American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 366 The fate between me and Batman that cannot be ignored

After finishing his meal slowly, wiping the corners of his mouth, and tidying up his clothes leisurely, Rorschach began to look at the fragment in his hand.

After a brief pause, Rorschach turned his hand and put the fragment away, but did not absorb it immediately.

Three hundred origin points, that's all.

For Rorschach's current strength, it is simply a drop in the bucket and has no obvious effect.

So Rorschach is not in a hurry to absorb anything.

His vision is not so narrow.

One fragment cannot satisfy Rorschach, and his next goal is very clear:

Use this fragment to find all the other fragments.

"Let's go to the memorial first!"

Rorschach made a decision quickly.

After he left the hotel, he immediately found the World War II Memorial that Catwoman mentioned.

It was already night, and the memorial was not open, but this was not a problem for Rorschach, he did not need to actually enter the memorial.

Just standing at the door, with super vision and perspective, Rorschach took in everything in the memorial hall.

Not even a flying fly could escape.


Rorschach retracted his gaze and shook his head slightly.

Just as Catwoman said, there were no other fragments in the memorial hall.

There really is no such easy thing in the world.

It seems that Rorschach still needs to work hard to investigate and find.

"It would be great if Charles was here too."

Rorschach couldn't help but miss Charles's psychic ability.

If it was in Krako, this matter would be too simple.

Just let Charles go to the brain wave enhancement room, I believe it will take less than a minute to find other fragments.

But now, after thinking about it, Rorschach can only rely on some "local" forces.

There is no way.

Even if Rorschach is now strong enough to stand at the top of the cosmic pyramid, he has his own expertise, and finding things is not something that can be done with strength.

So, which local force should we rely on?

Wayne Group!

This name flashed through Rorschach's mind immediately.

If we say which "force" in Gotham is the largest, it must be Wayne Group.

Wayne Group is a well-deserved super giant in Gotham. The entire city's banks, transportation, finance, manufacturing, etc., almost everything you can imagine, has the shadow of Wayne Group.

In some movies and TV series, some villains often say things like "This is my city", but that's just exaggeration and YY.

But this sentence is only describing a fact when it is applied to Wayne Group.

Wayne Group controls more than half of Gotham's industries!

Gotham is really Wayne Group's.

If you want to find the other fragments as quickly as possible, like looking for a needle in a haystack, Wayne Group is undoubtedly Rorschach's best choice.

Thinking of this, Rorschach couldn't help but curl up a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Is this the "bad fate" between him and Batman?

I just beat the other party, but now I have to rely on the other party's strength?

It's really interesting.

"In this case, let's find a chance to talk to Batman!"

Rorschach made a decision.

But it's late now, not the right time.

What's more, thanks to me, Batman is probably still lying in bed and being treated by doctors.

At least we have to wait until Batman gets better, right?

"Well, let's play in Gotham for two days!"

Rorschach identified the direction left and right, and took big steps.

His body quickly disappeared into the darkness.

In the next few days, Rorschach's life can be said to be very comfortable and relaxed. He completely regarded this trip to Gotham as a tour.

This is Gotham.

The real Gotham!

Although it is dark, dangerous, and full of disorder and dirt, it still has a different "flavor" for people like Rorschach who like American comics.

Rorschach also enjoys it.

Of course.

Rorschach was not just playing around, he also paid attention to the situation of Bruce Wayne during this period.

And he soon found a very suitable opportunity to contact Bruce Wayne.

Three days later, Bruce Wayne, the playboy and super rich second generation in everyone's eyes, will hold a celebrity cocktail party in the Wayne Group building!

Is there any more suitable time than this?

I believe that if Bruce Wayne sees me, he will be very "surprised".


Three days passed in a flash.

Rorschach, wearing a brand-name suit, appeared in the Wayne Building.

As expected of the richest family in Gotham, the luxury of the Wayne Building directly raised the upper limit of the entire city of Gotham.

"Sir, please come in!"

Arriving at the top-floor banquet hall of the group, two polite and elegant waiters in suits and ties politely invited Rorschach into the hall.

There was no bloody plot of checking the invitation, but Rorschach was turned away because he did not have an invitation.

Rorschach walked into the banquet hall where celebrities gathered very smoothly.

Looking around, I saw people from the upper class, dressed in fancy clothes and well-spoken, wandering around in every corner.

With smiles on their faces, they exchanged friendly greetings with each other.

Some women with good figures and delicate faces also shuttled among them, adding a touch of color to the entire banquet hall.

In addition, the soothing music was like a hot spring flowing, which made people feel comfortable.

The atmosphere on the scene can be said to be very, very good.

During this period, many people also looked at Rorschach quietly, and even many people took the initiative to greet Rorschach.

These upper-class people are not fools. They can naturally see at a glance that Rorschach's unfamiliar face is also like them. He is truly from the upper class, not the kind of pretending.

After all, people from the upper class cannot be disguised by wearing expensive clothes.

Many people are actually asking privately, which consortium this elegant young man who has never appeared before is from.

"Boss! Why are you here?"

A somewhat surprised voice sounded, and a graceful figure dressed exquisitely and constantly fantasized by countless men walked in front of Rorschach.

Catwoman looked at Rorschach, quite surprised.

She didn't expect to see this mysterious man again at such a banquet.

"Why, can't I come?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, took a glass of red wine from the waiter passing by, and took a sip.

"Of course not!"

Catwoman looked at Rorschach with an interested look, "That's not what I meant, but I always are not the kind of man who lingers in such boring cocktail parties."

Thanks to Linoya Hatili for the reward!

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