reputation crisis", which is really nothing to Batman.

not to mention.

Regarding the relationship between Gordon and Batman, Rorschach believes that the police will soon give Batman justice.

"You seem to be paying attention to Batman?"

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows with a half-smile, with a hint of teasing on his face.

"Why should I pay attention to that guy? He pops up every now and then to steal the spotlight!"

Catwoman curled her lips with a look of disdain, then stared at Rorschach, as if she had discovered something, "On the contrary, you seem to be paying close attention to Batman."

"He is the only interesting person in this city." Rorschach said lightly, "Forget it, let's not talk about him."

After waving his hand, Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand and "touched" Catwoman.

"W-what do you want to do?"

Catwoman suddenly became nervous and began to move backwards involuntarily.


But an inexplicable force appeared behind her, blocking Catwoman.

"I told you not to mess around. Didn't I agree to be your assistant? What else do you want?" Catwoman yelled at Rorschach nervously.

It can be seen that Catwoman was really panicked at this moment.

In front of such a mysterious and scary person, she was really a little cat!

No matter what the other party wanted to do, she couldn't resist.

The girl was really panicked.

But fortunately, Rorschach didn't do anything to Catwoman.

He just reached out and took off a pendant hanging around Catwoman's neck, that's all.

"You want this thing?"

Catwoman was relieved at this time, "Really, you can just ask me for it, why do you have to be so scary?"

She was completely convinced by Rorschach's operation before. It was just a small thing. If Rorschach asked, Catwoman would naturally not dare to refuse.

"Tell me its origin." Rorschach glanced at Catwoman and asked her seriously.

"It's just a decoration, how can it have any history?" Catwoman said disapprovingly, "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

"You seem to have... forgotten your identity, maid!" Rorschach's face sank slightly, staring at Catwoman.


Catwoman's mouth twitched slightly, and although Rorschach's voice was not loud, it gave her great oppression.

She actually felt a sense of suffocation.

"Don't, don't be so nervous, I'm just joking with you." Catwoman forced a dry laugh at Rorschach, "Actually, I don't know what this thing is. I 'picked it up' in a museum."

Rorschach almost couldn't help but give Catwoman a thumbs up.

Is it okay to pick up something in a museum?

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