American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 371 Homelander, the most arrogant criminal in Gotham's history

"What did you do?"

"What on earth do you want to do!"

The rest of the people were all scared to death.

The few people who were brave enough to shout at Rorschach didn't notice that their voices had begun to tremble.

Rorschach didn't say any more nonsense to these people.

He just kept raising his hand.

Aimed at another person.


Another person's neck was broken by Rorschach.

"Ah! Bastard, go to hell!"

"Shoot, kill this bastard!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang!

Accompanied by such roars, the rest of the people began to pull the trigger at Rorschach frantically.

They didn't know what kind of monster Rorschach was, but they didn't believe that with so many guns, they couldn't kill him?

But the next moment.

Martin and the rest of the Pink Gang were like seeing a ghost, and all of them showed horror on their faces.

Because after those bullets hit Rorschach's body, they were actually bounced off immediately.

It didn't cause any impact on the opponent at all!

Not to mention that they beat people to death as imagined, their fierce output did not leave even the slightest trace on the opponent.

"How, how is it possible!"

"God, what kind of monster have we encountered!"

Many people were panicked, pissing and shitting, and they were so scared that they even trembled.

"Let us go!"

"I'll give you whatever you want, don't kill me!"

Some people even cried and begged for mercy from Rorschach.

Rorschach turned a deaf ear to them.

He just continued to use his telekinesis slowly, killing those people in front of him one by one.

As for running away?

It naturally did not exist in front of Rorschach.

Those who ran away died faster.

"Asshole! I'll fight you!"

"Go to hell, you monster!"

Gradually, the remaining people also knew that they had no other choice but to fight the monster in front of them.

One by one, they raised their guns again and fired at Rorschach mercilessly.


Someone even threw a grenade at Rorschach.


The blazing flames immediately surrounded and engulfed Rorschach.

But the next moment, Rorschach appeared again without a scratch.

The remaining people were completely scared.

Rorschach didn't care what those people's reactions were. He killed them all slowly and calmly.



When Rorschach killed the last person, he heard the familiar sound of sirens.

According to the sound, four police cars were already roaring in.

This is why Rorschach didn't give those powder sellers a quick death, but instead harvested their lives one by one like a cat and mouse.

Rorschach wanted to let the noise here spread!

This was one of Rorschach's plans.

If you want to deter the criminals in Gotham as quickly as possible, you naturally have to make as much noise as possible.

It would be best if it would make the whole city a sensation.

Only in this way can all the criminals in Gotham know about Rorschach, the big devil, at the first time.

Only in this way can the best effect be achieved.

Of course.

Rorschach's original intention of making a commotion was not to attract the police, but to attract media reporters.

He wanted to use the corpses all over the ground to let the media help him convey a message to the whole Gotham:

His countrymen do not allow criminals to appear in Gotham!

Whoever dares to disobey will die.

Just like the dozens of corpses on the ground!

Rorschach still doesn't believe it. How stubborn are the criminals in Gotham?

Of course, there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Especially in Gotham, there are many crazy people who can't be understood by common sense, and this method may not be able to suppress them.


Rorschach didn't expect to kill only once!

This killing in front of him is just the beginning!


"There was a shooting at the old dock!"

"I want first-hand information, quick!"


After the sirens sounded for a few minutes, Rorschach finally heard the voice of the journalist he wanted to hear.

This made Rorschach secretly sigh that some reporters really have dog noses, which are extremely sensitive.

They actually rushed to him almost at the same time as the police.

Such superb professional ability is really unbearable.

Judging from the sound, it would take about fifteen minutes for the police cars to arrive at the scene.

Rorschach jumped into a car, lying leisurely, admiring the moon in the sky.

Rorschach was not pretending, the moon was really nothing to see, who asked Gordon and the others to come so slowly?

That's right.

This time, it was none other than the famous Detective Gordon.

Just like that, he was bored and admired the moon for a while, and then a few squeaking brake sounds were heard.

Four police cars stopped on the side of the road.

Led by Detective Gordon, more than a dozen policemen got out of the car one after another and walked towards the crime scene.

Before anyone approached, the pungent smell of blood came out.

Looking ahead in the moonlight, I saw a field full of people lying in all directions.

All of them were motionless, not even one person made a sound.

Considering that no one would have the leisure to sleep in such a place, one could guess what happened at the scene even with one's thighs.

"Jesus Christ, what happened here?"

Gordon took out a flashlight and shone it. One corpse after another came into his sight, causing his pupils to shrink fiercely.

More than twenty people!

So many people died!

Even in Gotham, this is a very, very serious matter.

"Who is it!"

A sharp shout came.

It was Rorschach, who was lying on the roof of the car to enjoy the moon, who jumped down from the roof and immediately attracted Gordon's attention.


Several flashlights immediately shone on Rorschach.

Rorschach's young face appeared in front of all the police.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Do those corpses on the ground have anything to do with you?"

Detective Gordon stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed on him and asked in a deep voice.

"Of course it has something to do with me." Rorschach shrugged, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, "I killed them all."

Gordon's expression suddenly changed.

The other police officers at the scene were the same.

Wait...wait a minute!

After Gordon stared at Rorschach for a moment, he suddenly remembered.

This guy is highly consistent with the murderer Batman described to him?

Could it be this guy?

"Put your hands up!"

"Put your hands where I can see them!"

Gordon shouted at Rorschach in a sharp voice.

"Sorry, I didn't intend to do that."


After saying this, Rorschach shook his body and appeared in front of Gordon like a ghost.


Gordon was shocked.

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