American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 374 All the super villains in Gotham are having fun

Arkham Asylum.

In a very spacious office.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked elegant and even wore a touch of elegance, looked at Rorschach talking eloquently on TV, and couldn't help but raise a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth.

"The clown!"

After a few seconds, the young man gave his own evaluation.


Turning off the TV, the young man never took the lunatic who called himself "a native of the motherland" to heart.

He then stood up, walked to a safe in the corner of the office, entered the password, and opened the safe.

But what was placed in the safe was not a knife, gold bars or other valuable items, but a mask.

One looks like it was randomly pieced together with linen, with just a few holes punched out to serve as the facial features of the mask, nothing more.

It's just outrageously rough.

However, this extremely rough mask has brought hellish nightmares and fear to countless people.

Even in Arkham Asylum, there are many mentally disturbed patients who are frightened crazy by this mask.

"Who is the next target?"

The young man held the mask and a small tube of fear gas, muttering to himself.

In a very dilapidated apartment.

A man wearing a bathrobe and with "heavy paint" clown makeup on his face was sitting in front of a table, concentrating on assembling a chemical bomb.

Looking at his focused and serious look, someone who didn't know it might have thought he was a scientist conducting some precise experiment.


He casually lifted a few strands of his "hair" that hung down to his forehead, and licked his tongue as usual. The man touched the bottle of rum at his feet, raised his neck and took a sip.

Alcohol and bombs are simply the best spices in life.

"I, a citizen of my country, will not allow criminals in Gotham!"

Suddenly, the man paused and looked at the TV behind him.

On the screen, a young man talking freely attracted the man's attention.

In a luxurious villa.

A tall, muscular man wearing a black suit and a mustache sat on the sofa.

While watching some news about Gotham on the TV, he was wiping a long sword that only ninjas could use.

Around the man, there were several fully armed men standing like javelins.

At first glance, you can tell that he plays a role as a guard for men.

When Rorschach suddenly said those bold words, the man's movements paused.

But it returned to normal after a second.

Like other super criminals, the man also didn't take Rorschach seriously.

"Chief, does this person need attention?"

A confidant discreetly solicits a man's opinion.

"No need."

The man replied nonchalantly, "Gotham will be destroyed by us soon. No one can change this, and he? He is just a trash fish."

Penguin, Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and so on.

These "star villains" who will be sent to Arkham Asylum by Batman in the future, but are still active in Gotham, almost all noticed Rorschach immediately.

"More than twenty corpses are lying there, but their deterrence is only this small?"

Using his super hearing to hear the sounds of the entire Gotham, Rorschach was slightly stunned.

He had long expected that he would not be able to deter the criminals in Gotham at once, but to be honest, it was a bit unexpected that the effect would be so minimal.

But on second thought, yes.

Although the news said that those people from the "Red Pink Gang" and "Skull and Bones" all killed themselves, who saw them killing people?

Who knows how those people died!

And among the policemen who were knocked to the ground in Gordon, who saw that it was Rorschach who knocked them down?

In everyone's opinion, those police officers were more likely to be members of the two gangs, the "Red Pink Gang" and the "Skull and Bones".

There was a fight between the two sides, gang members were killed, and the police were knocked down. This is a logical story.

As for Rorschach, a native of his homeland?

He was just a clown who used some tricks to get himself famous through TV stations.

"If that's the case, then...let's speak with the facts!"

Rorschach stood up immediately and didn't take this matter to heart.

In his plan, killing the two gangs of powder dealers and "sending a notice" to all criminals in Gotham was originally the first step of the plan, nothing more.

Although the result of the first step is slightly unsatisfactory, at least a basic goal is achieved:

All the criminals in Gotham know the number one figure "Homelander".

Then, it’s time to move on to the second step!

Get rid of all the criminals who didn't listen to your warning!

After making the decision, Rorschach had no nonsense and immediately used his super hearing to cover the entire Gotham.

In an instant.

All the sounds in Gotham were heard by Rorschach.

All criminal activities, except those that were silent, were immediately known to Rorschach.


Luo Xia swayed and the person disappeared.

next moment.

Rorschach's body appeared outside an abandoned factory.

On the surface, there seemed to be nothing special here, but in fact, there were two gangs trading arms in the warehouse.

It was a particularly bad and serious criminal activity, so it was naturally at the top of Rorschach's elimination list.

"Who is it!"


Rorschach's figure had just appeared, and the men who were guarding the door of the abandoned factory with guns in their hands immediately discovered Rorschach.

The submachine guns in their hands were raised to Rorschach at the first time.

"Huh? Wait a minute, it's this guy!"


Soon, the two men recognized Rorschach's identity.

On their faces, they all showed an extremely sarcastic look.

This lunatic actually dared to show up?

Could it be that he really came to stop me?

Did my friend's brain really not get squeezed by the door?

"So it's you. You don't allow us to engage in criminal activities, right? But now, we are conducting an arms deal. What are you going to do to us?"

A big man with a ponytail taunted Rorschach mercilessly.


After saying this, two extremely blazing heat rays came out of Rorschach's eyes.

He swept them towards the two guards.

"What's going on..."



The two big men showed extremely frightened expressions on their faces.

But before they could even scream, they were mercilessly cut into two by Rorschach.

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