American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 367 Bruce Wayne, do you think I don’t know you are Batman?

"You think you know me well?"

Rorschach glanced at Catwoman with a half-smile.

"No, no!"

Catwoman suddenly felt subconsciously nervous, like a little sheep trembling in front of the big bad wolf.

Unfortunately, Rorschach's miraculous skills in front of Catwoman really left a lingering shadow in Catwoman's heart.

It shocked him completely.

So much so that Rorschach's every move can subtly shock Catwoman.

At this moment, Catwoman regretted that she took the initiative to come over and say hello to this big devil.

She had just escaped from the clutches of this big devil!

Why did he get involved again?

But don’t say it.

This big devil is simply a mystery in Catwoman's heart, making her want to understand and get closer involuntarily.

He even forgot about the danger of this big devil!

It can only be said that sometimes, women are indeed emotional.

Seeing Catwoman's trembling appearance, Rorschach couldn't help but be stunned and slightly speechless.

Why did he feel like a big bad wolf at this moment?

"I still need a female companion here. You can make do with it, so just settle down!"

Rorschach's voice continued to sound. He drank all the wine in his glass and made his verdict directly.

Catwoman's opinion was not asked at all.

Just so domineering.

Just make do...okay?

Catwoman was so filled with hatred that this guy was really annoying. He was too narcissistic, right?

At my level, it’s just “okay”?

Do you know how many men have fallen under my skirt over the years?

"Should I thank you for giving me this opportunity?" Catwoman gritted her teeth.

"No need." Rorschach shook his head. Just when Catwoman showed an expression of "It's not bad," the second half of his sentence floated over, "Because I don't care about your specific feelings."

This bastard!

Catwoman gritted her teeth even more.

But despite this, Catwoman did not run away from Rorschach like she did in the hotel last time, but really stayed with Rorschach.

Acted as Rorschach's female companion.

He even danced with Rorschach on the dance floor.

"Bruce Wayne is here!"

"Master Wayne, it's Master Wayne!"

"Mr. Wayne is here!"

After spending some time with Catwoman, the crowd suddenly started to become noisy.

With incomparable enthusiasm, everyone gathered around a dashing and heroic young master.

Although everyone is a member of the upper class, that young man is the upper class among the upper class.

Without a doubt, it's Bruce Wayne.

“Everyone, have fun!”

"I have provided an inexhaustible supply of wine for everyone, so drink as much as you like!"

Bruce Wayne also tried his best to pretend to be a cynical young man and greeted everyone.

Seeing this, Luo Xia couldn't help but secretly exclaimed.

It's a shame that Bruce Wayne isn't competing for an Oscar for his acting skills.

His acting skills are simply amazing, and he really owes him an Oscar.

"Boss, you won't tell me that you are here because of Bruce Wayne, right?"

Catwoman saw Rorschach looking at Bruce Wayne a few more times and couldn't help but speak.

Why does a person as unpredictable as Rorschach need to curry favor with Bruce Wayne?

Although Bruce Wayne has money, that's all he has.

In the eyes of Catwoman, there is no way to compare such a person with Rorschach, okay?

"Don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about." Rorschach knocked Catwoman on the head.


Catwoman clutched her head and accused Rorschach.


Rorschach ignored Catwoman at all. Didn't she know how powerful he was?

Even a child wouldn't feel the pain, let alone a fighting master with extraordinary skills that even several strong men might not be able to get close to him.

"I'll excuse you for a moment. As for you..."

There was a hint of teasing on Rorschach's face, "Maybe we can see if there are any good things to 'pick up' here."

"You are really here for Bruce Wayne!" Catwoman became more and more certain of this.


Another hit on the forehead.

"I told you it hurts!"

Catwoman shouted to Rorschach aggrievedly.

But Rorschach ignored Catwoman and walked straight towards Bruce Wayne, who was surrounded by the crowd.

"Come on, everyone, raise your glasses, today..."

The smile on Bruce Wayne's face, who was joking with everyone, suddenly froze.

It's him!

It's that guy!

Bruce Wayne has been asking his butler Afu to use all resources to investigate Rorschach these days, and the same is true for Detective Gordon.

In the blink of an eye, the person I had been looking for so hard to find actually came to my door!

God willing?


Bruce Wayne feels that his luck is really good.

It’s just the right time to take advantage of this opportunity to find out the details of this guy.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, Bruce Wayne would soon return to the look of that playboy.

After greeting several people around him, he also took the initiative to walk towards Luo Xia.

"I seem to have never seen you before. You are not from Gotham, are you?"

Bruce Wayne came to Rorschach's side calmly, and said to Rorschach casually, just like in ordinary communication.

"I am indeed not from Gotham." Rorschach nodded.

"Really? So, where are you from?" Bruce Wayne began to inquire about Rorschach's relevant information.

"Comes from a..."

Rorschach tilted his head and thought for a moment, then gave this answer, "A place you can't imagine."

"Really? So where is that place?"

"You seem to be interested in me?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bruce Wayne meaningfully.

"Man, that sounds perverted, I'm a normal man." Bruce Wayne smiled pretending to be relaxed.

"Okay, this is the end of this boring trial."

Rorschach was too lazy to play any psychological games with Bruce Wayne. He took out the fragment and handed it to him, "Bruce, I need your help."

"What's this?"

Bruce Wayne did not pick it up, but glanced at the fragment and asked in confusion.

"This is exactly what I need you to figure out." Rorschach said sternly to Bruce Wayne.

"No, I think the question I need to figure out is why a person who has never met me would ask me to do some inexplicable things with such mysterious confidence, as if he is familiar with me, right? "

"Maybe you can help me figure it out?"

There was a trace of sarcasm on Bruce Wayne's face.

This guy is really inexplicable.

"Because if you don't do this, the whole Gotham will know that you are Batman." Rorschach laughed.

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