American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 375 The price of provoking the motherland, a river of blood in Gotham



The broken corpse fell in front of Rorschach like mud.

Luo Xia didn't even look at it, and came to the big iron gate as if nothing had happened.

His fist flew up and punched out.


A fist mark suddenly appeared on the big iron gate, then twisted and deformed, and then flew out.

It flew dozens of meters away and slammed into the factory compound.

"what happened!"

"what happened!"

The gang members on both sides of the transaction in the compound were all shocked.

Who on earth is this person who actually managed to blow away such a big iron door?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?


Everyone, whether buyers or sellers, immediately grasped the weapons in their hands.

As if facing a formidable enemy, he stared in the direction of the door.

Not even one of them dared to take a breath.

Tap tap tap!

Tap tap tap!

Under everyone's gaze, an extremely young figure walked in as if nothing had happened.

It's like neighbors visiting each other.

And when everyone saw Luo Xia's face clearly, they all couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

It's him?

That person from the motherland who talks nonsense on TV?

Was there any mistake?

"I have warned you that any further criminal activities will be a provocation to me, but unfortunately, you just did this."

"So...I can only kill you."

Luo Xia glanced at the gang members and said these words calmly.

It seemed like he was talking about something as trivial as eating and drinking.

This guy is indeed insane!

All the gang members sneered.

"Another lunatic like Batman, kill him!"


Bang bang bang!

With a sharp shout, all the gang members ruthlessly pulled the triggers on Rorschach.

Rorschach ignored it, as if the hail of bullets didn't exist at all.

But in his eyes, extremely blazing heat rays began to flash.



One scream after another continued to sound.

One gang member after another was mercilessly cut in half by Rorschach, their heads exploded, and they died miserably.

"Weird, monster!"

"What kind of monster is he?"

"S-please spare me!"

The remaining gang members were all so frightened that even the hand holding the gun couldn't help but tremble.

God, what kind of devil is this?

The bullets can't hurt you at all, and lasers can come out of your eyes!

What a joke!

Even in Gotham, the appearance of such a demon is too exaggerated, right?

Tsk tsk tsk!

But Rorschach ignored those people's pleas for mercy and swept through the crowd mercilessly like a cold-blooded killing machine.

Gang members one after another fell to Rorschach's heat ray.


The scene became completely quiet.

Except for Rorschach, there was no one left standing.

"Leave my mark!"

After thinking for a while, Rorschach shot out a heat ray with only one eye and carved a name on the ground: People of the Motherland.

After all, there is no surveillance or anything here, and there are no survivors. Who knows who killed all the people on the ground?

Of course.

The Gotham Police Department will probably spend a certain amount of time and energy investigating and eventually find out that Rorschach did it. But since Rorschach plans to use the word "patriot" to scare Gotham, it is naturally better to take the initiative to reveal his identity. .

"Done, next one!"


Using super hearing to capture another criminal incident, Rorschach swayed and disappeared.

Almost at the same moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared on a somewhat deserted street.

And not far in front of Rorschach.

A middle-aged man wearing a hat with the brim of his hat pulled low was pointing a gun at a young man in a suit and leather suit who looked like an elite.

"Help? Do you really think someone will come to save you? The Waynes were killed!"

The middle-aged man in the hat loaded the gun and laughed ruthlessly, "This is Gotham!"

I was about to kill the guy in front of me with one shot. After all, this lawyer was so ignorant that he actually bit the financial backer behind him and wanted to bring down the financial backer without killing him. Who should die?

But at this moment, the middle-aged man in the hat suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because just a second ago the lawyer who was panicking and screaming for help suddenly became quiet at this moment.

He stared blankly in the direction behind him.

It seemed like there was someone there.

The middle-aged man in the hat subconsciously glanced at it and was immediately shocked.

Because behind him, there was actually a young man standing!


The middle-aged man in the hat couldn't keep calm at all. Could this young man be a ghost?

Everyone appeared behind him, but he didn't notice any movement at all.

"Who are you? If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The middle-aged man in the hat stared at Rorschach and shouted in a deep voice.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the middle-aged man in the hat would definitely shoot without hesitation and kill the other party.

But for some reason, the young man in front of him, who was obviously many years younger than himself, actually brought him great pressure.

He dared not act rashly.

"I said, there must be no criminals in Gotham!"

"Once they appear, they must die!"

Rorschach ignored the words of the middle-aged man in the hat, but just spit out such words from his mouth coldly and ruthlessly.

"It's you!"


The middle-aged man in the hat finally realized who Rorschach was, and immediately showed an incredible look on his face.

The guy who was ridiculed and sneered on TV, actually did it for real?


"Go to hell, psychopath!"

The middle-aged man in the hat roared, and planned to shoot Rorschach to death.


But before his fingers could exert force, Rorschach's fist hit his chest first.


Along with the sound of the bones breaking, the heart of the middle-aged man in the hat was smashed into a pool of mud by Rorschach.

He fell to the ground on the spot, deader than dead.


The young lawyer who was saved by Rorschach looked at Rorschach with endless fear.

It was not much better than facing the middle-aged man in the hat.

In his eyes, Rorschach was even more terrifying than the middle-aged man in the hat.

At least that guy was a killer hired by others, but the one in front of him?

He looked like a madman no matter how you looked at him.

Rorschach didn't care about the young lawyer's reaction at all. He was not in a hurry and used the heat ray again to carve the name of Homelander on the ground.


After doing all this, Rorschach shook and disappeared.

In the following time, Rorschach's figure appeared in every corner of Gotham.

Every time he appeared in a place, it must be accompanied by fear and blood!

This day was destined to be an unpeaceful day.

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