
This man must be crazy!

This was the thought that flashed through Emily and Parker's minds at the same time.

Not only them, but also Gordon and the other policemen who were lying on the ground were also shocked by Rorschach's words.

Even though they had just been tortured by Rorschach and had seen how powerful Rorschach was, everyone couldn't help but almost laughed out loud at this moment.

Not allowing criminals in Gotham?

Who does he think he is!

What an international joke!

The entire Gotham Police Department cannot do such a thing, and the entire Gotham ZF cannot do such a thing.


This person's mind is really abnormal.

But for Emily, it doesn't matter whether Rorschach's brain is normal or not.

The important thing is that the news provided by the other party is indeed crazy and exciting enough!

Emily believes that as long as today's news is broadcast, it will detonate Gotham.

And she can also use this big news as a springboard to achieve a gorgeous turn in her career.

"A native of the motherland? Is this your nickname? Like Batman?"

After Emily regained her composure, she continued to gather her energy and conduct an interview with Rorschach, "What special meaning does this nickname have? Is it related to your decision to fight criminals?"

"Quick, stop this!"

At this time, Gordon got up from the ground with great effort, gritted his teeth and walked towards Emily.

Trying to stop Emily's interview.

Rorschach turned her head and glanced at Gordon slightly, stretched out her hand slightly towards him, and used a slight and extremely powerful telepathy.


Gordon's body shook, as if he was hit by an invisible hand, and he fell to the ground again.

what's the situation?

Hurt someone from a distance?

Emily and Parker looked stunned again.

But no matter what, Gordon's policemen can no longer approach them, which is a good thing.

Emily ignored the police and continued to conduct in-depth reports and interviews with Rorschach.

"I, a citizen of my country, will not allow criminals in Gotham!"

"I didn't care before, but since I announced this sentence, whoever dares to engage in criminal activities will be regarded as a provocation against me."

"They are role models for provocateurs!"

There is no doubt that Rorschach is on fire, the kind that is purple with fire.

Overnight, he went from an unknown person to a super celebrity known to everyone in Gotham.

Everyone was truly shocked when they saw Rorschach's heroic words on the TV.


This is a lunatic!

Like Emily Parker and others, this is the first thought that flashes through everyone's mind.

Gotham City has never been short of lunatics, but there are really few who can be so crazy.

However, not many people really take Rorschach's threat seriously.

Although it was specifically reported in the news, the people of the motherland killed more than 20 powder dealers and knocked down the police in order to shock everyone.

But few believe it.

People are always like this. For some people and things that are beyond their scope of understanding, they will always subconsciously understand them based on their usual thinking.

Everyone thought that it was just a show concocted by the people of the motherland.

Not really.

Of course.

If the Gotham Police Department is willing to accept interviews and announce the truth of the matter, I believe there will be far fewer people who hold this view.

But it's a pity.

Such a shameful thing is a disgrace to the Gotham Police Department.

Neither Gordon nor the other police officers involved declined to disclose any relevant information.

This caused Rorschach to suddenly fall into the ridicule of the crowd.

"A native of the motherland? He's just a clown trying to impress people!"

"Gotham TV is getting more and more rubbish. They can even report fake news like this!"

"If this guy wanted to be famous, I can only say that he succeeded!"

"Poor guy, I bet he won't live for three days, those lunatics in Gotham won't let him go!"

"Three days? We should see his body on the street tomorrow!"

The name Homelander suddenly aroused crazy discussions throughout Gotham.

Almost everyone is discussing this madman who "appeared out of nowhere".

Basically it was all ridicule and sarcasm.

There are only a few exceptions.

"A native of the motherland? So he was called a native of the motherland?"

Inside a high-end apartment.

Having just finished taking a shower, the wet and fragrant Catwoman was wiping her hair while looking at Rorschach who was chatting on the news.

Even she was stunned.

She had never seen such a madman in all her time in Gotham.

"He's serious!"

But soon, Catwoman murmured.

Looking at the entire Gotham, the only one who has truly seen Rorschach's abilities is Catwoman.

Although Catwoman has only seen the tip of the iceberg.

However, she is indeed the person who knows Rorschach best.

According to the intelligence obtained by Catwoman, the people of the motherland can fly, possess terrifying speed, and have methods similar to controlling objects through the air.

How can such a monster, who can be called a monster, be compared to ordinary criminals?

Even Gotham's craziest and most dangerous criminals are not even one-tenth as dangerous as the people of our motherland.

If Homelander really wants to kill a criminal, Catwoman can't imagine what kind of person can escape.

Others don't believe in killing more than 20 gang members and knocking down more than a dozen policemen, but Catwoman still believes it.

With Homelander's magical ability, it is not a problem to do such a thing.

"If Homelander is not joking, then Gotham is going to change."

Catwoman was silent for a long time before she murmured again.


"Homelander? What a lunatic!"

In the Wayne Manor Sanatorium, Bruce Wayne, lying on the bed, was also severely stimulated by Rorschach.

Others don't know what Homelander is crazy about, and suddenly he is irreconcilable with the criminals in Gotham, but Bruce Wayne knows very well that it is because of the bet between the other party and himself.

Because of Bruce Wayne's words "Unless there are no criminals in Gotham"!

Bruce Wayne has never taken this sentence seriously, and never thought that Homelander would take it seriously.

After all, that sentence is too crazy.

But now it seems.

Homelander took it seriously.

Not only that, the other party also took actual action!

A complete lunatic!

He actually declared war on all the criminals in Gotham!

Although Bruce Wayne was beaten up twice by Rorschach and knew that Rorschach was very skilled, Bruce Wayne did not think highly of Rorschach.

Gotham, how could it be as simple as it seemed?

That guy was looking for death!

But it would be fine if you were looking for death, you could just find a deserted place and die quietly, why did you do this?

How much trouble would Gotham be in after he did this?

Wouldn't that cause trouble for Batman?

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