American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 369 Homelander and Batman's first head-on confrontation

How can we make Gotham free of criminals?

Undoubtedly, this is a very, very difficult question.

It is so difficult that even a character like Batman cannot give an answer.

Batman has been fighting for this goal all his life and has never achieved it.

But at the same time, this question is a very, very simple question.

It is so simple that there is no need to think or plan.

How can it be done?

Wouldn't it be enough to kill all the criminals?

Remove the firewood from the bottom of the pot and put an end to it.

This method is simply impossible for a superhero like Batman.

But although Rorschach has a moral bottom line, it is not as high as Batman. He can still kill some criminals.

"That's it!"

Rorschach made the decision happily.

"Let me see which unlucky guys are here today!"

Rorschach made the decision quickly, and then stopped talking nonsense and directly used his super hearing.

In an instant, all the sounds of the entire Gotham were reflected in Rorschach's mind.

"Hurry up, hand over all the money you have!"

"Beat you, you bastard, for daring to cheat on me?"

"When will the goods arrive?"

"Are you kidding me? You dare to touch Boss William's stuff?"


Gotham is worthy of being Gotham. Rorschach heard countless crimes as soon as he listened casually.

You have to know that this is still the case when Batman is around and the criminals are greatly deterred to a certain extent.

If it was the "free-range" Gotham before, Rorschach couldn't imagine it.

"It's decided, it's up to you!"

When Rorschach captured a drug transaction, he immediately made a happy decision.

Tonight, he will take the two sides of this drug transaction as the first battle of Rorschach to clean up Gotham.


But suddenly, Rorschach's mouth curled up a meaningful smile, and his footsteps couldn't help but pause slightly.


A sound of breaking through the air flashed by, and a cold light flashed towards Rorschach under the moonlight.

Rorschach just stretched out his hand lightly, turned around and grabbed it.


A sound of metal and iron suddenly sounded.

A bat dart appeared in Rorschach's hand.


At the same time, the sound of fluttering clothes also sounded.

Batman, wearing a black cape and a bat costume, fell from the sky and fell in front of Rorschach.

Blocked Rorschach's way.

"Do you really think you can kill someone and act like nothing happened?"

"They are just robbing, not a crime punishable by death!"

Batman's voice has also been specially processed, very low and hoarse, and no emotional fluctuations can be heard at all.

"Do you think you are a judge?"

Rorschach's mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm, "Don't forget, you are just a criminal!"

"Nothing can be accomplished without paying a price, this is the price I paid!"

Batman did not deny this.


A crisp sound rang out, but Rorschach's right hand exerted a little force, and immediately crushed the batarang shot by Batman.

He threw it on the ground casually, just like throwing garbage.

People like Batman have deep-rooted thoughts and have a set of behavioral codes and creeds that they believe in very firmly. It is still very difficult for others to persuade them.

So Rorschach did not plan to say much to Batman.

For such people, just beat them up.

If it doesn't work once, it will be twice, and if it doesn't work twice, it will be three times.

Anyway, it's not him who is beaten.

"Batman, there is no point in talking. Are you sure you want to stop me?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows, "I still need you to help me, so I won't kill you, but do you really like living in the ward?"

"At least it's not a prison cell!"


After saying this to Rorschach, Batman decisively took out a few gas bombs and threw them in front of Rorschach.

Swish, swish, swish!

A large amount of irritating gas suddenly sprayed out, and instantly surrounded Rorschach's body.


Seeing this scene, Batman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He had seen Rorschach's speed that was so fast that he couldn't react at all. Batman was very worried that Rorschach would stop him before the gas bomb took effect, or evacuate quickly, so that the gas bomb would lose its effect.

But maybe because of his unexpected action, or the other party's arrogance and arrogance, the other party was successfully hit!

But the next moment.

The smile on Batman's mouth froze.

But in the smoke, the outline of a figure became clearer and clearer.


That familiar figure walked out of the gas smoke in such a swagger.

His face was not red and he was not out of breath. He was calm and composed.

He was not affected at all!

Batman's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

The guy in front of him was more unfathomable than he had imagined.


But Batman was not a person who gave up easily. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Rorschach quickly.


But just as he approached Rorschach, Rorschach punched Batman.

Batman's body shook, and he fell out like a cannonball.

He was hit so hard that his head was dizzy and his bones were about to fall apart.

Batman really realized how heavy Rorschach's punch was.

Seeing Rorschach walking towards him step by step, Batman decisively adjusted his strategy.

He knew that there was no chance of winning against Rorschach except being hammered, and only fighting with the opponent could have a glimmer of hope.

So he decisively took out the grappling hook gun and shot it at the wall.


The flying claw was immediately nailed to the wall, and Batman's figure rose up.

When he rose to the top, he used his hands and feet and climbed onto the roof as agilely as a monkey.

He planned to engage in "guerrilla warfare" with Rorschach.

But when he looked up, a familiar face appeared in front of him.

Batman was stunned.

How could it be?

Are you kidding!

How did this guy get up here?

"I hope you can learn a lesson this time!"

Rorschach said as he stretched out his hand and lifted up Batman in one go.

Batman was a big man, but in front of Rorschach at this moment, he was like a baby, unable to struggle or resist at all.

All the efforts were in vain and had no effect at all.

He was lifted up by Rorschach with one hand.


Rorschach glanced and found a large trash can downstairs, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"Afu, come and take your young master home!"

After saying "hello" to Afu, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and lifted Batman up in the air in one go...

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