
In the Batman base, Alfu, who was responsible for providing technical intelligence support to Batman, was stunned for a moment.

That was so confusing.

The criminal that Young Master Wayne wanted to fight actually knew him?

This situation has never happened before.

In the past six months since Young Master Wayne became Batman to fight criminals, no one knew Batman's true identity!

But this guy now, let alone Young Master Wayne's identity, even knew that he and Young Master Wayne were working together behind the scenes!

What a joke!

Who the hell is this guy!

Alfu's heart was simply filled with huge waves.

Not just Alfu.

Batman, who was caught by Rorschach, was also quite uneasy at the moment.

Even Alfu knew?

He really didn't leave any secrets for himself, right?

This guy really checked himself out!


But Rorschach didn't give Batman any chance to think. He threw Batman downstairs with a clean and neat force.

Still aiming at the trash can downstairs.


The next moment.

Batman was "projected" into the trash can by Rorschach with great precision, making a loud noise.

Of course.

Rorschach had a plan.

The height of this building is not too high, and the trash can downstairs is full of trash.

It can play a good buffering role.

In addition, Batman's uniform also has a good protective effect.

So even if he was thrown down from the downstairs, Rorschach was confident that he would not kill Batman.

It was just very uncomfortable.

And after being thrown down like this, Batman might not even have the strength to climb out of the trash can.

Before Alfred came to pick up his Master Wayne, Batman could only lie in the trash can.

This wonderful experience that had never been experienced before was sure to leave Batman with an unforgettable memory.

Just as he was about to leave, Rorschach suddenly thought of something again. He shook his body and appeared in front of the trash can like a ghost.

"Your current identity is not to be seen in public. It would be bad if the police found out, right?"

"It's okay, I'll help you!"

Rorschach very considerately covered Batman with some garbage and buried him in the garbage.

Batman: "..."

Thank you!


"You're safe now!"

"You're welcome!"

Clapping his hands, Rorschach, who had just done a good deed, left refreshed.

So where would Rorschach go next?

Without a doubt, he would continue the action that was interrupted by Batman before and kill the two groups of drug dealers who were trading drug.


Rorschach shook his body and disappeared into the night.


At an abandoned dock in Gotham.


The waves beat against the beach in the breeze, and the humid air with a hint of sea smell made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially since this place has been abandoned for a long time, there is still a bad smell of decay in the air.

Mixed with the smell of various garbage, it is definitely a challenge for the respiratory tract.

So basically no one comes to this place.

It is the only choice for the two underground forces, the "Pink Gang" and the "Skull Head", to trade high powder.

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

Accompanied by a series of car door closing sounds, Taylor Sheridan, the leader of the Pink Gang, led a team of armed brothers and walked towards the Skull Head gang who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Taylor, my buddy! I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I can't wait!"

Seeing this, Martin Starr, the leader of the "Skull Head", immediately stood up, walked in front of Taylor, and hugged Taylor enthusiastically.

At the moment when the two bodies collided, a hard object on Martin's body hit Taylor.


Whether it was Martin or Martin's men, everyone was armed with guns and fully armed.

Some people even blatantly held submachine guns.

High powder trading is so simple and unpretentious.

"Dude, let's talk about it another day. Now, let's finish our deal first!"

After Taylor patted Martin on the shoulder, he separated from Martin. "You know, we have to be careful in the recent period and make quick decisions."

Martin knew that Taylor was referring to Batman.

In the past six months, Batman has sent many of their colleagues to prison.

Although for people like them, being sent to prison is not a big deal, and they can get out with a little trouble, but it really delays things.

And if possible, it is better not to go to that kind of place.

"Batman? If that guy dares to show up, I will feed him with bullets!" Martin sneered.

They are equipped with such exaggerated firepower, not only to guard against the people of the Pink Gang, but also to guard against Batman.

"Yes, I believe you will do this." Taylor laughed on the side.

The two of them exchanged a simple greeting, and there was no more nonsense, and began to formally trade.

The people of the Pink Gang went to the Skull to inspect the goods, and the people of the Skull checked the money at the same time.

After both parties confirm that everything is correct, they pay the money and deliver the goods.

That's called a success.


A pair of strong hands held each other and shook them.

Taylor and Martin both had smiles on their faces.

"Man, happy transaction, come to my place another day, I will entertain you well!"

The smile on Taylor's face looked so genuine.

"Absolutely! Say hello to Boss Smith for me." Martin also smiled like an old gay friend.

"I think it's not necessary! After all... none of you can leave."

But at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded.


Taylor and Martin were both startled and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a young Asian man in his twenties next to a car not far from the two of them. He didn't know when he appeared there.




Uniform movements.

Both Taylor and Martin immediately raised their guns and pointed at Rorschach.

"Boy, who are you? Who sent you?"

Taylor frowned, stared at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

"Pointless question."

Rorschach shook his head, suddenly stretched out his hand towards Taylor, and made a twisting movement.


Taylor tilted his head and his neck was broken on the spot.


The scene immediately dropped their jaws in shock.

Everyone looked at Rorschach with dumbfounded eyes, unable to believe their eyes.

Killing someone in the air?

Was there any mistake?

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