American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 372 I, the Homelander, will not allow criminals in Gotham!

What's going on?

Wasn't this person more than 20 meters away just now?

How come he is right in front of me in a blink of an eye?

In that moment, Gordon even wondered if he was dazzled.

"Back off!"

"Back off immediately!"

But now he didn't have the time to figure out what was going on.

Rorschach's actions were obviously oppressive, so Gordon took out his police pistol and pointed it at Rorschach and shouted.


Rorschach stretched out his hand lightly, and Gordon felt his hand lighten.

He didn't react at all to what was going on, and the gun in his hand disappeared.

Appeared in Rorschach's hand.

Gordon was shocked.

The Gotham police around him were also shocked.




Then there was the sound of a gun being loaded.

Except for Gordon, who had his gun taken away, all the policemen raised their guns at the first moment and pointed them at Rorschach.

"Put your gun down!"

"Right now!"

Several loud shouts rang out at the same time.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dull and depressing.


Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach spoke in a light tone and his expression remained unchanged, as if those pointing at him were just toys. "Although I will knock you all down next, in fact, I am not your enemy."

"On the contrary, my goal is the same as yours."

Gordon and others almost laughed out of anger. Isn't this guy too arrogant?

He dared to openly make arrogant remarks in front of these policemen, saying that he would knock them all down?

Has he taken too much ecstasy and his brain is abnormal?

"Put your gun down, right now!"

Gordon ignored Rorschach's words such as "the same goal as theirs" and continued to shout at Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't say much to these policemen.

He shook his body and attacked everyone as fast as lightning.


Gordon, who was standing in front of Rorschach, felt a strong force hit him and fell to the ground.

He didn't even react to how Rorschach attacked.



Rorschach immediately ignited a hornet's nest.

The police officers at the scene didn't have any more nonsense and immediately pulled the trigger at Rorschach mercilessly.

Bang, bang, bang!

The ear-piercing gunshots rang out.

What can they do?

Even with so many guns, they couldn't do anything to Rorschach.

Rorschach was like a ghost, quickly turning around among the police.

Bang, bang, bang!

With the sound of fists and feet, all the police fell to the ground.

They lay on the ground with bruised faces and groaning.

The guns in their hands were also taken away by Rorschach at the first time and thrown aside like garbage.

From beginning to end, Rorschach was unscathed.

So many policemen fired so many shots, but they didn't hurt Rorschach at all.

"What kind of monster is this guy!"

"God, who is he!"

All the policemen were dumbfounded.

They just lay on the ground helplessly, staring at Rorschach with wide eyes in disbelief.

It was as if they had seen a ghost.

"Quick, there was another gunshot!"

"Go see what's going on!"

After Rorschach knocked down all the policemen, a news interview car finally arrived late.

The car door opened.

A female reporter with an average appearance and a very good figure, with a photographer carrying a camera, rushed to the scene quickly.

"Jesus Christ!"

"Are those lying on the ground policemen?"

"Not only policemen, but also corpses!"

"Hiss, what happened here!"

After the female reporter and the photographer quickly glanced at the scene, they were all dumbfounded, as if they were struck by lightning.

There were more than 20 bodies lying at the scene, and more than a dozen policemen were lying on the ground wailing. What the hell was going on?

Could it be that the police and some criminals were fighting?

Although she couldn't figure out the situation, the female reporter was so excited that she was shaking all over.

Big news, this is undoubtedly a big news!

This time, I finally encountered big news.


There was a third person at the scene!

A young Asian man standing there like nothing happened!

Rorschach immediately attracted the attention of the female reporter.

"Quick, Parker, go interview that person!"

The female reporter immediately called the photographer and walked quickly towards Rorschach.

The photographer was a little hesitant.

So many people died at the scene, and even so many policemen were killed. Is this really a good time to interview?

But he also understood the female reporter's temper.

Once this woman saw the big news, she would ignore everything and completely lose her mind.

No matter what I said, it would be a waste of words.

Oh, forget it, who told me to have such a partner!

Parker gritted his teeth and followed the female reporter to Rorschach.

"Hello, sir. I'm a reporter from Gotham TV. My name is Emily. Here's my ID. Can I have a brief interview with you?"

Emily showed her ID to Rorschach, then took out the microphone and put it in front of Rorschach.


Rorschach nodded. He was waiting for the radio reporter, "Ms. Emily, today is your lucky day, because you have encountered a big news that you may not encounter in your career."

"Really? So sir, can you tell me what exactly happened here?"

Emily began the interview with Rorschach, "There are gunshots, corpses, and so many injured police officers, but you are the only one standing here."

"Those corpses were all members of the 'Pink Gang' and the 'Skulls'. They were trading high-profile fans here, and I killed them all."

Rorschach said such cruel words in an understatement, which made Emily's veins jump. "As for the police, they are here to arrest me, but obviously they don't have the strength."

Damn it!

Emily was so excited that her voice trembled slightly.

Rorschach's words shocked her, and at the same time, they also made her excited.

After killing so many fan dealers and knocking out so many cops, the man was right, he had truly given himself the biggest news of his career.

"So it seems that you are staying here just to wait for our interview?"

Emily was not a fool, and quickly judged this, "Then what is the purpose of doing this?"

"I'm going to use the power of your media to tell Gotham and all the criminals in Gotham."

At this point, Rorschach's eyes became a little sharper, and he turned his face to the camera on the side, "I, the motherland, will not allow criminals in Gotham!"

"I didn't care before, but since I announced this sentence, whoever dares to engage in criminal activities will be regarded as a provocation against me."


Rorschach pointed to the corpse on one side, "This is an example of a provocateur!"

Emily and Parker were completely dumbfounded.

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